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A lightweight express app and leaflet frontend for previewing PostGIS querieslabs-geojson2mvt
Cuts a file pyramid of static vector tiles from a geojson file.labs-zola
NYC Planning's Zoning and Land Use Appjane-maps
A framework for rich, composable web maps using React and MapboxGL.labs-community-profiles
A site for exploring indicators, data, and information for NYC community districtslabs-factfinder
New York City Census Reporting Tooldb-pluto
🔭 PLUTO and MapPLUTOsimple-node-spatial-server
Roll your own spatial data server using PostGIS, Node.js & Expresslabs-maputnik-dev-server
An express.js server that allows for quickly loading mapboxGL styles from any project into the Maputnik Style Editorlabs-migration-viz
A single-page interactive visualization of historic U.S. Census migration data for New York Citydata-engineering
Primary repository for NYC DCP's Data Engineering teamlabs-travelsheds
User-friendly transit isochrone generator powered by OpenTripPlannerceqr-app
Web Application supporting the City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) processlabs-zap-search
Search application for the DCP Zoning Application Searchdb-civic-data-loader
CLI Tool for quickly loading file-based datasets into PostgreSQL/PostGISlabs-mapboxgl-print-service
An express.js service for making print-friendly layouts of mapboxGL web maps.labs-layers-api
API for serving complex mapboxGL styleslabs-geosearch-docker
Main repository for running the Planning Labs geosearch API powered by peliaslabs-tax-lot-selector
A simple map-based tool for selecting multiple NYC tax lots and downloading a CSV or shapefile of their PLUTO datalabs-streets
The City Map is the official adopted map of the city. It shows the location, dimension and grades of streets, parks, public places, and certain public easements.labs-home
Planning Labs Static Website built with Gatsby.jsdb-developments
🏠 🏘️ 🏗️ Developments Databaseequity-tool
The frontend of Equity Development Data Tool built by Open Source
A Jekyll site for NYC Planning Labs based on 18F.gsa.govlabs-geosearch-pad-importer
Authoritative NYC Address Data for the Pelias Geocoderlabs-charter
Charter Text for NYC Planning Labslabs-geosearch-pad-normalize
R script to normalize PAD data into discrete address recordsdob-permits-geocode
Scripts for adding point geometries to the DOB Building Permits Open Datasetlabs-geosearch-docs
Website for NYC GeoSearch API Documentationlabs-factfinder-api
Search API for for labs-nyc-factfinderlabs-regional-viz
An interactive mapping experience that highlights regional planning data and trends.deprecated-labs-zap-api
Deprecated version of the ZAP API, see
A static site for the Geosupport User Programming Guideember-mapbox-composer
Ember components and models for large mapping applicationslabs-land-use-tiles
A microservice for MapPluto-based raster and vector tiles [DEPRECATED]db-facilities-old
This repo contains all the scripts used to build the City Planning Facilities Database (FacDB). Please note this database and its build and maintenance processes are still in active development.labs-applicant-portal
NYC Planning's zoning application platform. Allows New Yorkers to apply and pay for zoning permits online.db-acs
American Community Survey data processing for Population Fact Finderdb-safegraph
SafeGraph ETLdata-engineering-code-interview
✨ Just a small friendly data challenge, good luck! 🤞helper-datasets
This repo contains look-up tables related to complex datasets that can help help simplify steps in your
NYC Planning Labs' website | inspired by | built on Jekyll Foundationlabs-ember-tardy-params
Bind on-the-fly query parameters to your modelsrecipes
🍣 🍥 🍙 🍘 🍚 🍜 🍲 🍢 🍡 🥚 🍞 🍩ud-3d-model
build script for citywide rhino modeldata-loading-scripts
Scripts for loading data into capital planning databasesdb-housingdev
Please note this is the legacy repo. New repo is db-housinglabs-waterfront-access
Typeahead search API that returns addresses and POI from mapzen, lots, zoning changes, etcdb-simple-geom-editor
A Simple Leaflet Draw GeoJSON creator that outputs a terminal command to make a geojson fileedm-metadata-builder
It is a Metadata Management web-based tool to input and export metadata. Data can be imported as a CSV with template provided or via a form. Data can be exported as CSV or xml. It allows users to add details about a Datasets in the ReadMe table and/or create or add values in the existing Data Dictionary Tables.api-geocoder
a geocoding webservice that takes in uploaded python scripts and performs geocoding using the sptkl/docker-geosupport imagenyc-gtfs2geojson
Scripts for converting raw NYC GTFS data into geoJSONlabs-cd-needs-statements
Listing of community district statements of needs through the last 10 yearsud-tools-dashboard
web app dashboard for UD Rhino/Grasshopper toolsjobs
A simple jekyll site for creating technical job postings on github pages.labs-ember-jane-maps
an ember.js add-on for dynamic mapboxGL source and layer controldb-pad
deprecated ...labs-cp-platform
Boilerplate files for NYC Planning Labs repositorieslabs-cyclomedia-service
A simple web service that shows a fullscreen cyclomedia viewer for a given lat/lon pairlabs-cd-files
Static files associated with NYC community districtslabs-geosearch-api
proxy api for the geosearch pelias instancerp-USmetros_comparison
Regional Planning Division research: Economic and Population dynamics of 15 major metros across the US, 2000-2017static-vector-tile-builder
A tool for generating vector tile pyramids from geojson data.labs-community-data
Static data files that power charts on the community profiles sitelandusemap
Simple frontend app for generating local land use maps in NYCae-zoning-api
This application is API for serving data related to zoning and tax lots.labs-wiki-dokku
Deployable Dockerfile-based dokku app for wiki.jsember-labs-maps
Ember addon for ambitious MapboxGL mapping applicationsmap-styles
style guidance for GIS and Web Mapslabs-ui
Common UI components for Labs projectsmultivariate-dot-density
R package for multivariate dot densitylabs-infrastructure
Server infrastructure setup codelabs-project-matrix
A matrix of potential Labs projects visualizing impact, breadth, difficulty, and beneficiarydb-factfinder
data ETL for population fact finder (decennial + acs)aue
Calculations for best- and worst-case scenario distributions of proximity-restricted establishmentsose-equity-tool-etl
Contains code necessary to process the EDDE data files created by Data Engineering into the format expected by the equity-tool frontend. Managed by Open Source Engineeringproduct-metadata
Product Metadatadata-engineering-qaqc
streamlit app for data engineeringdb-cpdb
Capital Projects Databasedcp-logo
The DCP logo in SVG and various-sized png format with transparent backgroundtd-gtfsrt
Rework of CPPdb-pluto-inthewild
A list of all the places PLUTO is being used. A celebration of open data!ceqr-app-data-archive
(DEPRECATED)data pipelines for CEQR app, managed by data engineeringlabs-map-skeleton-app
starting point for mapping apps that combine components and style from Labs UI, models and components from Ember Mapbox Composer, and data from Labs Layers APIud-interactive
Demos for web-based models, maps and drawings from the Urban Design Officelabs-new-zola-splash-page
New ZoLa Splash Pagedb-geocode-addresspoints
GRU Addresspoint Geocoding Projecttd-citibike
flask api for geosupport python bindingsdb-data-library
📚 Data Librarytd-mtatracker
jupyter notebooks etc. for urban design data analysis projectslabs-home-api
An expressJS proxy API for blog posts and airtable
Data pipelines to populate Application Engineering databasesLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us