Discover Russia's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Russia.
AeroSpace is an i3-like tiling window manager for macOSgrishka/NearDrop
An unofficial Google Nearby Share/Quick Share app for macOSRedMadRobot/figma-export
Command line utility to export colors, typography, icons and images from Figma to Xcode / Android Studio projectRedMadRobot/input-mask-ios
User input masking library repo.kvyatkovskys/KVKCalendar
A most fully customization calendar for Apple platforms 📅okla/QuickRearrangeTableView
Protocol-oriented solution to add quick cells rearrange/reorder to UITableView, written in Swift 2.2mrustaa/ContainerController
👉↕️📱ContainerController 🧩✨⚙️ is a UI Component Swipe-Panel (Customizable). 💡 The idea is copied from the app: Apple Maps, Stocks. Swift versionivlevAstef/DITranquillity
Dependency injection for iOS (Swift)hhru/Nivelir
A Swift DSL for navigation in iOS and tvOS apps with a simplified, chainable, and compile time safe syntaxc-villain/SwipeActions
Swipe actions for any view, swipe menu based on SwiftUI, full swiping and RTL languages supporting, iOS 13+, add your own views to swipesazonov/ExpandableTable
AZExpandable is a lightweight proxy for UITableView to expand cells.apphud/ApphudSDK
Build, Measure and Grow iOS subscription businessmrustaa/FigmaConvertXib
🎨📲✨🧑💻 Figma Convert to .xml / .xib 📝 ✂️ copy ui 👌 is a tool for exporting design elements from and generating files to a projects iOS .xib / Android .xmlSorix/CloudCore
Framework that enables syncing between iCloud (CloudKit) and Core Datacocoaheadsru/application
iOS application for CocoaHeads meetups in Russiakreshikhin/SciTuner
SciTuner is a guitar tuner written in Swift3SokoloffA/radiola
Credit Card Validator in Swiftstrongself/MRefresh
This pod enables you to add pull-to-refresh mechanism to your scrollviews and tableviews and use svg patterns in your refreshing view's layers.glyuck/GlyuckDataGrid
DataGridView (multicolumn tables) for iOS based on UICollectionViewnexron171/SimVirtualLocation
iOS/Android device and simulator location mocking toolLiteCode/SwiftDI
SwiftDI the new way to use your dependency in Swift 5.1yoomoney/mobile-analytics-chart-swift
This library allows implementing charts into mobile appsilyahal/VKMusic
Swift identicon generatoryandex/mapkit-ios-demo
MapKit iOS demoalspirichev/RxExamples
Tests with RxSwift by book of Ray WenderlichRedMadRobot/DAO
AppMetrica is a free real-time ad tracking and mobile app analytics solution.IgorFedorchuk/MonthYearDatePicker
UIDatePicker select Month and Yearalexdremov/PathPresenter
Pure SwiftUI state-driven library to present view sequences and hierarchies.timaktimak/SwitchCaseGenerator
An Xcode Source Editor Extension that generates a swift switch case statement based on selected enum casesLuccifer/SonogramView
Audio visualisation of songaperechnev/SidebarOverlay
Yet another implementation of sidebar menu, but here your menu appears over the top view controller.hhru/FigmaGen
Command line tool to generate code for styles using the Figma API.Iaenhaall/AttributedText
AttributedText is a view for displaying some HTML-tagged text using SwiftUI Text View.eDeniska/figma-preview-swiftui
Figma component preview for your SwiftUI viewsc-villain/Animatable
Yet another animation modifiers (like fireworks, live comments or explosion) on SwiftUIpatskovn/MeshGradient
Astrology Calculator calculates moon's rise/set times, moon Age, moon phases and Zodiac Sign for location and timeDobbyWanKenoby/Books
Mock server for UI testsallright/ASFloatingHeadersFlowLayout
Swift library for creating "Rate Us" popupalexdremov/SwiftYFinance
The best Yahoo Finance library with the power of Swiftmrustaa/ButtonClickStyle
This is a Customizable/Designable Button View, with 15 animated click styles, that allows you to design your own buttons from subviews, in storyboard and xib right away.akaDuality/InterruptibleTransition
This is server side api for CocoaHeads Russia app. It was built with Swift and backed by Vapor.naithar/MagickWand
