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Title Model Published Code Keywords
Efficient Image Super-Resolution with Feature Interaction Weighted Hybrid Network FIWHN AAAI2022 - -
DIVA: Deep Unfolded Network from Quantum Interactive Patches for Image Restoration DIVA arxiv - -
DLGSANet: Lightweight Dynamic Local and Global Self-Attention Networks for Image Super-Resolution DLGSANet arxiv code -
The Best of Both Worlds: A Framework for Combining Degradation Prediction with High Performance Super-Resolution Networks - MDPI Sensors code -
Image Super-Resolution using Efficient Striped Window Transformer ESWT arxiv code SISR
A statistically constrained internal method for single image super-resolution - arxiv -
OSRT: Omnidirectional Image Super-Resolution with Distortion-aware Transformer OSRT arxiv - ODISR
Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models for Robust Image Super-Resolution in the Wild SR3+ arxiv - blind SR, DDPMs
Kernelized Back-Projection Networks for Blind Super Resolution KCBPN/KBPN arxiv code blind SR
Improving Scene Text Image Super-Resolution via Dual Prior Modulation Network DPMN arxiv code Scene text SR
Spatially-Adaptive Feature Modulation for Efficient Image Super-Resolution SAFMN arxiv code SISR, lightweight
Efficient and Explicit Modelling of Image Hierarchies for Image Restoration GRL CVPR23 code SISR
Zero Shot Image Restoration Using Denoising Diffusion Null-Space Model DDNM ICLR23 code DDNM
Unlimited-Size Diffusion Restoration - arxiv code DDNM
OPE-SR: Orthogonal Position Encoding for Designing a Parameter-free Upsampling Module in Arbitrary-scale Image Super-Resolution OPE CVPR23 - Arbitrary-scale SR
Super-Resolution Neural Operator SRNO CVPR23 code continuous SR
Self-Asymmetric Invertible Network for Compression-Aware Image Rescaling SAIN AAAI23 code Image Rescaling
QuickSRNet: Plain Single-Image Super-Resolution Architecture for Faster Inference on Mobile Platforms QSRNet arxiv - SISR, lightweight
Burstormer: Burst Image Restoration and Enhancement Transformer Burstormer CVPR23 code
Better “CMOS” Produces Clearer Images:Learning Space-Variant Blur Estimation for Blind Image Super-Resolution CMOS CVPR23 code Blind SR
Waving Goodbye to Low-Res: A Diffusion-Wavelet Approach for Image Super-Resolution DiWa arxiv - Diffusion-Wavelet
Generative Diffusion Prior for Unified Image Restoration and Enhancement GDP CVPR23 code unified image recovery
Tunable Convolutions with Parametric Multi-Loss Optimization - CVPR23
SOSR: Source-Free Image Super-Resolution with Wavelet Augmentation Transformer SOSR arxiv
Cascaded Local Implicit Transformer for Arbitrary-Scale Super-Resolution CLIT arxiv code
Implicit Diffusion Models for Continuous Super-Resolution IDM arxiv code
Unlocking Masked Autoencoders as Loss Function for Image and Video Restoration - arxiv
Learning Generative Structure Prior for Blind Text Image Super-resolution MARCONet CVPR23 code Blind Text SR
Toward DNN of LUTs: Learning Efficient Image Restoration with Multiple Look-Up Tables MuLUT arxiv code
Incorporating Transformer Designs into Convolutions for Lightweight Image Super-Resolution TCSR arxiv code LightweightSR
Learning Spatial-Temporal Implicit Neural Representations for Event-Guided Video Super-Resolution egvsr CVPR23 code VSR
Human Guided Ground-truth Generation for Realistic Image Super-resolution HGGT CVPR23 code RealSR
EBSR: Enhanced Binary Neural Network for Image Super-Resolution EBSR arxiv Binary NN
A High-Frequency Focused Network for Lightweight Single Image Super-Resolution HFFN arxiv - LightweightSR
