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    MIT License
  • Created about 10 years ago
  • Updated over 4 years ago


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Repository Details

my theme for hexo named coney


based on Pacman.

coney is a flat and responsive design theme for Hexo.

you can star my porject to get information while I update the theme.



声明: 本主题遵循MIT开源协议,可自由更改。去掉最下面的那行版权声明我也没有意见,但是请某些人注意点,你去掉也就算了,你改成你自己的名字算怎么回事?你要真改成你自己的,你起码改改啊。-_-!



$ git clone -b master https://github.com/coneycode/coney themes/coney

Coney requires Hexo 2.4.5 and above.


Modify theme setting in blog folder _config.yml to coney.

theme = coney


cd themes/coney
git pull origin master

please backup your _config.yml file before update.


Modify settings in /themes/coney/_config.yml.

##### Menu
  Home: /
  Archives: /archives
## you can create `tags` and `categories` folders in `../source`.
## And create a `index.md` file in each of them.
## set `front-matter`as
## layout: tags (or categories)
## title: tags (or categories)
## ---

#### Widgets
- category
- tag
- links
- rss
- tagcloud
## provide six widgets:category,tag,rss,archive,tagcloud,links.
## modify links in `/layout/_widget/links.ejs`.

#### RSS
rss:  atom.xml ## RSS address.

#### Image
  enable: false             ## display image logo true/false.
  src: img/logo.svg        ## `.svg` and `.png` are recommended,please put image into the theme folder `/coney/source/img`.

favicon: img/favicon.ico   ## size:32px*32px,`.ico` is recommended,please put image into the theme folder `/coney/source/img`.     

#### Author Avatar Picture
author_img_enable: true ## display author avatar picture
author_img: img/coney.png ## size:220px*220px.
## if the picture's format is `.png` or `.jpg`  instead of dataURI,you should set the `dataURI` value to false.

#### Font
ShowCustomFont: true  
## you can change custom font in `variable.styl` and `font.styl` which in the theme folder `/coney/source/css`.

#### Toc
  article: true   ## show contents in article.
  aside: true     ## show contents in aside.
## you can set both of the value to true of neither of them.
## if you don't want display contents in a specified post,you can modify `front-matter` and add `toc: false`.

#### Fancybox
fancybox: false 
## if you use gallery post or want use fancybox please set the value to true.
## if you want use fancybox in ANY post please copy the file `fancybox.js`.
## in theme folder `/coney/scripts` to your hexo blog folder `../scritps`.

#### Author information
  google_plus:    ## eg:116338260303228776998 for https://plus.google.com/u/0/116338260303228776998
  weibo:      coneylife ## e.g. 436062867 for http://weibo.com/436062867
  twitter:    ## e.g. gengbiaosky for https://twitter.com/yangjiansky
  github:     coneycode ## e.g. coneycode for https://github.com/coneycode
  facebook:   ## e.g. gengbiao for https://favebook.com/yangjian
  tsina:      1005055274569156 ## e.g. 1664838973  Your weibo ID,It will be used in share button.
  zhihu:     # coneylife, now it is no icon, I have push an issue to Font Awesome.

#### Comment
  enable: true  ## duoshuo.com
  short_name: coney ## duoshuo short name.

#### Share button
  enable: false ## if you use jiathis as your share tool,the built-in share tool won't be display.
  id:    ## e.g. 1501277 your jiathis ID. 
  tsina: ## e.g. 1664838973 Your weibo id,It will be used in share button.

####Baidu Analytics
  enable: true
  id: # your baidu analytics id
####Baidu Share
  enable: true
   color: 4 
####theme color 
####ATTENTION:now hexo is not support it, if you want change color you must update stylus.see the bottom.
    background: "#dddddd"  
    font: "#817c7c"       
    theme: '#ea6753'      
    footer: "#ffffff"
  enable: true
  id:   #your baidu_search_id
  site: http://search.baidu.com/cse/search  #your can change your site instead the default site
  enable: true
  id:   ## e.g. UA-55273525-1  your google analytics ID.
  site: gengbiao.me ## e.g. gengbiao.me your google analytics site or set the value as auto.
## You MUST upgrade to Universal Analytics first!
## https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/upgrade/?hl=zh_CN

####background music 
  enable: false
#### Custom Search
  enable: false
  cx:  ## e.g. 000561263943549425496:91c2z8qybp0 your Custom Search ID
## https://www.google.com/cse/ 
## To enable the custom search You must create a "search" folder in '/source' and a "index.md" file
## set the 'front-matter' as
## layout: search 
## title: search
## ---

Add Color support stylus version

##under the blog path/
cd node_modules/hexo-renderer-stylus 
sudo npm install [email protected]  
##Maybe you should sudo + command, maybe not./ ##根据系统文件的权限不同,有的不需要加sudo,这里默认没有写权限,需要用管理员权限执行指令