Front-End Developers Tools
All Tools and Technologies Needed for Front-End Developers, Orderd by My Recommendations
- Editors and IDEs
- Css Preprocessors and Tools
- HTML Template Engines and Processors
- JavaScript Transpilers and Compilers
- Design Frameworks and UI Kits
- Prototyping and Wireframing
- Grid Only Tools
- Task Runners and Build Tools
- Test Performance
- Scaffolding Tools
- Websites For Icons
- Placeholder Image Services
- Compare Code
- Websites to Test Your Code
- Version Controls
- References
- Unit Testing and Automation Tools
- Developments Communities
- Websites to Follow
- Developments News
- Famous CMS
- Courses Websites
- Productivity Tools
- Maps for web
Editors and IDEs
All the Famous Editors you need to start working on your projects.
- VSCode Free
- Atom Free | Recommended Packages, Recommended Themes
- SublimeText $$
- Coda $$
- KomodoEdit Free
- Brackets Free
- Notepad++ Free
- Vim Free
- PHP Storm $$
- Web Storm $$
- AptanaStudio Free
Css Preprocessors and Tools
Css PreProcessing Tools help you do your work Fast, easy and More Dynamic with a Hard Chance to fail When writing CSS Code. Although Save you Time and Make You Focus on Other Things.
HTML Template Engines and Processors
Template Engines help you do your work Fast, easy and More Dynamic with a Hard Chance to fail When writing HTML Code. Although Save you Time and Make You Focus on Other Things.
HTML Ready Template to Start Projects
JavaScript Transpilers and Compilers
It Gives you the Ability to Write Modern JavaScript Code and use the features of ES6, 7, 8
Design Frameworks and UI Kits
All Frameworks and UI Kits that help you Create a cool websites and Save you Time and Power.
- Bootstrap
- Semantic UI
- Foundation
- Pure
- MaterializeCSS
- HTML Kickstart
- GroundWork
- Skeleton
- Beared
- Bulma
- Tachyons
- Tailwind
- Milligram
- UI Kit
- Kube
- KickOff
- BootFlat
- Base
- Concise
- Base ToolKit
- Picni CSS
- Spectre
Prototyping and Wireframing
Grid Only Tools
Only Grids Systems if you don't Want to Use Framework Components.
Deal with Colours
Websites to deal with colors and choose combinations and Test colours.
Task Runners and Build Tools
Test Performance
Tools to Help You Test Your Website Speed, Performance and Accessibility.
Scaffolding Tools
Websites For Icons
Placeholder Image Services
- Picsum
- LoremPixel
- ImgPlaceholder
- DummySrc
- IpsumImage
- PlaceImg
- DummyImage
- FakeImagePlease
- Placeholder
- Place-Hold
- Placehold
Compare Code
Websites to Test Your Code
Version Controls
- HTML5Please
- CanIUse
- W3Schools
- HTML Elements
- HTML Reference
- CSS Index
- CSS4
- CSS4 Selectors
- CSS Values
- Css Triggers
- CSS3 Test
- CSS Reference
Unit Testing and Automation Tools
- Jest
- Jasmine
- Mocha
- Tape
- Cypress
- WebDriver
- Test Cafe
- CasperJs
- Nightmare
- Ghost Inspector
- BackStop
- BrowserStack
- Browserling
- Gremlins
- Night Watch
Developments Communities
Websites to Follow
Developments News
- Front-End Focus
- Friday Front-End
- Dev Tips
- Fresh Brewed
- Web Develop Reading List
- Web Ops
- Web Tools Weekly
Famous CMS
- ProcessWire
- WordPress
- Joomla
- Drupal
- concrete5
- OctoberCMS
- Typo3
- Contentful
- Adobe Experience Manager
- PrestaShop
- Sitefinity
Courses Websites
- Udacity
- Lynda
- Coursera
- TeamTreeHouse
- Udemy
- Edx
- EggHead
- FreeCodeCamp
- Pluralsight
- LevelUpTuts
- Teachable
Productivity Tools
Maps APIs for web
Visual Studio Code Editor Recommended Extensions
Atom Recommended Extensions
- Atom Ternjs
- Linter
- Linter Ui Default
- Linter JsHint
- Script
- Atom Path Intellisense
- Atom Live Server
- Atom Beautify
- Minimap
- Pigments
- CSS Autoprefixer
- Color Picker
- Atom Windows TitleBar