Experimental module for mobile applications built with React
A Python package for sending model inference data, data metrics, and model metricsnr-find-log4j
Sample dockerized NestJs framework service integration with New Relic Node.js Agent showing how to instrument the app in order to use all the Agentโs features (like Service Maps or Distributed Tracing)nr-account-migration
Python scripts for bulk migration of New Relic configurations like monitors, alert policies, channels, alert conditions , APM configurations.newrelic-nextjs-integration
NewRelic Browser and APM agent NextJs integration (front and back-end respectively)gha-new-relic-exporter
New Relic integration with Snowflake to monitor query performance, logins, potential security incidents, optimise warehouse and cloud credit costs, capture any data stored in Snowflake for real-time alerting and reportingnewrelic-java-kotlin-coroutines
Provides instrumentation for Kotlin Coroutinesnewrelic-logs-for-salesforce-commerce-cloud
A Docker image purpose-built to monitor Salesforce Commerce Cloud (fka Demandware) logs using New Relic Logs.gitlab
Gitlab exporters to send metrics,logs,traces to New Relicgatsby-build-newrelic
Get Telemetry Data from your Gatsby build processfuturehack
Getting started guide for FutureHacknewrelic-serverless-github-webhook
Function to move GitHub webhook events to NRDB using the Insights Collector endpoint.monitoring-kubernetes-with-opentelemetry
Building solutions for Atlanta's public sector challengesrelicstaurants
Sample food ordering applicationnewrelic-xamarin-binding
Xamarin bindings for both the Android and iOS version of the New Relic Mobile agent/SDK.newrelic-sketch-java
Allows you to view, edit and delete the NRQL drop rules in your account. Includes GraphQL and terraform configuration hints.newrelic-entity-cmdb-ci-sync
A set of utilities to facilitate the synchronization of ServiceNow CMDB CI metadata with New Relic Entities (tags)powerrelic
PowerShell module for interaction with various New Relic APIs.newrelic-javascript-fastify
New Relic SideKick - selenium-ide .side files to New Relic Scripted Browser scripts converternerd-days-terraform
Nerd Days: Reducing toil with Terraformnewrelic-microservices-sandbox
A set of microservices and accompanying Terraform modules that will deploy them on a fully instrumented Kubernetes cluster.newrelic-TSAK
"Telemetry Swiss Army Knife" - is a programmable instrument, for processing, converting, analyzing, generating a telemetry data.nri-spark
This New Relic standalone integration polls the Apache Spark REST API for metrics and pushes them into New Relic using Metrics API It uses the New Relic Telemetry sdk for gokubernetes-demo-apps
The repo contains a set of applications for Kubernetes that simulate a working production environment. They applications include: our APM agents + distributed tracing set-up, kubernetes health checks, resource limits, and much more. This set of applications can be used in the K8S NRU Instruqt tracks and for lightning talks and demoโs.talisker
A New Relic Synthetic based solution that allows you to alert on NRQL queries longer than the 42 hour streaming alerts limit and also alert on derived values from multiple queries and queries that span different time windowsnr-bulk-ssl-checker
A tool for checking SSL certs in bulk utilising New Relic synthetic minionsnr1-open-boards
Open Dashboardingterraform-cloudwatch-metric-streams
A Terraform module for using CloudWatch Metric Streams integration with New Relicnr1-session-timeline
New Relic One app to isolate and visualize all events generated by a specific user in a browser session.nr1-lighthouse-scores
Toolset to help New Relic customers migrate from Grafana and Prometheus to New Relic.newrelic-social-listening-service-nodejs
nodejs app listening to social media APIs (currently Twitter supported) analysing sentiment using natural language algorithms and sending sentiment data to New Relic Platformnr-terraform-json-dashboard-examples
Examples of JSON powered New Relic dashboards with the Terraform JSON dashboard resourcenewrelic-logs-salesforce-eventlogfile
An npm distributed webpack plugin for using NodeJS, New Relic for NodeJS, and webpack together.nr1-drop-rule-manager
Allows you to view, create, delete New Relic data drop rules.otel-workshop
Custom visualising business andd perfroamnce data across geo locations using New Relic's custom visualization platformnerd-days-v1
New Relic plugin for Netlifynerd-days-cli-wizardry
A template for experimental repos specifically containing instrumentation of the Java Agentnewrelic-java-boomi
