Discover Russia's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Russia.
GoodbyeDPI — Deep Packet Inspection circumvention utility (for Windows)vk-com/kphp-kdb
VK-KittenPHP/DB/Engine suiteakopytov/sysbench
Scriptable database and system performance benchmarkXProger/OpenLara
Classic Tomb Raider open-source enginedarkk/redsocks
transparent TCP-to-proxy redirectoryandex/odyssey
Scalable PostgreSQL connection poolerivmai/bdwgc
The Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative C/C++ Garbage Collector (bdwgc, also known as bdw-gc, boehm-gc, libgc)Aleksoid1978/MPC-BE
MPC-BE – универсальный проигрыватель аудио и видеофайлов для операционной системы Windows.Entware/Entware
Ultimate repo for embedded devicesnsf/termbox
Library for writing text-based user interfacesnmikhailov/Validity90
Reverse engineering of Validity/Synaptics 138a:0090, 138a:0094, 138a:0097, 06cb:0081, 06cb:009a fingerprint readers protocollexborisov/myhtml
Fast C/C++ HTML 5 Parser. Using threads.Entware/Entware-ng
Node.js global keyboard and mouse listener.ObKo/stm32-cmake
CMake for stm32 developing.erthink/libmdbx
One of the fastest embeddable key-value ACID database without WAL. libmdbx surpasses the legendary LMDB in terms of reliability, features and performance.vtereshkov/umka-lang
Umka: a statically typed embeddable scripting languagedzavalishin/phantomuserland
Phantom: Persistent Operating Systemrelan/exfat
Free exFAT file system implementationlyusupov/SoftRF
✈️ Multi-functional, compatible DIY general aviation proximity awareness systemlexborisov/Modest
Modest is a fast HTML renderer implemented as a pure C99 library with no outside dependencies.postgrespro/rum
RUM access method - inverted index with additional information in posting listskvspb/nginx-auth-ldap
LDAP authentication module for nginxHoShiMin/HookLib
The functions interception library written on pure C and NativeAPI with UserMode and KernelMode supportWaujito/youtubeUnblock
Bypasses Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) systems that rely on SNIpostgrespro/jsquery
JsQuery – json query language with GIN indexing supportpostgrespro/pg_pathman
Partitioning tool for PostgreSQLdstogov/php-ffi
PHP Foreign Function Interfacepostgrespro/zson
ZSON is a PostgreSQL extension for transparent JSONB compressionyandex/tomita-parser
C/C++ library to create formatted ASCII tables for console applications3cky/mbusd
Open-source Modbus TCP to Modbus RTU (RS-232/485) gateway.rilian-la-te/vala-panel-appmenu
Global Menu for Vala Panel (and xfce4-panel and mate-panel) - GitHub mirrorDC-SWAT/DreamShell
Operating system for the Sega Dreamcastpostgrespro/aqo
Adaptive query optimization for PostgreSQLKANKOSHEV/NoScreen
Hiding the window from screenshots using the function win32kfull::GreProtectSpriteContentdstogov/php-tensorflow
PHP TensorFlow Bindingivmai/libatomic_ops
The atomic_ops project (Atomic memory update operations portable implementation)vdudouyt/stm8flash
program your stm8 devices with SWIM/stlinkv(1,2)evgenkarlson/ALL_SCHOOL_42
| SCHOOL_42_UPDATE 2020 | This repository contains ALL PROJECTS, TASKS AND SUBJECTS OF THE MAIN PROGRAM OF LEARNING AT SCHOOL 42 ( Program | Course | Programing | Coding | School 42 | Ecole 42 | School 21 | Школа 42 | Школа 21 ). Этот репозиторий содержит все проекты и задания основной программы обучения Школы 42 и Школы 21alexxy/netdiscover
Transpiling C code to Go codesnar/bgpq3
One of the fastest hash functionsvmxdev/tkvdb
Trie key-value databaseleech001/MPU6050
STM32 HAL library for GY-521 (MPU6050) with Kalman filterdstogov/ir
Lightweight JIT Compilation Frameworkalexbatalov/fallout2-re
Reverse engineered Fallout 2extremecodetv/ExtremeCodeOS
New gen. Linuxmilabs/khook
Linux Kernel hooking engine (x86)klirichek/zj-58
CUPS filter for thermal printers as Zjiang ZJ-58, XPrinter XP-58, etcavaneev/prvhash
PRVHASH - Pseudo-Random-Value Hash. Hash functions, PRNG with unlimited period, randomness extractor, and a glimpse into abyss. (inline C/C++) (Codename Gradilac/Градилак)victor-yacovlev/fpmi-caos
