Discover Denmark's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of Denmark.
GraphQL servers in OCamlpaurkedal/ocaml-caqti
Cooperative-threaded access to relational datajozefg/blott
An experimental type checker for a modal dependent type theory.jozefg/nbe-for-mltt
Normalization by Evaluation for Martin-LΓΆf Type TheoryLeonidas-from-XIV/slacko
A neat interface for Slackandreas/ppx_graphql
Type-safe GraphQL queries in OCamlandersfugmann/amqp-client
OCaml Amqp client library for Async and Lwt.jmid/qcstm
A simple state-machine framework for OCaml based on QCheckjmid/mutaml
An OCaml mutation testerpaurkedal/ppx_regexp
Matching Regular Expressions with OCaml Patternslauritzsh/cryptomon
Cryptocurrency Portfolio Monitorandersfugmann/aws-s3
Ocaml library to access Amazon S3andersfugmann/ppx_protocol_conv
Pluggable serialization and deserialization of ocaml data strucures based on type_convandreas/ocaml-dataloader
Dataloader is a utility for batching and caching when fetching data, in particular for GraphQL.jmid/efftester
Effect-Driven Compiler Tester for OCamllogic-tools/sml-handbook
SML code for Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning - For Isabelle tooreynir/banawa-chat
SSH chat server using trust on first use for user registrationandreas/ocaml-graphql-tutorial
GraphQL in OCaml tutorial (CUFP 2017)jlouis/erlangnode
Run an OCaml program as an erlang nodepaurkedal/episql
SQL schema parser and code generatorlogsem/mitten_preorder
Didactic implementation of the type checker described in "Complete and Easy Bidirectional Typechecking for Higher-Rank Polymorphism" written in OCamlrand00/fry
Functional reactive rhythm libraryreynir/qubes-mirage-ssh-agent
Ssh-agent unikernel for QubesOScem2ran/refocus
Explorations into reasonably ergonomic lens derivationspaurkedal/ocaml-radixmap
Map Γ la Binary Radix Treejmid/wasm-prop-tester
A stack-driven generator of arbitrary WebAssembly programsreynir/ocp-index-top
An automatic require loader for OCaml toplevelsandersfugmann/ocaml-protoc-plugin
Plugin for Google's protobuf compiler to generate interfaces based on protobuf specifications and runtime for encoding and decoding protobuf messagesandreas/mirage-swim
Membership protocol for Mirage unikernel clusters based on SWIMrand00/conntest
MirageOS unikernel to test networkingkristianmandrup/bs-xstate
Bucklescript bindings for XState state machineLeonidas-from-XIV/orewa
An Async-friendly Redis bindingreynir/ocaml-ssh-agent
MirageOS IRC daemon.jlouis/transit-ocaml
The Transit format in OCamlThomas0c/solar-weather
React Native Weather App w. Realm, Redux, ReasonReact & Forecast.ioLeonidas-from-XIV/ocaml-wiringpi
Binding to the WiringPi librarypaurkedal/batyr
A jabber logger and web interfacepaurkedal/ocaml-bitpath
Efficient bit-string type along with containers to partition data on variable-length bit-strings.andreas/ocaml-fdb
OCaml client bindings for FoundationDBreynir/origami-sledgehammer
It's a pastebin, okay?jmid/qc-ptrees
A model-based QuickCheck test of ptrees (Patricia trees)andreas/ocaml-memcached
OCaml memcached client using core, async and bitstring.andreas/irmin-fdb
Irmin store backed by FoundationDBpaurkedal/ephca
Lattice valued regular expressions and an example analysisreynir/mirage-block-partition
Partition a Mirage block device into two block devicesastahfrom/prettiest
A Pretty but not Greedy Printer in OCamlpaurkedal/ocaml-prime
Supplements to the OCaml libraryreynir/mirage-cat
Cat implemented in MirageOS for solo5paurkedal/ocaml-cumulus
Differential FRP based on the React librarymads-hartmann/ocaml-utop-emacs-example
A small example to accompany a blog post on using utop in Emacs with your own OCaml projectsrand00/flappy
Flappy bird, written using Elm architecture in OCamlkeleshev/
Templating library for styling terminal text and type-safe variable substitutionreynir/let-if
A DSL for generating iptables firewall scripts.rand00/ocaml_supercollider_interface
Simple interface between OCaml and the SuperCollider server used for controlling existing synth-defspaurkedal/caqti-study
GPT + TAR headerLeonidas-from-XIV/escalate
Implementation of the Deflate algorithm in pure OCamlpaurkedal/viz
The Viz Languagejmid/xyz-exp-ast
A simple example of using ocamllex and menhir to build an abstract syntax treepaurkedal/ppx_deriving_random
Syntax extension to generate random instances of typeskeleshev/monads
Implementation of monads from the original monad paper in OCaml and F#paurkedal/inhca
In-House CAkeleshev/
Pure OCaml emulation of {u,}int{8,16,32} integerscem2ran/InstaClone
Arity-generic API for tuple representationspaurkedal/confero
Unicode collation library for OCamlreynir/ppx_optint
Toy language inspired by Joyandersfugmann/ppx-deriving-protocol
Deprecated: Project moved to ppx_protocol_convpaurkedal/ocaml-cothrift
Concurrent Thrift Runtime for OCamlandersfugmann/borderline
Firewall compiler for Ipv4/6jespera/derivative-parser
Parsing with derivatives (cf. Yacc is dead)jmid/lcheck
A library for quickchecking lattice modules and associated operationsreynir/oneffs
Single file filesystem for MirageOS - mirrorpaurkedal/ocaml-mediawiki-api
MediaWiki APIAhnfelt/mlcsp
(Not under active development). OCamlCSP is a library for Ocaml based on Tony Hoares Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) .rand00/mtag
CLI media/file-tagger and query toolreynir/ocaml-digitalocean
OCaml library for the v1 APImalthe/bs-virtualdom
A virtual DOM library written in OCaml/BuckleScript with a focus on ease-of-use, immutability and performance.reynir/ocaml-secret-sharing
Threshold Secret Sharing in OCamlrand00/mirage_hands-on
Unikernel-code and information to get up and running with MirageOSsoren-n/typeset-ocaml
An embedded DSL for defining source code pretty printers implemented in OCamljmid/sm2-tes21
'Functional Programming and Property-Based Testing' at SDU, Spring 2021paurkedal/panograph
Data-Centric Widgets for EliomLeonidas-from-XIV/mucppo
Β΅CPPO : a minimal, embeddable subset of CPPOreynir/dream-normalize-route
lit-html bindings for BucklescriptSSoelvsten/mlightdp
An extensive implementation of the LightDP language of Zhang and Kifer used to prove algorithms to be privacy-preservingpaurkedal/ocaml-iso639
Language codes for OCamlpaurkedal/ocaml-kojson
Combinators for matching JSONkfl/muddy
MuDDy is a ML interface to the Binary Decision Diagrams package BuDDykeleshev/Arrow
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