A library of common data structures and algorithms written in C.
C List - universal list solution for C and C++, easy and fast, all data types supported
Easy to use, modular, header only, macro based, generic and type-safe Data Structures in C
A library of generic data structures for the C language.
Git mirror of the official (mercurial) repository of cpp-btree
🔗 Common Data Structures and Algorithms
Library for the analysis of networks
A simple C library for working with KD-Trees
Basic data structures in C: list, set, map/hashtable, queue... (libstdc++ wrapper)
libsrt is a C library for writing fast and safe C code, faster. It provides string, vector, bit set, set, map, hash set, and hash map handling. Suitable for soft and hard real-time. Allows both heap and stack allocation. *BETA* (API still can change: suggestions are welcome)
Linux kernel source tree
Linear Linked List Library
Library of generic and type safe containers in pure C language (C99 or C11) for a wide collection of container (comparable to the C++ STL).
A collecton of generic reference counted data structures, tools to create compatible C style classes, and demo applications
Random access array of tightly packed unsigned integers
Red-black tree in C
Common libraries and data structures for C.
Simple Dynamic Strings library for C
C macros for hash tables and more
C header library for typed lists (using macros and "template" C).