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  • Created over 5 years ago
  • Updated 7 months ago


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Repository Details

Task tracker for Portal 2: Community Edition

Portal 2: Community Edition

Portal 2: Community Edition is a custom community made engine branch of Valve's Portal 2 made to bring more features to modders and mappers of the game. The engine is based off of CS:GO with all Portal 2 features reimplemented as well as a bunch of new additions!

This GitHub repository is used as a task tracker and does not contain P2CE's source code.
For more information, visit our website or join our Discord Server.

Issue guidelines

Before submitting an issue, please first discuss it on our Discord Server.

Issues should..

  • be a singular task that can be completed independently
  • include all necessary information to understand the meaning without having to ask
  • only regard the game P2CE itself and not Portal 2 or other open source repositories. Open your issue there

Other Repositories

  • P2CE's custom Hammer editor FGD, editor icons and more are found on this repository.
  • Map instances can be found here.