Route Finding Case Study
A Scala / functional programming case study based on this kata.
Imagine some route finding API that provides possible paths from a source to a destination.
Given a list of paths, select the best one based on distance and whether it includes intermediate stops (points along the path).
Expect the API to produce only valid path lists according to the following specification:
A path list has:
- a list of paths
A path has:
- a list of segments
A segment has:
- a source point
- a destination point
A point has:
- an x coordinate
- a y coordinate
Suggested Steps
Try solving the kata in the following steps:
- Write code to handle distance:
- Compute the distance of a segment
- Compute the distance of a path
- Find the shortest path in a list of paths
- Write code to handle stops:
- Calculate the points along a path
- Filter paths keeping only those which include a point
- Filter paths keeping only those which include a given list of points
- Write code to find the best path in a list of paths
Bonus problem (harder):
- Given a list of segments, compute all possible paths between 2 points.
Use Placeholders
Start every method by writing its signature and ???
as its body:
def myMethod(arg1: Arg1Type, arg2: Arg2Type): ResultType =
You can use
anywhere in your code to stub out something you don't yet know how to write. -
If you're having trouble with a big line of code:
- split it into smaller lines;
- assign each intermediate result to a variable;
- put a type annotation on each variable.
You might consider writing the code using TDD:
- Start by writing a unit test
- Allow the test to fail (to compile or to pass)
- Write just enough application code to make the unit test pass
- Write another test (and so on)
I have preconfigured a unit testing library called ScalaTest to get you started.
SBT Cheat Sheet
> compile # compile your code
> test # run all tests
> testOnly <CLASSNAME> # run all tests in a single test suite
> testOnly paths.SegmentSpec # run all tests in SegmentSpec
> run # run your code (needs a main class/method)