Swift wrapper for ImageMagick (MagickWand) for Linux and MacOSRedMadRobot/apexy-ios
The library for organizing a network layer in your awesome project.vanelizarov/flutter_macos_webview
Flutter plugin that lets you display native WebView on macOSm4rr/mauth
Try automatically authorize in Moscow Metro wi-fi via iOS appRedMadRobot/NeumorphicWallet
💳 Neumorphic Wallet app concept in SwiftUIgre4ixin/ReduxUI
💎 Redux like architecture for SwiftUIRedMadRobot/PrioritizedTabBar
📱 Native iOS TabBar with prioritized layoutyoomoney/yookassa-payments-swift
This library allows implementing payment acceptance into mobile apps on iOS and works as an extension to the YooMoney APIPetecOvod/MYPassthrough
Framework that helps you to guide the user through your application, step by step.levochkaa/BetterTG
Telegram client for iOS fully in SwiftUIRamiz69/Slider
Swift wrappers for Extended File Attributes handling functions setxattr, getxattr, listxattr and removexattrakarataev/gleam-ios
Gleam iOS client for VK Hackathon 2018yandexmobile/yandex-ads-sdk-ios
Yandex Mobile Ads SDK iOSsardart/technopark-ios
Tutorials for iOS Dev Course students (Technopark Mail.Ru Group)asahiocean/ios-visionkit-webview
Element detection with Vision Framework and CoreMLmoonl1ght/iOS-ObjectDetection
iOS+YOLOv3 Online Object Detectionhhru/HandlersKit
HandlersKit is a light-weight iOS Framework that allows you to use modern closure syntax instead of the target-action and delegate patternsseaburg/FormattedTextField
UITextField subclass that supports text formattingasahiocean/leetcode
I'm just having funasahiocean/skillbox
Выполненные и принятые домашние задания, а также другие материалы, которые могут помочь в обученииRamiz69/CameraButton
Samples for mobius confDobbyWanKenoby/Swift-Training-Manual
Справочник по возможностям Swiftdenizztret/ObjectiveHexagon
Create and manage hexagonal shapes and grid. Based on the materials from
Different shapes on pure SwiftUIVoley/Algorithmic-Problems
Algorithm and data structure problems for software engineering interviewspurpln/swiftui-bluetooth
SwiftUI and CoreBluetooth with search list, connection/disconnection and no repeat in search. Connection to esp32 and communication with bytesMalyshevMaksim/SwiftUI-LoginSystem
A training project on implementing an authentication system using Google Firebase and SwiftUI.ALoginov/ALLoadingView
ALLoadingView is a class for displaying pop-up views to notify users that some work is in progressiltsarev/Feature-Toggling
Lightweight iOS feature toggling systemqiwi/FormattableTextView
Allows you to format user input according to your maskRedMadRobot/omega-bank-ios
The Bank you really need.denivip/Waveform
SwiftUI login screensvasilenkoigor/BiometricAuth
Framework for biometric authentication (via TouchID) in your applicationRedMadRobot/Alarm-Clock
⏰ Alarm Clock / Proof of concept for our Colored Alarm Clock Interface shot @ Dribbbleperfectdim/CustomBlurEffectView
Customizable blur effect view with blur radius, tint color and alphaakaDuality/PizzaHalves
Code example for articleMetalheadSanya/swift-mock
A package to simplify writing tests by automating the process of creating mock objects.movch/adb-assistant
🖥 macOS GUI wrapper for ADB command-line toolyoomoney/functional-swift
This library provide many various extensions for swiftdima-nikolaev/ChatBubbleAdvanced
A Swift library for working with OBD adapter ELM327ad/GithubListener
Notifying about new commits from watched repos on githubc-villain/YandexMapsMobile
Yandex Maps Mobile full Swift packageRedMadRobot/perspective-animation-ios
Example of perspective photo animation from camerakatleta3000/CancelBlocks
Set of functions for dispatching blocks after a delay, with the ability to cancel them. Written in Swift.alexdremov/FoggyColors
Beautiful randomly generated colored shapes on the background with SwiftUIajjnix/FunLocation
*Unofficial* Yandex Disk SDK in swiftstensmir/VPNAnyConnect
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