Learning Data-Driven Vector-Quantized Degradation Model for Animation Video Super-Resolution VQD-SR arxiv - Animation VSR
A High-Performance Accelerator for Super-Resolution Processing on Embedded GPU - arxiv -
DeblurSR: Event-Based Motion Deblurring Under the Spiking Representation DeblurSR arxiv code
ResDiff: Combining CNN and Diffusion Model for Image Super-Resolution ResDiff arxiv -
Towards High-Quality and Efficient Video Super-Resolution via Spatial-Temporal Data Overfitting STDO CVPR23 code VSR
Synthesizing Realistic Image Restoration Training Pairs: A Diffusion Approach - arxiv -
Recursive Generalization Transformer for Image Super-Resolution RGT arxiv -
Local Implicit Normalizing Flow for Arbitrary-Scale Image Super-Resolution LINF CVPR23 -
LMR: A Large-Scale Multi-Reference Dataset for Reference-based Super-Resolution MRefSR arxiv code
Omni Aggregation Networks for Lightweight Image Super-Resolution Omni-SR CVPR23 code lightweight,sota, Omni SA
Quantum Annealing for Single Image Super-Resolution AQC arxiv -
DIPNet: Efficiency Distillation and Iterative Pruning for Image Super-Resolution DIPNet arxiv - efficient sr
CABM: Content-Aware Bit Mapping for Single Image Super-Resolution Network with Large Input CABM CVPR23 -
Hitchhiker’s Guide to Super-Resolution:Introduction and Recent Advances - TPAMI - an overview of SR
AsConvSR: Fast and Lightweight Super-Resolution Network with Assembled Convolutions AsConvSR arxiv code lightweight
Expanding Synthetic Real-World Degradations for Blind Video Super Resolution SRWD-VSR arxiv - VSR
An Implicit Alignment for Video Super-Resolution IART arxiv code VSR
OPDN: Omnidirectional Position-aware Deformable Network for Omnidirectional Image Super-Resolution OPDN arxiv - Omnidirectional SR
Solving Diffusion ODEs with Optimal Boundary Conditions for Better Image Super-Resolution - arxiv - diffusion ODEs
EgoVSR: Towards High-Quality Egocentric Video Super-Resolution EgoVSR arxiv - VSR
A Dive into SAM Prior in Image Restoration SPT arxiv -
RAMiT: Reciprocal Attention Mixing Transformer for Lightweight Image Restoration RAMiT arxiv - LightweightSR
Efficient Mixed Transformer for Single Image Super-Resolution EMT arxiv code SISR
Denoising Diffusion Models for Plug-and-Play Image Restoration DiffPIR arxiv code
Exploiting Diffusion Prior for Real-World Image Super-Resolution StableSR arxiv code realsr
Distribution-Flexible Subset Quantization for Post-Quantizing Super-Resolution Networks DFSQ arxiv code Post-Quantize
Hybrid Transformer and CNN Attention Network for Stereo Image Super-resolution - arxiv - Stereo SR
Accelerating Diffusion Models for Inverse Problems through Shortcut Sampling SSD arxiv code
Crafting Training Degradation Distribution for the Accuracy-Generalization Trade-off in Real-World Super-Resolution - ICML 2023 -
High-Similarity-Pass Attention for Single Image Super-Resolution HSPAM arxiv - SISR
DeSRA: Detect and Delete the Artifacts of GAN-based Real-World Super-Resolution Models DeSRA ICML 2023 code Artifacts, Detect, Delete
HQ-50K: A Large-scale, High-quality Dataset for Image Restoration DAMoE arxiv code Dataset
RefVSR++: Exploiting Reference Inputs for Reference-based Video Super-resolution RefVSR++ arxiv - RefVSR
SRFormer: Permuted Self-Attention for Single Image Super-Resolution SRFormer ICCV2023 code SISR.SOTA
ResShift: Efficient Diffusion Model for Image Super-resolution by Residual Shifting ResShift arxiv code
Overcoming Distribution Mismatch in Quantizing Image Super-Resolution Networks ODM arxiv code Quantize
Feature Modulation Transformer: Cross-Refinement of Global Representation via High-Frequency Prior for Image Super-Resolution CRAFT ICCV2023 code SISR