Discover Japan's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Japan.
Mold: A Modern Linker 🦠BYVoid/OpenCC
Conversion between Traditional and Simplified ChineseTatsu-syo/noMeiryoUI
No!! MeiryoUI is Windows system font setting tool on Windows 8.1/10/11.rakshasa/rtorrent
rTorrent BitTorrent clientkoide3/hdl_graph_slam
3D LIDAR-based Graph SLAMpit-ray/win-vind
You can operate Windows with key bindings like Vim.pafuhana1213/KawaiiPhysics
KawaiiPhysics : Simple fake Physics for UnrealEngine4 & 5openstf/minicap
Stream real-time screen capture data out of Android devices.syoyo/tinygltf
Header only C++11 tiny glTF 2.0 libraryAndreaOrru/LaiNES
Cycle-accurate NES emulator in ~1000 lines of codetreefrogframework/treefrog-framework
TreeFrog Framework : High-speed C++ MVC Framework for Web Applicationyahoojapan/NGT
Nearest Neighbor Search with Neighborhood Graph and Tree for High-dimensional Datakoide3/fast_gicp
A collection of GICP-based fast point cloud registration algorithmshiyohiyo/CrystalDiskInfo
Compatible client of Ace of Spades 0.75DeNA/HandlerSocket-Plugin-for-MySQL
HandlerSocket is a NoSQL plugin for MySQL, working as a daemon inside the mysqld process, to accept tcp connections, and execute requests from clients. HandlerSocket does not support SQL queries; instead it supports simple CRUD operations on tables.CyberAgentGameEntertainment/UnityPerformanceTuningBible
Unity Performance Tuning knowledge bookkazuho/picojson
a header-file-only, JSON parser serializer in C++unity3d-jp/FrameCapturer
export framebuffer, GBuffer or any RenderTextures from Unity to file. supported format: png, exr, gif, webm, mp4adamyaxley/Obfuscate
Guaranteed compile-time string literal obfuscation header-only library for C++14ToruNiina/toml11
TOML for Modern C++sony/flutter-embedded-linux
Embedded Linux embedding for Fluttertablacus/TablacusExplorer
A tabbed file manager with Add-on supportmatanki-saito/EU4dll
Europa Universalis IV double byte language patch; master:1.34.2, dev:
An Arduino library for ESP8266/ESP32 WLAN configuration at runtime with the Web interfaceneka-nat/cupoch
Robotics with GPU computingrigaya/NVEnc
Yet another Japanese morphological analyzerrakshasa/libtorrent
libTorrent BitTorrent librarybolero-MURAKAMI/Sprout
C++11/14 constexpr based Containers, Algorithms, Random numbers, Parsing, Ray tracing, Synthesizer, and others.koide3/interactive_slam
Interactive Map Correction for 3D Graph SLAMishitatsuyuki/LatencyFleX
Vendor agnostic latency reduction middleware. An alternative to NVIDIA Reflex.koide3/hdl_localization
Real-time 3D localization using a (velodyne) 3D LIDARspaghetti-source/algorithm
C++ Implementation of Algorithms (aka. Spaghetti Source)shiguredo/momo
WebRTC Native Client Momokeiichiw/constexpr-8cc
Compile-time C Compiler implemented as C++14 constant expressionsE869120/kyopro_educational_90
2021/3/30 ~ 2021/7/12 に行われる企画「競プロ典型 90 問」の問題・解説・ソースコードなどの資料をアップロードしています。akio-tanaka/lickey
software license management systemkoide3/ndt_omp
Multi-threaded and SSE friendly NDT algorithmrdiankov/openrave
Open Robotics Automation Virtual Environment: An environment for testing, developing, and deploying robotics motion planning algorithms.unity3d-jp/NormalPainter
vertex normal editor for Unitynu774/qaac
CLI QuickTime AAC/ALAC encoderjubatus/jubatus
Framework and Library for Distributed Online Machine Learningrockkingjy/OpenTracker
Real-time C++ ECO tracker etc. speed-up by SSE/NEON, support Linux, Mac, Jetson TX1/2, raspberry pikoide3/direct_visual_lidar_calibration
A toolbox for target-less LiDAR-camera calibration [ROS1/ROS2]imkira/mobiledevice
Command line utility for interacting with Apple's Private (Closed) Mobile Device FrameworkJPCERTCC/EmoCheck
Emotet detection tool for Windows OSplanetchili/hw3d
C++ 3D graphics engine under Direct3D 11. Developed in a Planet Chili video tutorial series that can be found on YouTube.
