Collision detection only for Axis-Aligned-Bounding-Boxes (aka AABB).
This library isn't a fully featured physics engine : don't expect a realistic physics simulation but it could be enough for basic game physics (platformer games, top-down games, shoot-em-ups). Though, Humper has spatial hashing for better performances and all the necessary moving and collision test tools needed for building a 2D game.
The library doesn't rely on any particular framework, its pure C# with all needed types included. It is fairly easy to integrate with existing frameworks like Monogame.
Available on NuGet
var world = new World(500, 300);
// Create a box of size (20,20) at position (100,100)
var body = world.Create(100, 100, 20, 20);
// Create a second box
world.Create(50, 150, 100, 100);
// Try to move the box to (100,200) with a slide movement for every other collided body of the world
var result = body.Move(170,200, (collision) => CollisionResponses.Slide);
// React to collisions
Debug.WriteLine("Body collided!");
The world is a virtual representation of your physics environnement. It manages all bodies and have a given size.
The world is subdivided in cells of 64
by default to faster collision calculation, but you can also change this parameter at instanciation.
Create a new box in the world.
Remove the specified box from the world.
Find the boxes contained in the given area of the world.
Queries the world to find the nearest colliding point from a given position.
Queries the world to find the nearest colliding position from an oriented segment.
Queries the world to find the nearest colliding position from a moving rectangle.
A box represents any object of your physical world as an Axis-Aligned-Bounding-Boxes (a rectangle that cannot be rotated).
The top left corner X coordinate of the box.
The top left corner Y coordinate of the box.
The height of the box.
The width of the box.
Triggers a movement of the box in the physical world from its current position to the given one. The filters should indicate how the box reacts when colliding with another box of the world (see Responses
section for more info).
Simulates the move of the box to the specified coordinates with collisition simulation (the boxe's position isn't altered at all).
Add enumeration flags to the box.
Indicates whether the box has at least one of the given tags.
Indicates whether the box has all of the given tags.
Custom user data that can be attached to the box.
A collision represents the result of a movement query that resulted in a collision and that need to be resolved to a response.
The box that moved.
The other box than being collided by the moving box.
The starting position of the moving box.
The intialy requested goal destination for the moving box.
Gets information about the impact point.
An hit point represents the impact with a box of the world.
Gets the collided box.
The normal vector of the collided box side.
The amount of movement needed from origin to get the impact position.
The impact position.
The amount of movement needed from impact position to get the requested initial goal position.
When moving a box, a response should be returned through a filter to indicate how this box should react to a collision with another box.
Several CollisionResponses
are included :
All collisions are ignored.
The box moves to the collision impact position.
The box moves through and ignore collision.
The box slides on the collided side of the other box.
The box is reflected from the side of the other box.
A custom implementation of ICollisionResponse
can also be provided if needed.
A debug layer is provided if you want to draw the boxes : you only have to provide basic drawing functions to the world DrawDebug
An example Monogame implementation :
private void DrawCell(int x, int y, int w, int h, float alpha)
spriteBatch.Draw(pixelTexture, pixelTexture.Bounds, new Rectangle(x,y,w,h), new Color(Color.White,alpha));
private void DrawBox(IBox box)
spriteBatch.Draw(pixelTexture, pixelTexture.Bounds, box.Bounds.ToRectangle(), Color.Green);
private void DrawString(string message, int x, int y, float alpha)
var size = this.font.MeasureString(message);
spriteBatch.DrawString(this.font, message, new Vector2( x - size.X / 2, y - size.Y / 2), new Color(Color.White, alpha));
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
spriteBatch.Begin(blendState: BlendState.NonPremultiplied);
var b = world.Bounds;
world.DrawDebug((int)b.X, (int)b.Y, (int)b.Width, (int)b.Height, DrawCell, DrawBox, DrawString);
Check the samples if you wish to implement a :
- Add resizing
- Improve documentation
- Optimize code
Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug please report it and if you want a feature please report it.
If you want to contribute code please file an issue and create a branch off of the current dev branch and file a pull request.
MIT © Aloïs Deniel