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Code for projects presented in Udemy "React Testing with Jest and Enzyme" courseudemy-TESTING-LIBRARY
Code to accompany "Testing React with Jest and Testing Library" course on Udemyudemy-REACT-QUERY
Code to support the Udemy course "React Query: Server State Management in React"udemy-NEXTJS-TESTING
Code to accompany the Udemy course "Testing Next.js Applications"udemy-REGEX
Lecture examples and code exercises for "Regular Expressions for Beginners and Beyond! With Exercises"bonniedotdev
code for the websiteudemy-ADVANCED-REACT-TESTING
Code to support the Udemy course "Advanced React Testing: Redux Saga and React Router"ten-cent-teacakes
Web site for string band Ten Cent Teacakesudemy-A11Y-TESTING
Code to accompany Udemy "Automated Accessibliity Testing" courseh4h_2017
example projects for Hacking for Humanity, 2017my_heavens
Web app to visualize the stars and planets at a particular date and timetestJS-2021
Scaffold code for "Testing React Server Calls: Loading and Errors" workshop at TestJS 2021automated-a11y-testing-workshop
Code to accompany the 2021-11-22 TestJS Summit workshopboxcharter
WIP: Web app to create box charts for music makerseslint-atom-install
Code for projects for the Udemy course RESTful APIs with Python and Flask (tested with pytest)udemy-jest-gift-giver
Gift Giver app from Udemy react tdd course:
Code to accompany blog post for daily stock market mover emailudemy-react-redux-testing
notes from group coding in fundamentals study halls, January - March 2017react-query-sketches
demonstration of useQueries (
react app from scratch using
app to enter the SF hamilton lottery automatically. Sadly defunct as of SHM changes 4/30/17express-react-app
code from tutorial:
Hiking Clubhiking-club-api
Code for the JSNation Live Regular Expressions workshop, June 14, 2021slides
Slides for conference talksLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us