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Machine learning-Stanford Universityvkosuri/CourseraMachineLearning
Coursera Machine Learning By Prof. Andrew NgAvaisP/machine-learning-programming-assignments-coursera-andrew-ng
Solutions to Andrew NG's machine learning course on CourseraTheAlgorithms/MATLAB-Octave
This repository contains algorithms written in MATLAB/Octave. Developing algorithms in the MATLAB environment empowers you to explore and refine ideas, and enables you test and verify your algorithm.UtkarshPathrabe/Machine-Learning-Stanford-University-Coursera
Contains the Course Material and Assignment Solutions for the Machine Learning Course at Stanford University on Coursera.JunaidCS032/MOTBeyondPixels
Monocular multi-object tracking using simple and complementary 3D and 2D cues (ICRA 2018)anirudhjayaraman/Machine-Learning
Repo cataloging my coursework for Andrew Ng's ML MOOCindigits/sparse-plex
A MATLAB library for sparse representation problemsSajadAHMAD1/Chaotic-GSA-for-Engineering-Design-Problems
All nature-inspired algorithms involve two processes namely exploration and exploitation. For getting optimal performance, there should be a proper balance between these processes. Further, the majority of the optimization algorithms suffer from local minima entrapment problem and slow convergence speed. To alleviate these problems, researchers are now using chaotic maps. The Chaotic Gravitational Search Algorithm (CGSA) is a physics-based heuristic algorithm inspired by Newton's gravity principle and laws of motion. It uses 10 chaotic maps for global search and fast convergence speed. Basically, in GSA gravitational constant (G) is utilized for adaptive learning of the agents. For increasing the learning speed of the agents, chaotic maps are added to gravitational constant. The practical applicability of CGSA has been accessed through by applying it to nine Mechanical and Civil engineering design problems which include Welded Beam Design (WBD), Compression Spring Design (CSD), Pressure Vessel Design (PVD), Speed Reducer Design (SRD), Gear Train Design (GTD), Three Bar Truss (TBT), Stepped Cantilever Beam design (SCBD), Multiple Disc Clutch Brake Design (MDCBD), and Hydrodynamic Thrust Bearing Design (HTBD). The CGSA has been compared with seven state of the art stochastic algorithms particularly Constriction Coefficient based Particle Swarm Optimization and Gravitational Search Algorithm (CPSOGSA), Standard Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA), Classical Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Biogeography Based Optimization (BBO), Continuous Genetic Algorithm (GA), Differential Evolution (DE), and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). The experimental results indicate that CGSA shows efficient performance as compared to other seven participating algorithms.UtkarshPathrabe/Image-and-Video-Processing--From-Mars-to-Hollywood-with-a-stop-at-the-Hospital--Duke-University
Contains Study Material of the Courseamitkmr7/Kalman-filter-and-its-extensions
Kalman filter, Extended Kalman filter, Unscented kalman filter, Cubature Kalman filter, M-estimation Robust cubature kalman filter implementation for various linear and non linear systems like UAV position tracking, UAV angle of attack and pitch angle tracking, UAV direction of angle tracking etc.wargod797/Fault_diagnosis_ballbearing_wavelet
Bearing fault diagnosis is important in condition monitoring of any rotating machine. Early fault detection in machinery can save millions of dollars in emergency maintenance cost. Different techniques are used for fault analysis such as short time Fourier transforms (STFT), Wavelet analysis (WA), cepstrum analysis, Model based analysis, etc. we have doing detecting bearing faults using FFT and by using Wavelet analysis more specifically wavelet Analysis up to two levels of approximations and detail components. The analysis is carried out offline in MATLAB. Diagnosing the faults before in hand can save the millions of dollars of industry and can save the time as well. It has been found that Condition monitoring of rolling element bearings has enabled cost saving of over 50% as compared with the old traditional methods. The most common method of monitoring the condition of rolling element bearing is by using vibration signal analysis. Measure the vibrations of machine recorded by velocityearthat/Hybrid-GWOPSO-optimization
This script implements the hybrid of PSO and GWO optimization algorithm.Akshat2430/Dynamic-Request-Scheduling-Optimization-in-Mobile-Edge-Computing-for-IoT-Applications
This project is the implementation of the research paper titled "Dynamic Request Scheduling Optimization in Mobile Edge Computing for IoT Applications"praveshgoyal/Implemantation-of-5G-physical-layer--Multiple-Access
Power Allocation In NOMAkritiksoman/WSN-Localization
MATLAB script for node localization in Wireless Sensor Networkprinceedey/BRAIN-TUMOR-DETECTION-AND-SEGMENTATION-USING-MRI-IMAGES
