Discover China's Leading Open Source Projects: Explore top-notch open source initiatives hailing from the vibrant tech community of China.
use vim as IDEwklken/k-vim
A vim plugin to display the indention levels with thin vertical linesjiangmiao/auto-pairs
Vim plugin, insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pairchxuan/vimplus
🚀An automatic configuration program for vimliuchengxu/space-vim
🍀 Lean & mean spacemacs-ish Vim distributionvoldikss/vim-floaterm
💻 Terminal manager for (neo)vimXuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin
A plugin of NERDTree showing git statusliuchengxu/vim-which-key
🌷 Vim plugin that shows keybindings in popupliuchengxu/vista.vim
🌵 Viewer & Finder for LSP symbols and tagsluochen1990/rainbow
Rainbow Parentheses Improved, shorter code, no level limit, smooth and fast, powerful configuration.mashirozx/Pixiv-Nginx
Learning Vim. A Hands-On Tutorial of Vim.dyng/ctrlsf.vim
A text searching plugin mimics Ctrl-Shift-F on Sublime Text 2youngyangyang04/PowerVim
Make your vim more power and much easer.lymslive/vimllearn
A book for VimL Script languagebilibili/vim-vide
Lightest vimrc, while strong enough. 最轻的vim配置,却足够强!exvim/main
This is the main repository for exVim!mzlogin/vim-markdown-toc
A vim 7.4+ plugin to generate table of contents for Markdown files.wklken/vim-for-server
.vimrc, simple configures for server, without plugins.jaywcjlove/vim-web
◈ 搞得像IDE一样的Vim,安装配置自己的Vim。LER0ever/EverVim
A Modern, Powerful & Modular Vim Distribution | Archived, see notice:
My Vim configuration more Python, Javascript, Vue.js, Golang and Markdown, will add Haskell, Ruby and C/C++liuchengxu/space-vim-dark
💜 A dark colorscheme for space-vim, see space-vim-theme for light background support!oldratlee/vim-practice
💘 Vim is awesome! Here is my practice and study log.barretlee/autoconfig-mac-vimrc
autoconfig mac vimrc with bundlegu-fan/riv.vim
Notes and Wiki with rst.blindFS/vim-taskwarrior
vim interface for taskwarriorvoldikss/vim-translator
📕 Translating plugin for Vim/Neovimhaishanh/night-owl.vim
A 24bit dark Vim colorscheme based on sdras/night-owl-vscode-themetomlion/vim-solidity
Vim syntax file for soliditysillybun/vim-repl
Best REPL environment for Vimruchee/vimrc
Ruchee's Vim Config Fileschemzqm/wxapp.vim
提供微信小程序开发全方位支持的 vim 插件jayli/vim-easycomplete
杭州市余杭区最好用的 VIM/NVIM 代码补全插件fgheng/vime
vime, an easy and structural config for (neo)vim usersDemonCloud/dotfile
YiJun's (Neo)Vim work filelilydjwg/colorizer
A Vim plugin to colorize all text in the form #rrggbb or #rgb.hotoo/pangu.vim
『盘古之白』中文排版自动规范化的 Vim 插件drmingdrmer/xptemplate
Code snippets engine for Vim, with snippets library. XPTemplate let you write codes in a smooth, quick and comfortable way.liuchengxu/eleline.vim
🌿 Another elegant statusline for vimbeeender/Comrade
Brings JetBrains/IntelliJ IDEs magic to Neovim with minimal setup.neoclide/vim-jsx-improve
Syntax and indent plugin for React jsx.glepnir/spaceline.vim
vim statusline like spacemacslilydjwg/dotvim
My vim configroxma/vim-tmux-clipboard
seamless integration for vim and tmux's clipboardTTWShell/legolas-vim
🚩 一键化打造 Vim IDE 环境(安装只需数秒) 【环境:Linux 64 位】 Vim7.X 可以安装版本1.0overmind1980/oeasy-vim-tutorial
这是oeasy制作的的一套关于vim的教程 可以做实验 本教程从0基础开始,到精通vim配置,和高级命令。希望能让vim是你的开发更高效。roxma/nvim-yarp
