Discover Indonesia's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Indonesia.
An android image compression library.esafirm/android-image-picker
Image Picker for Android 🤖anggrayudi/SimpleStorage
💾 Simplify Android Storage Access Framework for file management across API levels.rizmaulana/kotlin-mvvm-covid19
This repository contains simple COVID19 data monitoring with android stack MVVM, Live Data, Koin, RxJava, RxBinding, Offline first with simple caching, etcwisnukurniawan/Compose-ToDo
A fully functional Android ToDo app built entirely with Kotlin and Jetpack Composekodeartisan/iwara4a
基于Jetpack Compose开发的iwara安卓app (Unofficial Iwara Android Application)uwaisalqadri/MangaKu
MangaKu App Powered by Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, MVI Pattern and Kotlin Multiplatformutsmannn/Kemana
Ojek Online Open Source (like uber or gojek)amirisback/automated-build-android-app-with-github-action
CI/CD Automated Build Android App Bundle / APK With Github Actionyogacp/android-viewbinding
A simple library to simplify the viewbinding delegation in your Android Applicationutsmannn/hiya-hiya-hiya
Whatsapp Clone base on Firebase Cloud Messagingabdularis/ParallaxImageView
Create parallax and any other transformation effects on scrolling android ImageViewIce-House-Engineering/academy-curriculum
Ice House Academy curriculum for Android and iOSamirisback/frogo-recycler-view
RecyclerView With No Adapter | Available For Jetpack Composewisnukurniawan/Compose-Expense
A fully functional Android Expense Tracker app built entirely with Kotlin and Jetpack Composeivaniskandar/shouko
Xpand the feature set of your Android!HariAgus/GroceriesApp-Compose
🛒 Grocery App, food buying and selling application made with jetpack compose, mvvm and apply clean architecturerizmaulana/floating-slideup-sheet
Simple and lightweight UI library for user new experience, combining floating bottom navigation and bottom sheet behaviour. Simple and beautiful.sansets/android-clean-architecture
Sample for Android Clean Architecture.anggrayudi/MaterialPreference
⚙️ A library designed to replace default preferences on Android framework with something beauty.dicodingacademy/Kotlin-Android-Developer-Expert
Repositori ini berisi semua latihan yang ada di Kotlin Android Developer Expert.hyuwah/DraggableView
DraggableView is an Android library to make floating draggable view easily using extensions on Kotlin & provided utils class on Javadicodingacademy/a165-android-expert-project
Android helper libraries for geolocation, places and animating polyline.kafri8889/Saku-Compose-Sudoku
Sudoku made with Jetpack Compose Androidamirisback/keyboard
Custom Keyboard Like Google Keyboardalfianyusufabdullah/ChatYuk
Simple Android Chat using Firebase 📚 📚pratamawijaya/BaseKotlinAndroid
Base Project Android with Kotlin and MVVMzetbaitsu/Cekrek
An android library that allows you to export any view to bitmap or image file in a convenient way.dicodingacademy/a14-android-fundamental-labs
Repository ini merupakan salah satu studi kasus dari kelas Belajar Fundamental Aplikasi Android.abdularis/CircularImageView
Circle image view 🔴 and Avatar image view 😃 for androidAmrsatrio/BlenderUmap
XMB-like Android Launchersubsub/lottiebottomnavbar
A Customisable bottom navbar with Lottie animationhariimurti/NontonTV
Aplikasi android untuk menonton tv streaming. Cocok untuk android box/stb.amirisback/frogo-admob
Library Helper For Implementation All Admob Functiondicodingacademy/a352-android-intermediate-labs
↩️ Router for every occasionssubsub/ButtonCustomShadow
A beautiful button with beautiful shadow that is completely customisableesafirm/compose-ui-book
UI Component Explorer for Androidmuhrahmatullah/Kotlin-crud-with-Room
Sample project using kotlin and roomhanmajid/android-13-samples
Sample projects for Android 13 (Beta 3.3)wahyouwebid/AnimeQ
Android Clean Architectureagustiyann/Android-Clean-Architecture
⚡Sample Android App with Clean Architecture ( 3 layers ) Modular Project, MVVM pattern, Coroutine Flow, Koin etc...rizmaulana/compose-stacked-snackbar
Stacked Snackbar for Compose Multiplatform (Android, iOS and Desktop)dimas-nur/dicoding-belajar-fundamental-aplikasi-android
Submission Dicoding Belajar Fundamental Aplikasi AndroidSource-Set-564/SlidingButton
Slide button library for androidalexadhy/tokyonight-jetbrains
Tokyo Night theme ported from enkia's VSCode Tokyo Night themeutsmannn/SmartMarker
Smart helper for marker movement in Google Maps and Mapboxutsmannn/Recycling
A Library for make an easy and faster RecyclerView without adaptertaamarin/box.manager
