ββββ ββββ ββββββ βββββ ββ ββββ ββ ββββββββ ββ ββ ββββ ββ ββ
ββ¬ββββ ββββ ββββββ ββββββββ ββ¬ββββββββββββββββ ββ ββ ββββ ββββββ
ββ ββ ββ ββ ββ ββββ ββ ββββββ¬ββββ ββ ββ ββ ββββ¬ββ
ββ ββ ββ βββββββββββ¬βββ ββ βββββββββββββ ββ ββ ββ ββββββ
ββ βββ ββ ββ ββββββββββββββ ββββββββ βββββββ βββ ββ ββ ββ ββ ββ
ββ βββ ββ ββ ββ ββββ ββββββββ ββββ βββ βββββ¬β ββ ββ ββ
βββββ¬β ββββ ββ βββββ¬βββββββββ ββββ ββββββββ βββ βββ¬β ββββ ββ ββ
ββββ ββββ ββ βββββ ββββββββ ββββ ββββββββ ββ ββββ ββ ββ
See Git Blame information in the status bar for the currently selected line.
Simply Install
If you don't have a preferred installation method, I recommend installing pathogen.vim, and then simply copy and paste:
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone [email protected]:zivyangll/git-blame.vim.git
Using vim-plug:
Plug 'zivyangll/git-blame.vim'
Using Vundle
Plugin 'zivyangll/git-blame.vim'
Please setting bindings
** You must push the map in your vimrc to avoid conflicts with other plugins you may have installed.: **
nnoremap <Leader>s :<C-u>call gitblame#echo()<CR>
Quick start guide
just use <leader>s
Publish git-blame
tar zcvf git-blame.tar.gz git-blame.vim
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See MIT License.