A python package for generating realizations of stochastic processes.
The stochastic
package is available on pypi and can be installed using pip
pip install stochastic
Stochastic uses numpy
for many calculations and scipy
for sampling
specific random variables.
This package offers a number of common discrete-time, continuous-time, and
noise process objects for generating realizations of stochastic processes as
The diffusion processes are approximated using the Euler–Maruyama method.
Here are the currently supported processes and their class references within the package.
- BesselProcess
- BrownianBridge
- BrownianExcursion
- BrownianMeander
- BrownianMotion
- CauchyProcess
- FractionalBrownianMotion
- GammaProcess
- GeometricBrownianMotion
- InverseGaussianProcess
- MixedPoissonProcess
- MultifractionalBrownianMotion
- PoissonProcess
- SquaredBesselProcess
- VarianceGammaProcess
- WienerProcess
- DiffusionProcess (generalized)
- ConstantElasticityVarianceProcess
- CoxIngersollRossProcess
- ExtendedVasicekProcess
- OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess
- VasicekProcess
- BernoulliProcess
- ChineseRestaurantProcess
- DirichletProcess
- MarkovChain
- MoranProcess
- RandomWalk
- BlueNoise
- BrownianNoise
- ColoredNoise
- PinkNoise
- RedNoise
- VioletNoise
- WhiteNoise
- FractionalGaussianNoise
- GaussianNoise
Usage patterns
To use stochastic
, import the process you want and instantiate with the
required parameters. Every process class has a sample
method for generating
realizations. The sample
methods accept a parameter n
for the quantity
of steps in the realization, but others (Poisson, for instance) may take
additional parameters. Parameters can be accessed as attributes of the
from stochastic.processes.discrete import BernoulliProcess
bp = BernoulliProcess(p=0.6)
s = bp.sample(16)
success_probability = bp.p
Continuous processes provide a default parameter, t
, which indicates the
maximum time of the process realizations. The default value is 1. The sample
method will generate n
equally spaced increments on the
interval [0, t]
Sampling at specific times
Some continuous processes also provide a sample_at()
method, in which a
sequence of time values can be passed at which the object will generate a
realization. This method ignores the parameter, t
, specified on
from stochastic.processes.continuous import BrownianMotion
bm = BrownianMotion(drift=1, scale=1, t=1)
times = [0, 3, 10, 11, 11.2, 20]
s = bm.sample_at(times)
Sample times
Continuous processes also provide a method times()
which generates the time
values (using numpy.linspace
) corresponding to a realization of n
steps. This is particularly useful for plotting your samples.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from stochastic.processes.continuous import FractionalBrownianMotion
fbm = FractionalBrownianMotion(hurst=0.7, t=1)
s = fbm.sample(32)
times = fbm.times(32)
plt.plot(times, s)
Specifying an algorithm
Some processes provide an optional parameter algorithm
, in which one can
specify which algorithm to use to generate the realization using the
or sample_at()
methods. See the documentation for
process-specific implementations.
from stochastic.processes.noise import FractionalGaussianNoise
fgn = FractionalGaussianNoise(hurst=0.6, t=1)
s = fgn.sample(32, algorithm='hosking')