Provides visibility into the Boomi Applicationnr1-cards-for-observability
Programmable dashboards nerdpackfake-user-agent-traffic-geneator
Python CLI Tool to generate fake traffic against URLs with configurable user-agentsnr-nodejs-logger
This repository contains the source code for the New Relic AddOn for AWS EKS Blueprints. EKS Blueprints is a CDK construct that makes it easy for customers to configure and deploy New Relic's Kubernetes integration as part of an EKS Blueprint cluster on Amazon EKSnr-showback
An automated way to report New Relic ingest consumption and user costs, by business department, using aggregated account-based cost allocationnr-ba-injector-extension
This repo will allow users to inject the NR Browser Agent into tabs in Chrome and Firefox using a browser extension for testing, debugging, and demos. Different versions of the agent will be accessible and configurations will be able to be made on the fly.k8s-diag-utilities
A collection of diagnostic utilities for troubleshooting and cleaning up New Relic Kubernetes and Pixie installations.PythonForDevOps-NerdGraph
New Relic One Alerts Dashboardnewrelic-argocd-notification-webhook
This repo contains example configurations for sending ArgoCD Notification webhooks as New Relic Change Tracking events.newrelic-java-lettuce
Instrumentation for the Lettuce driver for Redis ( Once installed it will report the Lettuce calls to Redis as database calls in the New Relic Java Agent.nr1-synthetics-alert-condition-search
A guide to getting started with OpenTelemetry using a simple Java
Detect New Relic resource configuration changes automaticallynerd-days-apac-v1
New Relic Universal Discovery Integrationtls-proxy
Proxy for bumping tls to 1.2 and forwarding traffic to New Relicoma-nr-terraform-workflows
Reference examples for New Relic Terraform automated workflowsnewrelic-node-nuxt
Instrumentation for node Nuxt modulenewrelic-continuous-automated-testing-action
Consolidated Violation Event Viewnr-salesforce-browser
A New Relic Java Agent plugin to collect MBean attributes and the results of operations.deployer
This is a continuation of demo-deployer project that aims to turn it into a component for a testing platform for New Relic. A container image of the deployer application is available here:
Learn Labs - A collection of of tutorials and challenges to help understand some NRQL featuresnr-postman-examples
Postman collections to demonstrate the NewRelic apinr1-viz-historical-compare
Consolidated view of incidents, anomalies, and issues across all accessible accountsnewrelic-browser-for-salesforce-commerce-cloud
Cartridge to simplify adding New Relic Browser Javascript to your SalesForce Commerce Cloud sitenri-db
Database On-Host Integration for New Relic Infrastructure (formerly 'InfraDBPlugin')nri-as400
iSeries / AS400 monitoring solution for New Relic Infrastructure.newrelic-npm-diagnostics
npmDiag gathers logs and configuration files from the customerโs Network Performance Monitoring environment, and creats a ZIP file output that can be provided to New Relic for support.kubernetes-alert-policy-terraform
This Terraform module deploys a set of Kubernetes alert conditions to a single New Relic alert policy. These NRQL alert conditions are based on metrics collecting using the nri-kubernetes integration and power various UI experiences based on New Relic's Entity Platform.terraform-alert-examples
This package contains Terraform resource declarations for a set of alert conditions, to be deployed in alert policies specified by you. You can also override any alert attributes, e.g. critical thresholds, warning thresholds, filters, etc.nr1-attribute-explorer
This integration collects telemetry from Databricks (including Spark on Databricks) and/or Spark telemetry from any Spark deployment. See the Features section for supported telemetry types.newrelic-dotnet-grpc
This New Relic .Net agent instrumentation for Grpc.Core module provides distributed tracing support for Grpc.Core rpc calls.newrelic-java-http4s
Instrumentation of the New Relic Java Agent for the HTTP4S Scala frameworknr-oci-integration
Apigee distributed tracingnr1-viz-boilerplate
Ansible roles to be used in internal projects for automated tests, OpenTelemetry environments provisionernewrelic-java-camel
Instrumentation of the New Relic Java Agent for the Camel frameworkNR1-Viz-NRQL-By-MonthORWeek
NRQL to pull data over last n complete months or weeksnewrelic-aws-cicd-integration
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