The PSPrivateGallery project is not under active development
The repository remains available for reference and pull requests will be considered, but no active work is being done on this project.
If you need a private repository of PowerShell modules, we recommend deploying a Nuget repository and using PowerShellGet to retrieve and publish modules and scripts to it. contains an overview of options for hosting a Nuget repository.
Oustanding GitHub issues have been closed to clearly indicate that they are not being worked on.
Deploy and Manage a Private PowerShell Gallery
- Windows 10 / Windows OS containing WMF 5.1 []
Clone this project locally OR Use the files from Releases section.
Deploy Gallery DSC Resources
- Copy
folder contents to$env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
- Copy
Generate Credential files -
IMPORTANT: These passwords must meet your password complexity requirements (domain and local machine)Get-Credential –Credential GalleryUser | Export-Clixml .\GalleryUserCredFile.clixml
Get-Credential –Credential GalleryAdmin | Export-Clixml .\GalleryAdminCredFile.clixml
Update Configuration Data for your needs (optional)
Deploy the Gallery
pushd .\Configuration; .\PSPrivateGallery.ps1; popd
Populate the local instance of the Gallery with specified PowerShell modules
Initialize the Private PSGallery Repository
pushd ".\PSPrivateGallery\Configuration"; .\PSPrivateGalleryPublish.ps1; popd
Add inbound firewall rule permitting access to the gallery
New-NetFirewallRule -Name PSGallery -DisplayName "PSGallery" -Description "Allow access to the PSGallery" -Protocol TCP -RemoteAddress Any -LocalPort 8080 -Action Allow -enabled True
Register the Private PSGallery as an internal PowerShell repository, using Register-PSRepository.
Register-PSRepository –Name PSPrivateGallery –SourceLocation "http://localhost:8080/api/v2" –InstallationPolicy Trusted –PackageManagementProvider NuGet
Check that the Repository Status
Get-PSRepository | ft * -Autosize
Discovery, Installation and Inventory of module using the internal/private PowerShell repository
Find-Module –Name PSScriptAnalyzer
Install-Module –Name PSScriptAnalyzer
Get-Module –Name PSScriptAnalyzer