Discover India's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of India.
Algorithms implemented in the Julia programming language. We're collaborating with the Humans of Julia community!avik-pal/Lux.jl
Explicitly Parameterized Neural Networks in Juliaavik-pal/RayTracer.jl
Differentiable RayTracing in Juliasambitdash/PDFIO.jl
PDF Reader Library for Native Julia.avik-pal/Wandb.jl
Unofficial Julia bindings for logging experiments to wandb.aitejank10/AlphaGo.jl
AlphaGo Zero implementation using Flux.jlavik-pal/FluxMPI.jl
Distributed Data Parallel Training of Deep Neural Networksabhijithch/RecSys.jl
Differentiable Duckietownjishnub/ParallelUtilities.jl
Fast and easy parallel mapreduce on HPC clustersashwani-rathee/Firebase.jl
Julia's interface to the Firebase's REST API. Covers cloud firestore, cloud storage, firebase authenication, realtime databaseavik-pal/FastStyleTransfer.jl
Fast Neural Style Transfer in Juliatejank10/Flux-baselines
Flux baselines: Implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms using Fluxashwani-rathee/Miner.jl
Voxel World Simulator written with Makie in Juliatanmaykm/gRPC.jl
gRPC framework for Julialepisma/ELM.jl
Extreme Learning Machine in juliaavik-pal/RegNeuralDE.jl
Official Implementation of "Opening the Blackbox: Accelerating Neural Differential Equations by Regularizing Internal Solver Heuristics" (ICML 2021)tanmaykm/Thrift.jl
Thrift for Juliaavik-pal/DeepLearningBenchmarks
Benchmarks across Deep Learning Frameworks in Julia and Pythonravinderbhattoo/PeriDyn
Peridynamics implementation in Julia.AdarshKumar712/FluxGAN
Collection of GAN models with Fluxjishnub/OrdinalIndexing.jl
Julia package to index arrays using the positional rank of the index instead of its valueayush1999/Keras.jl
Run keras models with a Flux backendv-i-s-h/MAB.jl
A Julia Package for providing Multi Armed Bandit Experimentsabhijithch/JuliaTutorial.jl
This is the Julia Tutorial seriesavik-pal/SimpleConfig.jl
A simple way to specify experiment configurationstanmaykm/julia_types
Generate a text graphic of Julia modules type tree.rajeshmr/
Katas for Machine LearningAdarshKumar712/Metrics.jl
Metrics for evaluation of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Modelsjishnub/LegendrePolynomials.jl
Legendre polynomials and associated Legendre polynomials computed using 3-term recursionstanmaykm/OpenIDConnect.jl
OpenID Connect for Juliatanmaykm/JWTs.jl
JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for Juliatitaschanda/TenNetLib.jl
A Tensor Network Library (TenNetLib.jl) built on top of ITensors.jl for quantum many-body problems.v-i-s-h/Runner.jl
Provides `@runit` macro for running scripts with commandline arguments from REPLjishnub/SphericalHarmonics.jl
Associated Legendre Polynomials and Spherical Harmonics in Juliajishnub/WignerD.jl
Wigner d and D matrices following Feng (2015)tanmaykm/Memcache.jl
Julia memcached clientjishnub/MultiplesOfPi.jl
Numbers that produce accurate results when used as arguments to trigonometric functionstanmaykm/KubernetesIntegratedJulia
Word2Vec in Juliashreyas-kowshik/RL-baselines.jl
A framework for reinforcement learning in juliakraftpunk97-zz/NES.jl
A NES emulator and collection of environments in Julia for RLamitmurthy/PTools.jl
Collection of utilities for parallel processing in Juliankottary/Esquelle.jl
Makes working with SQL databases easierjishnub/PolyFit.jl
Julia package to compute polynomial fit to data with error barscpraveen/juliafem
A simple FEM code for 2d Poisson equationravinderbhattoo/PDMaterialPoints.jl
Peridynamics mesh points.avik-pal/LocalRegNeuralDE.jl
Local regularization of Neural Differential Equationssamadritakarmakar/RapidFEM.jl
RapidFEM.jl is a Finite Element library written in Julia, aiming to provide an interface for rapid prototyping of different mathematical models without compromises on speed.TheComputerM/julia-games
A list of games made in Julia lang.jishnub/MPIMapReduce.jl
An MPI-based distributed map-reduce function for JuliaAdarshKumar712/PPLM.jl
A Julia based implementation of Plug and Play Language Modelssambitdash/Rectangle.jl
Simple Rectangle operations in 2-D.tejank10/NeuralALU.jl
Neural Arithmetic Logic Units using Flux.jlshashikdm/TraceGraph.jl
