Automate common Facebook activities such as posting to groups & pages walls.
Link: https://www.darwinmail.app
This script makes use of the Facebook API to effortlessly carry out certain tasks.
- Post to groups your a member or an admin of.
- Post to pages your a member or an admin of.
- Set the max delay in seconds between api requests (posting).
- Set the max amount of groups to post on in one run of this script.
How to Use
- Simply open up 'config.php'
- Create a new facebook app at https://developers.facebook.com/apps
- Browse to your newly created app
- Copy in your appID and appSecret to your file in step one
- Make sure to set your apps 'Site URL' to http://localhost if your running the script locally
In the near future I plan to add many more types of Facebook functions.
- Stay tuned!
Feel free to Fork ;)