Halium project management
This repository tracks ports, proposals, and project-wide bugs for Halium.
Device ports are tracked in this repository.
To document a device port, use the template in the PORT-TEMPLATE file.
Bugs in the Halium stack are also tracked in this repository.
- Android Source
- Reference rootfs
- initramfs
Proposals are also tracked in this repository.
Proposals seek to change the Halium stack in some way that will add features or fix multiple bugs. When filing a proposal please consider the following:
- Halium's product should be as distro-agnostic as possible.
- If you are proposing a change that has not yet been developed, specify who will be developing the solution.
- A change to Halium should be tested for its effect to the major distributions that support it.
- To this end, include instructions so that others may test your proposal.
- Changes will likely affect multiple repositories. Provide links to all of your patches in your proposal.