This repository contains the source code in MATLAB for this project. One of them is a function code which can be imported from MATHWORKS. I am including it in this file for better implementation.Detection of brain tumor was done from different set of MRI images using MATLAB. The concept of image processing and segmentation was used to outline the tumor area in the given set of images.Subhankar2000/Antenna_Theory_Analysis_and_Design_C.A.Balanis---MATLAB
MATLAB programs translated from the FORTRAN programs of the second edition - I have not written these programs, these are very rare programs from the book ANTENNA THEORY ANALYSIS AND DESIGN, Constantine A. Balanisnik1106/MNA-MAT
An easy-to-use MATLAB tool for SPICE netlist simulationearthat/Digital-Image-Watermarking-Using-Optimized-DWT-DCT
This repository embed the message into an Image using optimized DWT-DCTyudhik11/Heart-Rate-Monitoring_PPG
The Matlab/Octave code contains codes of Whale Optimization Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization.Skanda-Bharadwaj/Image-and-video-processing-From-Mars-to-Hollywood-with-a-stop-at-the-hospital
This is the Image Processing course from Duke University by Guillermo Sapiro. I've included all quiz and assignment questions. I don't have my assignments in order. I've taken it from someone else and I really don't remember who that is. Whoever it is - Thanks a lot for keeping it so clean. Intention here is to only help those who are interested to learn.earthat/AODV-GUI-in-WSN
This code is for a MATLAB GUI in which AODV routing protocol is implemented for WSN. The source nodes are changing each time with number of packets.07Agarg/Automatic-Exposure-Correction
This repository contains the code for improving images acquired through non-optimal exposure using various methods proposed in literature.surya9teja/3D-Artificial-Potential-Field
The artificial potential field (APF) approach provides a simple and effective motion planning method for practical purpose. The current developed project was developed in Matlab with improved algorithms which overcomes the local minima problems.yashdv/Speech-Recognition
A simple Matlab code to recognize people using their voice.IvLabs/robust_quadcopter_control
Develop and learn the dynamics of Quadcopter and implement control algorithms to the Quadcopter system.BharadwazBollu/Algoritms-to-Battery-Management-Systems-
Projects and Quiz answers are provided for all the Courses in Algorithms to battery management systems including honoursabhishekapk/SMART-PARKING-SYSTEM
Computerized systems being an integral part of the current era, an automated parking system is one of its most commonly used applications. The aim of this model is to build up and implement an automatic parking system that will detect the parking space with the help of image processing technique of the parking lot as well as reduce the human power. The smart parking system will able to have fewer interaction of humans. In additions to that, it has parking guidance system that can demonstrate and guide user towards a parking space. With the problems of ever increasing urban traffic congestion and the ever increasing shortage of space, the parking lots need to be well-equipped with parking space detection. The proposed system helps in counting the number of parked vehicles and, identifying the number of spots available. The system detects cars through images instead of electronic sensors embedded on the floors. A camera is installed at a high and fixed position in the parking lot. An image of empty parking lot is taken as reference and then image of parking lot with cars is taken. Both the images are subtracted to find the numbers of parking slots available.jaiverma/MATLAB
Digital Image Processingsaxenapriyansh/3D-UAV-path-planning-SSA
Resources for Color Constancy and Illumination Estimationdeyjishnu/digit-recognition
The purpose of this project is to take handwritten digits as input, process the digits, train the neural network algorithm with the processed data, to recognize the pattern and successfully identify the test digits. The popular MNIST dataset is used for the training and testing purposes. The IDE used is MATLABthepushkarp/Numerical-Techniques
Repository Containing Solution Codes of Assignments given in MA202: Numerical Techniquesnikhil-feb/Q-Learning-Based-Power-Control-Algorithm-for-D2D-Communication
D2D communication as a multi-agents system, and power control is achieved by maximizing system capacity while maintaining the requirement of quality of service(QoS) from cellular users.7dj7/Robot_Dynamics_Lagrangian_formulation
Calculates the dynamic equations of motion of a N DOF robot arm using the Lagrangian formulation.pmaini/Missile-Guidance
Simulations of various missile Guidance LawsRoboticsIIITH/summer-sessions-2019
Usage of gait information to establish identity of a person in traffic camerasst186/Detection-of-Breast-Cancer-using-Neural-Networks
