Discover France's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of France.
List of articles related to deep learning applied to musicBartoszMilewski/Publications
Misc. publications, conference slides, etc. For more, go to http://BartoszMilewski.com42-AI/bootcamp_python
Bootcamp to learn Python for Machine LearningPlailect/keyshuffling
Keyshuffling Attack for Persistent Early Code Execution in the Nintendo 3DS Secure BootchainBartoszMilewski/DaoFP
The Dao of Functional Programmingmesnilgr/iclr15
Sentiment Analysis with EnsembleThinkR-open/engineering-shiny-book
Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps — Published in the R Series42-AI/bootcamp_machine-learning
Bootcamp to learn basics in Machine Learningjollheef/free-as-in-freedom-v2-ru
Русский перевод второго издания Free as in Freedom: Richard Stallman's Crusade for Free Software.vjousse/vim-for-humans-book
The vim for humans bookOCamlPro/ocaml-cheat-sheets
OCaml Documentations as one-pagers, easy to keep useful commands in mindchmduquesne/resume
Mirror of
(almost) Everything I know in math.vadimkantorov/fastvideofeat
Efficient feature extraction, aggregation and classification for action recognition (CVPR 2014)junwei-wang/beamerthemeNord
Nord beamer themeungdev/ScribUTT
Template LaTeX de rapports de projets / TDs et stages (ST05,ST09,ST10,ST30) pour l'Université de Technologie de Troyes aka UTT (école d'ingénieur).mcanouil/quarto-letter
Letter template for Quartojulienc91/listings-golang
Golang support for the listings package in LaTeXexo7math/deepmath-exo7
Deepmath : Mathématiques des réseaux de neuronesj-jorge/counting-in-cpp
Propositions of solutions to the exercises from Terence Tao's textbooks, Analysis I & II. Mirrored from
package reledmac for latexArtefact2/texbrew
An attempt to make good-looking homebrew documents for various roleplaying systems using XeTeX for typesetting.ReScience/ReScience-submission
ReScience submission repositoryfamuvie/beamerthemesimple
A minimalist Beamer theme with a watermark in the backgroundbriatte/srqm
An introductory statistics course for social scientists, using Statamaieul/latexhumain
LaTeX et sciences humainesquarkslab/llvm-dev-meeting-tutorial-2015
Material for an LLVM Tutorial presented at LLVM Dev Meeting 2015gutenberg/latex-awesomebox
A package to draw attention boxes in your documents, illustrated with FontAwesome icons (Mirror)exo7math/cours-exo7
Cours d'Exo7pi8027/typeinfer
Type inference in OCamlpablooliveira/bibjekyll
A bibtex plugin for Jekyll (based on bibtex2html)sylvain-kern/tufte-style-article
LaTeX article class with design features from E.Tufte's workssylvain-kern/tufte-style-thesis
A Tufte-styled LaTeX class for thesesfhennecker/deepdoom
Tensorflow DQN and DRQN agent playing doomexo7math/python1-exo7
Python au lycée - tome 1longbiaochen/corona-virus
ReScience website sourcesgpeyre/2017-MCOM-unbalanced-ot
L. Chizat, G. Peyré, B. Schmitzer, F-X. Vialard. Scaling Algorithms for Unbalanced Transport Problems. Preprint Arxiv:1607.05816, 2016.andreafioraldi/FuzzSplore
FuzzSplore: Visualizing Feedback-Driven Fuzzing Techniques42-AI/workshops_mathematics
Share resources, assets and information for the math sessions 🚀yg42/iptutorials
Image processing tutorialsgephi/gexf
GEXF Format SpecificationsTheoWinterhalter/phd-thesis
Phd Thesis of Théo Winterhalter. Look at releases to get the latest PDF.rom1v/mdbeamer
Template for Beamer from Markdown sourcehaltode/raytracer
An experimental raytracer in LaTeXBartoszMilewski/Writing
J-D. Benamou, G. Carlier, M. Cuturi, L. Nenna, G. Peyré. Iterative Bregman Projections for Regularized Transportation Problems. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 37(2), pp. A1111–A1138, 2015.Skyost/Bacomathiques
Bacomathiques est un petit site web qui contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour réviser vos maths en toute tranquillité de la Première à la Terminale ! Que vous cherchiez à passer votre Baccalauréat ou que vous souhaitiez simplement réviser votre cours : tout est possible et tout est gratuit.lucasmoschen/modelo-tcc-emap