Материалы курса АКОС на ФПМИavaneev/lzav
Fast In-Memory Data Compression Algorithm (inline C/C++) 460+MB/s compress, 2500+MB/s decompress, ratio% better than LZ4, Snappy, and Zstd@-1McMCCRU/rtl8188gu
Driver for Linux RTL8188GU (RTL8710B) (VID:PID = 0x0BDA:0xB711)alexanderk23/gluqlo
Gluqlo: Fliqlo for Linuxalexpevzner/sane-airscan
Scanner Access Now Easy - universal driver for eSCL (Apple AirScan) and WSDk-code/stm32f4-examples
Examples programs for STM32F4Discovery. These examples were written while I was exploring STM32F407VGT microcontroller. I think this is may be helpful somebody.quen0n/unitemp-flipperzero
Flipper Zero application for reading temperature, humidity and pressure sensors like a DHT11/22, DS18B20, BMP280, HTU21 and moremoonglow/pcan_cantact
🤖 XCAN firmware for CANtact ( CANable ) or any other similar boards.m8rge/cwebsocket
cWebsocket is lightweight websocket server librarypostgrespro/imgsmlr
Similar images search for PostgreSQLerthink/ReOpenLDAP
Production-ready replacement for OpenLDAP with robust multi-master replicationilyakurdyukov/jpeg-quantsmooth
JPEG artifacts removal based on quantization coefficients.KANKOSHEV/face-injector-v2
update face injector by KANKOSHEVpvvx/esp8266web
Small web server on ESP8266pcherenkov/udpxy
lightweight network-traffic relay daemonzenkovich/o2
2D Game Engine with visual WYSIWYG editor and JS scriptingnukeykt/Nuked-OPN2
Cycle-accurate Yamaha YM3438(YM2612) emulatorevgenkarlson/COMPLETED_PISCINE_C
| SCHOOL_42_UPDATE 2020 | This repository contains many versions of completed and commented out tasks for each day of the very first "Piscine C"( Program | Course | Programing | Coding | School 42 | Ecole 42 | School 21 | Школа 42 | Школа 21 ) Этот репозиторий содержит множество версий выполненных и закомментированных задач на каждый день самого первого "Бассейна по Си".ValdikSS/p0f-mtu
p0f with patches to save MTU value and export it via API (for VPN detection)Kostr/UEFI-Lessons
Lessons to get to know UEFI programming in Linux with the help of EDKIIVKCOM/statshouse
StatsHouse is a highly available, scalable, multitenant monitoring systemAlexGyver/GyverLamp
Лампа-будильник на адресных светодиодах и esp8266robomechs/6-AXIS-USBCNC-GRBL
This repository is based on which in turn is based on
telegram attachments in FUSE filesystemDimaKoz/stunning-signature
Native Signature Verification For Android (with example)moonglow/pcan_pro_x
👽 XCAN PRO/PRO FD/FD USB2CAN firmware implementation for cheap STM32F4 hardwareMcMCCRU/SNANDer
SNANDer - Serial Nor/nAND/Eeprom programmeR (based on CH341A)avaneev/komihash
Very fast, high-quality hash function, discrete-incremental and streamed hashing-capable (non-cryptographic, inline C/C++) 26GB/s + PRNGnukeykt/Nuked-OPL3
Highly accurate Yamaha OPL3 (YMF262, CT1747) emulatoreddyem/stm32samples
Snippets for STM32F1xx (and maybe others)postgrespro/vops
OpenVPN plugin to fix Windows DNS Leaksa1exdandy/checkm8-a5
checkm8 port for S5L8940X/S5L8942X/S5L8945Xpetropavel13/pg_rrule
RRULE data type for PostgreSQLlyokha/nginx-haskell-module
A comprehensive web framework aimed at building custom Haskell handlers for the Nginx Web Serveredosedgar/stm32f0_ARM
Materials for the course "Embedded programming on STM32"deemru/php-cgi-spawner
Spawns php-cgi processesVKCOM/nginx-quic
Various experiments with PostgreSQL clusteringpostgrespro/pg_query_state
Tool for query progress monitoring in PostgreSQLgreenfork/nimraylib_now
The Ultimate Raylib gaming library wrapper for Nimnukeykt/Nuked-MD
Cycle accurate Mega Drive emulatorsergey-dryabzhinsky/python-zstd
Simple python bindings to Yann Collet ZSTD compression libraryalewmoose/2048-in-terminal
Animated console version of the 2048 gameqnikst/kbdd
keyboard library for per-window keyboard layoutmrDIMAS/DmitrysEngine
[abandoned] C99 cross-platform 3D game engine with absolute minimum of external dependenciespostgrespro/pg_wait_sampling
Sampling based statistics of wait eventsdmarov/chamd
Modified Cheat Engine DBK64 driverLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us