PowerShell Empire mod to post-exploit the World! Linux, MacOS, Windows.
Empire: PowerShell post-exploitation agent | [Version]: 2.3 Mod: HackPlayers
[Web]: https://www.PowerShellEmpire.com/ | [Twitter]: @harmj0y, @sixdub, @enigma0x3
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| |__| | / ^ \ | ,----'| ' /
| __ | / /_\ \ | | | <
| | | | / _____ \ | `----.| . \
|__| |__| /__/ \__\ \______||__|\__\
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| __| | |\/| | | ___/ | | | / | __|
| |____ | | | | | | | | | |\ \----.| |____
|_______||__| |__| | _| |__| | _| `._____||_______| Mod: HackPlayers
294 modules currently loaded
0 listeners currently active
0 agents currently active
(Empire) >
Modules added
   BypassUAC-Fodhelper.ps1  (BypassUAC using fodhelper working in Windows 10)
   BypassUAC-HackPlayers-eventvwr.ps1  (BypassUAC using eventvwr working in Windows 7/8/10)
   Invoke-Mimikittenz  (Using Windows function ReadProcessMemory() in order to extract plain-text passwords)
   Keylogger_selective  (Executes a keylogger selectively)
   PsBoTelegram  (Backdoor controlled from telegram)
   Execute-Url-Script  (Run scripts from a file in a url)
   Sherlock  (Find privilege escalation vulnerabilities)
   MS16-135  (Exploit privilege escalation MS16-135 x64 by b33f FuzzySecurity)
   Invoke-HostRecon  (Situational Awareness)
   Binder-4System  (Get System from service process)
   Invoke-Phant0m  (Stops threads from the svhost process to prevent it from logging events without stopping the service.)
   Set-WindowsDefender  (We can disabled and enabled Windows Defender silently)
   DoublePulsar  (DoublePulsar inject an aribitrary DLL in other process)
   Get-ShellContent  (This script leverages modified strings2 to extract the input and output of any commandline process)
   Invoke-VNC  (This module loads a VNC server into RAM.)
   Powercat  (Netcat: The powershell version.)
   Capcom-Elevatepid.ps1  (Escalation privileges.)
Stagers added
   StarFighters JS Â
   StarFighters VBS Â
   StarFighters JS SCT Â
   StarFighters XSL Â
   Launcher XSL Â
   ASPX File Â
   PHP File Â
   HTML MS16-051 Â
Install in Debian
git clone https://github.com/hackplayers/empire-mod-hackplayers
cd empire-mod-hackplayers/setup/
sudo apt-get update > /dev/null
cd ..