DRF Friendly Errors
Extension for Django REST framework error display
This package extends default error JSON body providing configurable error codes and more consumable response structure.
It turns default JSON body of HTTP 400 response, which look like this
"name": ["This field is required."],
"password": ["This field may not be blank."]
"age": ["This field may not be null."]
"description": ["Ensure this field has no more than 100 characters."]
"code" : 1001,
"message" : "Validation Failed",
"errors" : [
"code" : 2002,
"field" : "name",
"message" : "This field is required."
"code" : 2031,
"field" : "password",
"message" : "This field may not be blank."
"code" : 2023,
"field" : "age",
"message" : "This field may not be null."
"code" : 2041,
"field" : "description",
"message" : "Ensure this field has no more than 100 characters."
Library handles all Django REST framework built-in serializer validation.
- Python (2.7, 3.4)
- Django (1.8, 1.9)
- Django REST framework (3.3)
By running installation script
$ python setup.py install
Or using pip
$ pip install drf-friendly-errors
Simply add a FriendlyErrorMessagesMixin to your serializer or model serializer class
from rest_framework_friendly_errors.mixins import FriendlyErrorMessagesMixin
class MySerializer(FriendlyErrorMessagesMixin, ModelSerializer):
If you want to change default library settings and provide your own set of error codes just add following in your settings.py
'CharField': {'required': 10, 'null':11, 'blank': 12, 'max_length': 13, 'min_length': 14}
'UniqueValidator': 50
'PermissionDenied': 100
Custom serializer validation
If you need custom field validation or validation for whole serializer register your validation in serializer class
class PostSerializer(FriendlyErrorMessagesMixin,
class Meta:
model = Post
def validate_title(self, value):
if value[0] != value[0].upper():
raise ValidationError('First letter must be an uppercase')
return value
def validate(self, attrs):
category = attrs.get('category)
title = attrs.get('title')
if category and category not in title:
raise ValidationError('Title has to include category')
return attrs
FIELD_VALIDATION_ERRORS = {'validate_title': 5000} # register your own validation method and assign it to error code
NON_FIELD_ERRORS = {'Title has to include category': 8000} # register non field error messages and assign it to error code
If you want to raise field error in validate method use register_error method provided by a mixin
class PostSerializer(FriendlyErrorMessagesMixin,
class Meta:
model = Post
def validate(self, attrs):
category = attrs.get('category')
title = attrs.get('title')
if category and category not in title:
self.register_error(error_message='Title has to include category',
return attrs
Error codes not related to serializer validation
To turn other type of errors responses into friendly errors responses with error codes add this exception handler to your REST_FRAMEWORK settings
Default error codes
Following conventions were used:
1xxx - Are reserved for non field errors
2xxx - Are reserved for field errors
3xxx - Are reserved for validator errors
4xxx - Are reserved for other errors not related to serializer validation
Default field error codes
Field is required
- 2001: BooleanField, NullBooleanField
- 2002: CharField, EmailField, RegexField, SlugField, URLField, UUIDField, FilePathField, IPAddressField
- 2003: IntegerField, FloatField, DecimalField
- 2004: ChoiceField, MultipleChoiceField
- 2005: FileField, ImageField
- 2006: ListField, DictField, JSONField
- 2007: StringRequiredField, PrimaryKeyRelatedField, HyperlinkedRelatedField, SlugRelatedField, HyperlinkedIdentityField, ManyRelatedField
- 2008: ReadOnlyField, HiddenField, ModelField, SerializerMethodField
Field data is invalid (invalid regex, string instead of number, date, etc.)