Este repositório contém os arquivos necessários para começar o Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso da Escola de Matemática Aplicada (FGV EMAp)BartoszMilewski/PolyLens
Polynomial Lensjilljenn/business-card
A business card in LaTeXexo7math/quantum-exo7
Quantum : Un peu de mathématiques pour l'informatique quantiqueAlexandreAbraham/frontiers2013
Paper for special issue "Python in Neurosciences II"timekadel/BadUSB
Wifi enabled USB backdoorparticuleio/formations
Supports de cours des formations Particule.defeo/MathematicsOfIBC
Lecture notes on the Foundations of Isogeny-based Cryptographypmiossec/tig-cheat-sheet
A cheat sheet for tig (Text-mode Interface for Git)watsonbox/cv_template_2004
My LaTeX CV template from 2004Parrot-Developers/Docs
Master CSIsylvain-kern/magazine
magazine design typeset with LaTeX for a challenge on redditguyzmo/facturation_latex
Facturation autoentrepreneur easy en LaTeXjlefrique/moderncv
moderncv -- a modern curriculum vitae classkryzar/LoLaTeXcv
LoLaTeXcv is curriculum vitae class for LaTeX. It comes as a single file class, and might be great for you if you like organizing your curriculum vitae using lists.przem8k/iatiis
Image Analysis Techniques for Industrial Inspection Systems (2012)PierreSenellart/apxproof
LaTeX package for automatically putting proof environments in appendixcor3ntin/CPPProposals
Collection of proposals for c++ArthurBernard/Arthur-CV-LaTeX
Template of customized Curriculum Vitae and cover letter in LaTeX with respect to english or/and french conventions.bilal-elchami/dijkstra-hadoop-spark
Dijkstra Algorithm - Python Hadoop Streaming and PysparkArmael/coq-procrastination
A small Coq library for collecting side conditions and deferring their proofthomasbenas/LaTeX-report-template
LaTeX-report-template is a LaTeX template to create professional looking reports quickly and effortlessly.avivace/j2-resume
An opinionated (and probably over-engineered) workflow to produce a fancy LaTeX, web or docx Curriculum Vitae document from a JSON data source using Jinja2 (a data-driven CV)glipari/rtsched
Style file for drawing timing diagrams in LaTeXctuning/ck-guide-images
Images for CK documentationeroux/latex-yait
Yet Another LaTeX Invoice TemplateTELECOMNancy/tn-report
Modèle de rapport de stage TELECOM Nancyalexandrehuat/dp-gan
A TensorFlow (Python 3) implementation of a differentially-private-GAN.jilljenn/qna
Comparing models for adaptive testing (Rasch, DINA, MIRT, GenMA)PanDav2/Clockwork-RNN
This repository is a reproduction of the clockwork RNN paper.cedricmauclair/beamer-progressbar
Solver of multiobjective linear optimization problems: description and documentsJerome-LMA/oscar
An optical FFT code to simulate Fabry Perot cavities with arbitrary mirror profilesReScience/template
Template for article submissiongallandarakhneorg/tex-templates
Templates and styles for UTBM, UFC and UB based on tex-upmethodology and Beamereleurent/social-attention
Social Attention for Autonomous Decision-Making in Dense Trafficribault/CFT-Review
A review article on conformal field theoryaldebaran/urbi
Robotic programming languagedefeo/isogenies.bib
A BibTeX collection on Isogeny-based CryptographyromulusFR/timeline_informatique
A LaTeX (tickz) deck of card built from a csv file using javascripttomMoral/sentana
Sentiment Analysis on Stanford Tree Bankloicdtx/Wageningen_PhD_thesis_template
📚 📊 A LaTeX template for PhD these at Wageningen UniversityBakaniko/FOSS4G2019_Geoprocessing_with_R_workshop
This is the training materials for the **R for Geospatial Processing** workshop at FOSS4G 2019, Bucarest (Romania).theodumont/superpixels-segmentation
Research internship - Image segmentation by superpixels based on PyTorchpblottiere/dark-beamer-theme
A beautiful dark beamer themeinpefess/gym-saturation
a collection of Gymnasium environments for saturation proversDorianDepriester/TemplateThese
Template pour manuscrit de thèsePierreSenellart/erc-latex-template
LaTeX template for ERC proposalsReScience/MLRC
Editorial venue for ML Reproducibility Challenge Accepted papersdavidcarayon/quarto-inrae-extension
Quarto extension for INRAE TemplatesLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us