This project is made in Matlab Platform and it detects whether a person has cancer or not by taking into account his/her mammogram.3ZadeSSG/DIBR-Algorithm
Depth Image Based Rendering Algorithm Implementation in MATLAB. For hole filling, impainting algorithm with fast marching method (FMM) known as TELEA algorithm has been usedbalasubramaniant95/Glaucomatous-Image-Classification
A MATLAB program to classify glaucomatous fundus images using HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) feature descriptor with SVM and Naive Bayes Classifierhimtan/MIMOChannelEstimator
MIMO OFDM channel estimation using time delay neural network in matlab simulinkshiva34/Digital-Modulation-Schemes
Contains codes various Digital Modulation Schemes (like AM, DSB-SC, SSB-SC FM, BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, DBPSK, DQPSK) in MatLab from scratch ie. without built-in MatLab functionsKevinPatel04/Digital-Image-Processing
This Repository demonstrates how can one apply various image pre-processing, image processing & image post-processing techniques in MATLAB environment.srajat/Visual-Cryptography-Using-K-N-Secret-Sharing
An Image is divided into N different shares using KN Secret Sharing Algorithm. These N shares can be distributed but, the end user needs only K of these shares to generate the original image.gsanjeev432/Automatic-Parking-Assistance-System
Automatic Parking Assistance System project contains the simulation of Car parking in Matlab.liquidpie/andrew-ng-ml-solutions
Solutions to Andrew Ng's Machine Learning exercisesdipankarsk/Feature-Selection-Hybrid
Intrusion Detection is a technique to identify the abnormal behavior of system due to attack. The unusual behavior of the environment is then identified and steps are taken and methods are formed to classify and recognize attacks. Data set containing a number of records sometimes may decrease the classifiers performance due to redundancy of data. The other problems may include memory requirements and processing power so we need to either reduce the number of data or the number of records. Feature Selection techniques are used to reduce the vertical largeness of data set. This project makes a comparative study of Particle Swarm Optimization, Genetic Algorithm and a hybrid of the two where we see that PSO being simpler swarm algorithm works for feature selection problems but since it is problem dependent and more over its stochastic approach makes it less efficient in terms of error reduction compared to GA. In standard PSO, the non-oscillatory route can quickly cause a particle to stagnate and also it may prematurely converge on sub optimal solutions that are not even guaranteed to be local optimum. A further drawback is that stochastic approaches have problem-dependent performance. This dependency usually results from the parameter settings in each algorithm. The different parameter settings for a stochastic search algorithm result in high performance variances. In this project the modification strategies are proposed in PSO using GA. Experimental results show that GA performs better than PSO for the feature selection in terms of error reduction problems whereas hybrid outperforms both the model in terms of error reduction.yagneshmb/Suboptimal_NOMA_5G
The repository contains a research article implementation(reproduced results), in which the authors have proposed a sub optimal scheme for NOMA up-link transmission multiple access in 5G systems.ra9hur/Coursera-Aerial-Robotics
This repository includes all programming assignments solved while attending Coursera's Aerial Robotics coursesumanismcse/Path-Planning
PSO Applicationkamalkishor/Wound_Image_Segmentation_by_Markov_Random_Field
Enhanced 18% efficiency of a research project on Wound Image Segmentation using Markov Random Field, Image Processing, Segmentation and Morphology.jeringeo/CompressiveFlows
Implementation of ICCV 2019 paper "Restoration of Non-rigidly Distorted Underwater Images using a Combination of Compressive Sensing and Local Polynomial Image Representations"amalshaji/wsn-heterogenous-deployment
Intelligent deployment strategies for heterogeneous nodes to increase the network lifetime of wireless sensor networks.shyamsuresh14/Detection-of-defects-in-fruits-and-vegetables
Detection of defects in fruits and vegetables using k means segmentation and Otsu thresholding in Matlab. Both external and internal defects are detected. For external defects, the surface of the fruits and vegetables in the image is processed. For internal defects, two approaches are followed. In the first one, the internal images of the fruits are processed for defects, whereas in the second one, the X-ray images of the images are taken and processed for defects.Deepanshu8391/Underwater_Image_Enhancement_Using_MultiFusion_Technique
Coursera Machine Learning by Stanford University : Andrew Ng: Assignment SolutionsAnnesya/Echo-Debar-AEC