- 2011: BooleanField, NullBooleanField
- 2012: EmailField, RegexField, SlugField, URLField, UUIDField, IPAddressField
- 2013: IntegerField, FloatField, DecimalField
- 2014: FileField, ImageField
- 2015: DateTimeField, DateField, TimeField, DurationField
Field data cannot be null
- 2021: BooleanField, NullBooleanField
- 2022: CharField, EmailField, RegexField, SlugField, URLField, UUIDField, FilePathField, IPAddressField
- 2023: IntegerField, FloatField, DecimalField
- 2024: ChoiceField, MultipleChoiceField
- 2025: FileField, ImageField
- 2026: ListField, DictField, JSONField
- 2027: StringRequiredField, PrimaryKeyRelatedField, HyperlinkedRelatedField, SlugRelatedField, HyperlinkedIdentityField, ManyRelatedField
- 2028: ReadOnlyField, HiddenField, ModelField, SerializerMethodField
Field data cannot be blank
- 2031: CharField, EmailField, RegexField, SlugField, URLField, UUIDField, IPAddressField
Field data is too long string
- 2041: CharField, EmailField, RegexField, SlugField, URLField, UUIDField, IPAddressField
- 2042: IntegerField, FloatField, DecimalField
- 2043: FileField, ImageField
Field data is too short string
- 2051: CharField, EmailField, RegexField, SlugField, URLField, UUIDField, IPAddressField
Field data is too big number
- 2061: IntegerField, FloatField, DecimalField
Field data is too small number
- 2071: IntegerField, FloatField, DecimalField
Field data do not match any value from available choices
- 2081: ChoiceField, MultipleChoiceField
- 2082: FilePathField
- 2083: ManyRelatedField
Field is empty
- 2091: FileField, ImageField
- 2092: MultipleChoiceField
- 2093: ManyRelatedField
File has no name
- 2101: FileField, ImageField
File is an invalid image
- 2111: ImageField
Field is not a list
- 2121: MultipleChoiceField
- 2122: ListField
- 2123: ManyRelatedField
Field is not a dict
- 2131: DictField
Field is not a json
- 2141: JSONField
Field does not exist (invalid hyperlink, primary key, etc.)
- 2151: PrimaryKeyRelatedField, HyperlinkedRelatedField, SlugRelatedField, HyperlinkedIdentityField
Incorrect type for relation key
- 2161: PrimaryKeyRelatedField, HyperlinkedRelatedField, SlugRelatedField, HyperlinkedIdentityField
Couldn't match url or name to a view
- 2171: HyperlinkedRelatedField, HyperlinkedIdentityField
Expected a DateTime, got Date
- 2181: DateTimeField
Excpected a Date, got DateTime
- 2191: DateField
Too many digits for defined Decimal
- 2201: DecimalField
Too many whole digits for defined Decimal
- 2211: DecimalField
Too many decimal digits for defined Decimal
- 2221: DecimalField
Default built-in validators error codes
- UniqueValidator: 3001
- UniqueTogetherValidator: 3003
- UniqueForDateValidator: 3004
- UniqueForMonthValidator: 3004
- UniqueForYearValidator: 3005
- RegexValidator: 3006
- EmailValidator: 3007
- URLValidator: 3008
- MaxValueValidator: 3009
- MinValueValidator: 3010
- MaxLengthValidator: 3011
- MinLengthValidator: 3012
- DecimalValidator: 3013
- validate_email: 3014
- validate_slug: 3015
- validate_unicode_slug: 3016
- validate_ipv4_address: 3017
- validate_ipv46_address: 3018
- validate_comma_separated_integer_list: 3019
- int_list_validator: 3020
Other error codes not related to serializer validation
- Server Error: 4000
- Parser Error (exception was raised by Parser class): 4001,
- Authentication Failed (invalid credentials were provided): 4002,
- Not Authenticated (no credentials were provided): 4003,
- Not Found: 4004,
- Permission Denied: 4005,
- Method Not Allowed (invalid HTTP method): 4006,
- Not Acceptable (Could not satisfy the request Accept header): 4007,
- Unsupported Media-Type: 4008,
- Throttled (Too many requests): 4009
Pull requests won't be accepted without passing tests. You can run the test suite with:
python runtests.py
- toxinu