Dart Code Lab Samples
These are small Dart samples used by the following codelabs:
- (Needs updates) Beware the Nest o' Pirates, which shows you how to write a RESTful Dart server.
- (Deprecated) Avast Ye Pirates, where you learn to build an Angular 2 web app.
- (Deprecated) Original pirate codelab written using dart:html, where you learn to build a web app.
- (Moved) AngularDart Components Lottery Simulator has moved to site-webdev under examples/acx/lottery.
For links to the latest Dart codelabs, see dartlang.org/codelabs.
Repository structure
- Each top-level folder holds the sources to an individual codelab.
: bash script that runs dartanalyzer on all Dart source files in the web directory.
Currently, drone.io tests only whether the .dart files under web/ pass static analysis (dartanalyzer). We could do real unit testing, and we could do better with HTML samples.