Implementation of the BS language as created by Mark Rendle at 2014
BS is a general purpose Gradually typed language which can and should be used for building absolutely everything absolutely all the time.
- BS Hates programmers
- Booby trapped aztec temple pit of fail
- Programs must be edited and saved using Microsoft Word (2003)
- Compiles to ECMAScript3
Watch the talk, recorded at SkillsMatter
##Example program
#define /^my (.*?) thing:$/class \1:/
my Greeter thing:
public function __construct(€name)
(unless €name !=== null);
€this->name = €name;
Delete €name;
public function say(€thing isProbablyA String)
echo €thing, « », €this->name, BS::EOL;
Delete €thing;
##Language Features
- Significant whitespace
- Significant formatting
- 17 bit integers
- Variables must be prefixed by €
- Variable hoisting from all scopes
- Exception handling - BS has only one exception - HALT_AND_CATCH_FIRE
- Raise exceptions conditionally with
(unless <condition>)
- String processing:
- ' ' Single quotes for ASCII strings
- '' '' Double single quotes for ANSI strings
- " " Double quotes
- "" "" Double double quotes
- « » European quotes are used for UTF-256
- «« »» Double european quotes used for UTF-256 with string interpolation
- Mandatory Comments - at the end of every line, demarked by 5 spaces
- Optionally end statements with ;
statements must be terminated with ;- Regex Aliasing - #define
- Line numbers are mandatory, and must increment in steps of 42