Convert a Julia function call to Grapharcofdescent/KiteConnect.jl
Julia package for interfacing with Zerodha's KiteConnect APIsharmaabhishekk/Futbolista.jl
Julia package for football analyticsastrogewgaw/Dedispersion.jl
Dedispersion algorithms.amitmurthy/Sodium.jl
Julia wrapper for libsodiumabhishalya/InteractDeploy.jl
A simple utility to deploy your Interact apps to Heroku.akij17/TraceEstimation.jl
Julia Package for Trace Estimation of implicitly available matrix on a smooth function such as inverse and log determinant.ravinderbhattoo/PDBenchmark
Benchmarking for peridynamics models.astrogewgaw/PowerLawNoise.jl
Generate power law noise, in Julia.kraftpunk97-zz/Monte-Carlo-PG-in-julia
Monte Carlo Policy Gradient implementation in Julia using Flux.jlSourangshuGhosh/Optimization_Bayesian.jl
Bayesian optimization is a method of finding the maximum of expensive cost functions. Bayesian optimization employs the Bayesian technique of setting a prior over the objective function and combining it with evidence to get a posterior function. This permits a utility-based selection of the next observation to make on the objective function, which must take into account both exploration (sampling from areas of high uncertainty) and exploitation (sampling areas likely to offer improvement over the current best observation).r0cketr1kky/DiffPrivacy.jl
A library to implement Differential Privacy techniques over statistical databases in JuliaDawny33/SearchSortAlgos.jl
Algorithmic implementations in Julialangkraftpunk97-zz/GymSpaces.jl
Spaces for Flux's Gym.jl packagesjishnub/SphericalHarmonicArrays.jl
Julia Arrays that may optionally be indexed with a tuple (l,m) of Spherical Harmonic modeslepisma/hinton.jl
Hinton diagrams for juliatanmaykm/CommonCrawl.jl
Interface to common crawl dataset on Amazon S3avik-pal/CNNVisualize.jl
CNN Visualizations in Fluxnkottary/Modbus.jl
Julia wrappers for libmodbus C library.amitmurthy/ClusterDicts.jl
Global and Distributed dictionariesashwani-rathee/ImageProcessingBenchmark
JuliaImages and Scikit-Imagetanmaykm/JudyDicts.jl
Judy Array for Juliaamericast/DataDeps.jl
A BinDeps-like package for downloading and managing data, as well as examples of this package used with specific data sets.Sov-trotter/IBMQJulia.jl
IBMQ backend for Yaov-i-s-h/DiscretePredictors.jl
A Julia package for online discrete symbol predictionyewalenikhil65/Population-balance-equation
Implementation of population balance equationamericast/ANN
Artificial Neural Networkv-i-s-h/ModelMiner.jl
One package to train them allSamyak2/potential-art
some drawings made using Luxor.jl - fractals, nice looking animations, etc.abhijithch/MatrixMethods
This repository is for the examples and assignments for the course in Basic Matrix methods in Data Science using JULIAtanmaykm/Dex.jl
Launch and manage Dex from Juliajishnub/SphericalHarmonicModes.jl
Iterators to loop over pairs of spherical-harmonic modes by respecting the limits on each parameterravising-h/Codes-in-Julia
Practicing in Julia LangSourangshuGhosh/AbstractGPs.jl
AbstractGPs.jl is a package that defines a low-level API for working with Gaussian processes (GPs), and basic functionality for working with them in the simplest cases. As such it is aimed more at developers and researchers who are interested in using it as a building block than end-users of GPs.kraftpunk97-zz/DiffPong.jl
A differentiable Pong game environment for the Juliatanmaykm/Circuitscape.jl
Julia implementation of Circuitscape (WIP)Roboneet/Snake
shh, they're sleeping!chayandatta/Slugify.jl
Slugify.jl is a package for the Julia programming language that provides functionality for creating slugs from textjishnub/SlurmAddAllocatedProcs.jl
Julia package to easily add workers while using Slurm in batch modeashwani-rathee/Theremin.jl
Audio Processing in Juliaashwani-rathee/CameraCalibrations.jl
Fermions.jl is a versatile toolkit for working with electronic systems, allowing the symbolic creation and analysis of second-quantised Hamiltonians and operators.sonVishal/Reentry_Apollo_11
The Reentry problem for Apollo 11 type reentry vehicles.tanmaykm/LSH.jl
Locality Sensitive Hashing in Juliatanmaykm/Openresty.jl
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