Yet Another Remote Plugin Framework for NeovimZSaberLv0/ZFVimIM
vim输入法 / Vim Input Method by pure vim script, support: user word, dynamic word priority, cloud db filesbroqiang/vim-go-ide
Vim as the IDE for the go language 将 vim 打造成 go 语言的 idelinrongbin16/lin.vim
Lin Rongbin's (Neo)Vim Distributionglepnir/oceanic-material
Oceanic Material Colorscheme on Vim/NeoVimnvim-zh/better-escape.vim
A Vim/Neovim plugin for escaping insert mode without lagging.liuchengxu/space-vim-theme
🌼 A dark and light colorscheme for space-vim that supports GUI & terminalzivyangll/git-blame.vim
See Git Blame information in the status bar for the currently selected line.laixintao/myrc
⚙️ My Linux Config files.liuchengxu/vim-better-default
🎨 Simplify your .vimrc and make the default vim betteraxiaoxin/my-vimrc
VIM configuration file: used to write Golang, Python, Markdown, etc. with VIM on macOSyuezk/vim-js
💯The most accurate syntax highlighting plugin for JavaScript and Flow.jsgu-fan/colorv.vim
edit color easycpiger/NeoDebug
NeoDebug - Vim plugin for interface to gdb from Vimlotabout/skim.vim
vim support for skimLeptune/vim-for-coding
我的vim插件, 基于vim-plug安装juvenn/mustache.vim
Vim mode for mustache and handlebars (Deprecated)hightman/vimrc
vimrc for PHP & Web developerschloneda/vim-cheatsheet
🍁Vim cheat sheet with everything you want to know.brookhong/cscope.vim
A vim plugin to help you to create/update cscope database and connect to existing proper database automatically.myhere/vim-nodejs-complete
nodejs 'omnifunc' function of vimwillchao612/vim-diagon
Vim wrapper of Diagon API to generate simple Unicode or ASCII diagramsdofy/7th-vim
安装简单,轻量、易用、高可配置性。 Lightweight & Customizable Vim configuration
instant rst preview in browsernvim-zh/minimal_vim
A minimal Vim/Nvim configuration in just one file without external dependencies.roxma/vim-paste-easy
Automatically set paste for youvoldikss/vim-browser-search
🌀 Perform a quick web search for the text selected in (Neo)Vimgeekan/source-insight-vim
source-insight-like vim.windy/ruby-vimrc
A quick vimrc for Ruby on Rails programmingvoldikss/vim-skylight
💡Search asynchronously and preview file/symbol under cursor in the floating window.fuh/vimrc
minimal .vimrc for c/c++ developersvimhack/dotfiles
🍀 Vim/Neovim + Tmux + Zsh + Alacritty = Build your own fantastic development environmentmrbeardad/SpaceVim
vim task pluginJulesWang/css.vim
UI 工程师在 Mac 下的开发环境搭建Zuckonit/vim-airline-tomato
Pomodoro Techniquevhdsih/manjaro-linux-config
configuration for manjaro linuxdexteryy/YVim
Out-of-the-box ~/.vim directory for MacVimfannheyward/init.vim
Neovim config of @fannheyward.anzhihe/Efficient-office
Vim configuration for Geek Timechemzqm/vimrc
Clean and modularized vimrc files, for front-end developing on macbuaazp/vimconf
Personal vim conf and plugins for Mac and Linux.exvim/older-version-of-exvim
This repository is deprecated, please go to for the new exVim!jiangmiao/simple-javascript-indenter
A vim javascript indent scriptzhenlonghe/Vimrc
Vim configurations and pluginshuacnlee/vimmate
Custom vim like Textmate for Ruby on Rails developmentadwpc/xvim
Powerfull vim configuration for C/C++/GO/JS coder(好用的vim插件集成包,支持C/C++/GO/JS)Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us