Submission to the 1st Acoustic Echo Cancellation Challenge, Microsoft and ICASSP 2021.princenarula222/Crowd_Annotation
Annotating human heads in collected images for crowd counting and generating corresponding ground truth .mat files using MATLABRajdeep-Das/WSN_LEECH_Protocol
Implementation of LEACH (Low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy) ProtocolsMithunNallana/path-smoothing
An efficient path smoothing algorithm that has analytic solution. This algorithm provides curvature continuous path using cubic Bezier curves. This algorithms allows to have limits on maximum curvature of the path.gyani-codes/FOPID-tuner-using-GA
A fractional order PID controller is tuned using genetic algorithm , to control the speed of DC motordhishku/Machine-Learning-for-Grain-Assaying
This project aims at creating mobile based solutions for scientific grading/assaying of food grains. Aim is to be used in e-National Agriculture Market (NAM)dkrishna92/Spectrum-sensing-energy-detection
Simulating Massive MIMO and Small Cellssbiswas8/Estimation-algorithms
Estimation-algorithms includes MATLAB functions for the EKF, UKF, Particle Filter, and their computationally efficient variants.curio-code/Radar-Simulation
A simulation environment is created in MATLAB using Automated Driving Toolbox and then vehicle tracking is done using Kalman filter utilizing simulated RADAR data for measurement updateCaptainSharf/Poisson-Image-Editing
Optimization of Patch Antenna using QPSOvkverma01/Zero-Shot-Learning
Zero-Shot Learningjaishreedhage/JPEG-image-compression
Image compression using techniques like DCT transform and Huffman encoding and decoding.rammilan007/Missile-Guidance
Simulation of trajectories and guidance commands for Missile and target for various pursuitsankitemb/IIR-Filter-Coefficient-for-CMSIS-DSP
IIR filters coefficient generation for ARM CMSIS DSP library using GNU Octave Script.DhyeyR-007/Planar-Endoatmospheric-Missile-Guidance
Developed a missile guidance and ballistic control system for autonomous mid-air and surface-to-air target chase and interceptionashwinwagh96/SNN-model-using-Cuckoo-Search-Algorithm
Neuromorphic Project : Pattern Classification using Cuckoo Search Algorithm and Levy Flight Modelbscharan/Automatic-speech-sequence-segmentation
The Main Aim of this project is to segment and cluster an audio sample based on speaker when number of speakers are not known before hand. Main challenge in the process of speaker recognition is separting audio based on speaker.It can enhance the readability of an automatic speech transcription by structuring the audio stream into speaker turns and, when used together with speaker recognition systems, by providing the speaker's true identity.Other challenges are due to multiple speakers present at the time instantaryashah2k/Computer-Vision-Basics-Coursera
A Repository Maintaining My Solutions And Additional Resources For The Course- Computer Vision Basics Offered By University at Buffalo & The State University of New York On Courseradarshanime/neural-networks-MATLAB
Implementation of Artificial neural networks in MATLAB.pmaini/pathPlanningConOpt
Path planning for UAVs in the presence of threat zones using convex optimization.priyathamkat/cocktail-party-problem
Implements the FastICA algorithmiamjanvijay/Face-Spoofing-Detection
Face Spoofing Detection Using Texture Analysishrshtv/HMRF-GMM-EM-Segmentation
Image segmentation using the EM algorithm that relies on a GMM for intensities and a MRF model on the labels. Based on "Segmentation of brain MR images through a hidden Markov random field model and the expectation-maximization algorithm" (Zhang, Y et al.)Vishnu-Dhanabalan/Speech-Enhancement-Kalman-Filter
Kalman filtering for speech signal enhancementAxeshredder/MVO-for-Path-Planning-of-UAVs
Multiverse Optimizer for Multi UAV path planning with coordination.vasudev-sharma/Breast-Cancer-Detection-using-Artificial-Neural-Networks
Matlab based GUI to predict breast cancer using Deep Learningaryarohit07/machine-learning-coursera-andrew-ng
Programming assignments from Coursera's Machine Learning(by Stanford University) course taught by Andrew Ng.Mithilesh1609/QPSK-modulation-and-demodulation
This is Matlab implementation of modulation and demodulation of QPSK signals with added white Gaussian noisejitinnair1/hello-phasefield
some exercises in phasefield modelling solved in MATLABShalini-lodhi/Multi_UAV_Mobile_Edge_Computing
Mobile edge computing networks based on Unmanned Aerial Vehiclesearthat/VANET-Simulation-in-MATLAB
This Repository is targeted to VANET simulation in MATLABakanksha2016/AI_Project
Comparative study of Prediction Models for Air Pollutant ( ANN, PCA-ANN, ANFIS, PCA-ANFIS )sudhamshu091/Mastering-Programming-With-Matlab
Image Reconstruction Using Compressive Sensingrishabhcs53/5G-Wireless-Network
Matlab Code for Bispectral Analysis of Signalshrshtv/FCM-Segmentation
Image Segmentation using Fuzzy C-Means Clustering with Bias Field CorrectionLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us