🧩 Handling and maintain your UI view component easilyAditprayogo/GithubUsers
Mobile Application to search users on Githubisfaaghyth/jetpack-movie
🐼 Simple Architecture Component with Modularization on Androidmuhrahmatullah/android-chatbot
Sample project using dialogflow as chatbot engineKaede-No-Ki/moviecorner-app
An Android Application for streaming Anime, Movies and Series.ariastro/Geem-Compose
🎮 GEEM demonstrates modern Android development with Clean Architecture using Jetpack Compose, Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Room, ViewModel, and Material Design based on MVVM architecture.amirisback/frogo-notification
Frogo Notification - Easy Way For Create Notificationkafri8889/Musicompose-V2
Music player made with Jetpack Composewagyufari/gojek-ui
Submission for kotlin android course on dicodingderysudrajat/alif-muslim-app
Alif is a Muslim app to schedule your daily need like prayer reminders, Islamic calendar, and create your custom activity to track your activityAzharRivaldi/AlQuran-Android
Source Code Tutorial Aplikasi Al-Quran Androidabdularis/Android-Word-Quest
Word search game, search words inside a letter boxalfianyusufabdullah/garap
Clone - Grab ApllicationKyald1412/CoronaVirus-2019-nCoV-Live-Tracking
CoronaVirus(COVID-19) Live Map Tracker Android Kotlin Appamirisback/nutrition-framework
Skripsi / TA of Muhammad Faisal Amir - Telkom University 2021badasintended/slotlink
unbalanced storage systemgotamafandy/paging3
Implementation of Paging3 using Kotlin Flow and RxJavaarifaizin/MySimpleInjection
Dagger Vs Koinjasoet/fun-pdf
Kotlin library to create PDFs using plain old HTML and CSS. Back-end using wkhtmltopdf.DjakaTechnology/flicker-flight-app
An App Used for Flight Ticket Purchasing and Managementutsmannn/store-apps-mvvm
Implementation component of Android Jetpack with clean architectureFizhu/Bike-App-Concept
Bike App Concept - Free UI/UX and source code Templateryccoatika/Image-To-Text
Image To Text is an Android Application for you to scan the text from images and photos. So you don't have to type the word one by one.jiwomdf/solat-kuy-android-mvvm-with-coroutine
Simple Android prayer time apps with MVVM pattern, Dagger Hilt, Live Data, Coroutine, Unit & UI Testing. Feel free to see and contributefajarca/android-clean-architecture-coroutine
A sample news application to experiment with a feature-based modularization on Android, Clean Architecture, MVVM, Coroutine, Architecture Component (Databinding, ViewModel, LiveData, Navigation Component, Paging, Room), Unit Testing (Mockito), Dagger 2 🔥putuprema/spring-vs-aspnetcore
Spring Boot vs ASP.NET Core: A Showdownachmadqomarudin/Schedule-App-UI
📅 A beautiful Schedule App UI written in Kotlin for android with examples.AzharRivaldi/Absensi-Apps
Membuat Aplikasi Absensi dengan Android Studiowisnukurniawan/Composable-Module
Composable modular android app
Nabla TypeMath is an android application that allow you to easily type mathematical symbols.tomorisakura/masak-apa
Indonesia Recipes App 🍕✨pratamawijaya/NewsApiMvvm
Architecture Components + MVVM + Kotlin + RxJava2 + Dagger2rizmaulana/movie-kmm
Simple movie app using KMM (data, domain and presentation layer), Jetpack Compose for Android and SwiftUI for iOSdapoi/Muslim-Q
Aplikasi kebutuhan umat muslim di IndonesiaAdithya-13/MadeSubmsission
Submission MADE (Menjadi Android Developer Expert) in Dicoding Course.wahyouwebid/MovieQ
Android Movies build with Component Architechtures, Jetpack Pagination, Room, RxJava, Coroutines, Hiltluthfiarifin/LaamMuslimAndroid
Project to find out the prayer schedule, reading the quran, etc.isfaaghyth/recyclerview-pattern
🧙♂️Enhance List Item with Visitor Pattern and Adapter Delegatemuhrifqii/ParseRSS
A cup of library to Parse RSS for android. Also available as a ConverterFactory for Retrofit & FuelAmrsatrio/ak47-java
Submission Untuk Kelas Dicoding Belajar Fundamental Aplikasi Android (BFAA). Menggunakan Kotlin.kiratheone/OCR-E-KTP
Sample Project Android Kotlin for Recognize Indonesian ID Card (E-KTP) (NIK) using ML Kit's (Google Vision)IONsoft-Indonesia/RandomNumberAnimation
Easily create random number change animation to a TextViewyogacp/android_clean_architecture_learn
Initial Project to Learning the Clean Architecture for Android, this project consume football data from API https://www.thesportsdb.comfionicholas/Football-App
⚽ Football App using MVVM, LiveData, RxJava2, DI, Room, Repository Paternisfaaghyth/android-gql
android lightweight graphql libraryrizmaulana/SheenValidator
Android library to make form validation easierLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us