Precise localization based on GNSS and IMU.chokkan/crfsuite
CRFsuite: a fast implementation of Conditional Random Fields (CRFs)syoyo/tinyexr
Tiny OpenEXR image loader/saver librarymarioyc/Online-Judge-Solutions
Solutions to ACM ICPC - style problemsE869120/kyopro-tessoku
拙著『競技プログラミングの鉄則』(2022/9/16 発売)の GitHub ページです。演習問題の解答や、C++ 以外のソースコードなどが掲載されています。ぜひご活用ください。BYVoid/uchardet
An encoding detector library ported from MozillaReputeless/PerlinNoise
Header-only Perlin noise library for modern C++ (C++17/C++20)keijiro/KlakSpout
Spout plugin for Unitytakmin/OpenCV-Marker-less-AR
This is a marker less augmented reality application developed using OpenCV. This code can be used under MIT license. Demo movie:
Educational Operating Systemkanryu/quickviewer
A image/comic viewer application for Windows, Mac and Linux, it can show images very fasthecomi/uDesktopDuplication
Desktop Duplication API implementation for Unity (only for Windows 8/10)rsasaki0109/lidarslam_ros2
ROS 2 package of 3D lidar slam using ndt/gicp registration and pose-optimizationmrayy/UnityCam
Unity3D Virtual webcam plugin, streams unity viewport contents to other applications as virtual camerayaneurao/YaneuraOu
YaneuraOu is the World's Strongest Shogi engine(AI player) , WCSC29 1st winner , educational and USI compliant engine.iizukanao/picam
Audio/video recorder for Raspberry Pi with language agnostic APIat-wat/mcl_3dl
A ROS node to perform a probabilistic 3-D/6-DOF localization system for mobile robots with 3-D LIDAR(s). It implements pointcloud based Monte Carlo localization that uses a reference pointcloud as a map.zaki/irrlicht
An automatically updated mirror of the Irrlicht SVN repository on sourceforgeline/stellite
Stellite project is a client library and server application that offers an easy way to develop, build, and implement client/server running primarily over the QUIC protocol developed by Google as part of the Chromium project.hecomi/uWindowCapture
This allows you to use Windows Graphics Capture / PrintWindow / BitBlt in Windows to capture multiple windows individually and easily use them as Texture2D in Unity.kmiya-culti/RLogin
tweak vertices and generate blend shapes in UnityMichaelCharles/clay_containers
Neumorphic containers and text widget primitives to serve as the foundation of your own unique neumorphic designs.openstf/ios-minicap
iOS Minicap provides a socket interface for streaming realtime screen capture data out of iOS devices.amslabtech/dwa_planner
ROS implementation of DWA(Dynamic Window Approach) Plannerkoide3/glim
GLIM: versatile and extensible range-based 3D localization and mapping frameworkkbinani/colormap-shaders
A collection of shaders to draw color maps.norbusan/debian-mu
Fork of the sony-f11-vaio-control-center to work with newer kernels and with all Sony laptops supported by the sony-laptop kernel module.kenjinote/cmdchat
コマンド プロンプト (チャット風)sony/v8eval
Multi-language bindings to JavaScript engine V8redboltz/mqtt_cpp
A Cython MeCab wrapper for fast, pythonic Japanese tokenization and morphological analysis.benikabocha/saba
OpenGL Viewer (OBJ PMD PMX)koide3/small_gicp
Efficient and parallel algorithms for point cloud registration [C++, Python]Gnurou/tagainijisho
A free Japanese dictionary and learning assistantseanchas116/qtimgui
Qt (QOpenGLWidget / QOpenGLWindow) backend for ImGuiku-nlp/jumanpp
Juman++ (a Morphological Analyzer Toolkit)YCAMInterlab/ProCamToolkit
Research and development of a new toolkit for projector-camera calibration at YCAM.YCAMInterlab/Duration
Duration is an application for designing change over timeayushgaud/path_planning
Quadcopter path planning using RRT* and minimum jerk trajectory generationhiyohiyo/CrystalDiskMark
mirror of git://
A research-oriented elastic body simulatorymgaq/AQ
A Go game engine. Download here:
Face tracking plugin for OBS Studiozchee/cuda-sample
CUDA official sample codesdnobori/DN-Win32DiskImagerRenewal
このリポジトリは、Windows 上での USB メモリ / SD カードイメージ書き込みツールのデファクト・スタンダードとなっている Win32 Disk Imager について、以下の点を改良した 「Win32 Disk Imager Renewal」 の デジタル署名済みの EXE 単体で動作する Win32 / x64 / ARM64 版バイナリ とソースコードを配布するためのものである。(1) PC 上で Google Drive が起動していても、Win32 Disk Imager が起動できるようにした。原版では、相性問題で、エラーが発生していた。 (2) 原版は 10Mbytes 程度のサイズがあり、1 つの EXE と 18 個の DLL が必要であったが、(以下略)gpsnmeajp/VirtualMotionTracker
Virtual Motion Tracker - バーチャルモーショントラッカー OpenVR OSC Tracker Driver for DIY userskeijiro/KlakHap
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