aho_corasick for crystal-lang
Library for maintaining sorted Arrays
Bit Fields for Crystal Language
A very compact representation of a placeholder for an image.
A pure Crystal implementation of BlurHash algorithm
Compile-time Trie in Crystal
CrOTP - One Time Passwords for Crystal
A pure Crystal Vector Math library
Algorithm Library for Crystal
A collection of containers & algorithms for the Crystal programming language
Simple linked list implementation in Crystal
This is a small UUID library that implements a chronologically sortable UUID.
A crystal-lang tree structure that is built using a delimiter.
Edit distance algorithms inc. Jaro, Damerau-Levenshtein, and Optimal Alignment
A Crystal port of awesome Fzy project, a fuzzy finder algorithm.
graphlb is a crystal library which contains all the graph Data-Structures and Algorithms implemented in crystal-lang.
Implementation of Consistent Hash Ring for Crystal
Crystal implementation of the Haversine formula to calculate distances between two points given their latitudes and longitudes
data structure heap for crystal-lang
Crystal implementation of "K-Dimensional Tree" and "N-Nearest Neighbors"
Crystal implementation of K-Sortable Globally Unique IDs
β A Crystal library for building Markov Chains and running Markov Processes.
Multiset (bag) implementation in Crystal
Crystal implementation of Murmur3 hash algorithm used by Cassandra
Library for testing primality and factoring integers in Crystal
a QR Code implementation written in crystal lang
Radix Tree implementation for Crystal
Range object operation in Crystal
Crystal implementation of the Secure Remote Password protocol (SRP-6a)
This is a Crystal implementation of a Splay Tree; which is a type of binary search tree that is semi-balanced and that tends to self-optimize so that the most accessed items are the fastest to retrieve.
A Crystal implementation of a Ternary Search Tree
A collection of phonetic algorithms for Crystal. Including; Porter-Stemmer, Soundex, Metaphone, Double Metaphone & White Similarity