Semantic versioning helper library • Created by Chris Kankiewicz (@PHLAK)
- PHP >= 7.2
composer require phlak/semver
use PHLAK\SemVer;
$version = new SemVer\Version(); // Initilializes to '0.1.0'
Or initialize with a custom version by passing a version string on creation.
Accepts any valid semantic version string with or without a preceding v
$version = new SemVer\Version('v1.2.3-alpha.5+sha.8d31ff4');
Or parse an incomple version string with the static Version::parse()
$version = SemVer\Version::parse('v1') // Initializes to '1.0.0'
$version = SemVer\Version::parse('v1.2') // Initializes to '1.2.0'
Retrieve the version or individual values
$version = new SemVer\Version('v1.2.3-beta.4+007');
echo $version; // '1.2.3-beta.4+007'
echo $version->major; // 1
echo $version->minor; // 2
echo $version->patch; // 3
echo $version->preRelease; // 'beta.4'
echo $version->build; // '007'
Increment the version
$version = new SemVer\Version('v1.2.3');
$version->incrementMajor(); // v1.2.3 -> v2.0.0
$version->incrementMinor(); // v1.2.3 -> v1.3.0
$version->incrementPatch(); // v1.2.3 -> v1.2.4
$version->incrementPreRelease(); // v1.2.3-alpha.5 -> v1.2.3-alpha.6
Set (override) the version or individual values
$version = new SemVer\Version();
$version->setVersion('v1.2.3'); // v1.2.3
$version->setMajor(3); // v1.2.3 -> v3.0.0
$version->setMinor(5); // v1.2.3 -> v1.5.0
$version->setPatch(7); // v1.2.3 -> 1.2.7
$version->setPreRelease('rc.2'); // v1.2.3 -> v1.2.3-rc.2
$version->setBuild('007'); // v1.2.3 -> v1.2.3+007
Clear pre-release / build values
$version->setPreRelease(null); // v1.2.3-rc.2 -> v1.2.3
$version->setBuild(null); // v1.2.3+007 -> v1.2.3
Compare two SemVer objects
$version1 = new SemVer('v1.2.3');
$version2 = new SemVer('v3.2.1');
$version1->gt($version2); // false
$version1->lt($version2); // true
$version1->eq($version2); // false
$version1->neq($version2); // true
$version1->gte($version2); // false
$version1->lte($version2); // true
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