A cross-platform and ultrafast toolkit for FASTA/Q file manipulationcsvtk
A cross-platform, efficient and practical CSV/TSV toolkit in Golangawesome
Awesome resources on Bioinformatics, data science, machine learning, programming language (Python, Golang, R, Perl) and miscellaneous stuff.taxonkit
A Practical and Efficient NCBI Taxonomy Toolkit, also supports creating NCBI-style taxdump files for custom taxonomiesbrename
A practical cross-platform command-line tool for safely batch renaming files/directories via regular expressionkmcp
Accurate metagenomic profiling && Fast large-scale sequence/genome searchingLexicMap
LexicMap: efficient sequence alignment against millions of prokaryotic genomesbio_scripts
Practical, reusable scripts for bioinformaticsbio
A lightweight and high-performance bioinformatics package in Golangunikmer
Toolkit for k-mer with taxonomic informationClipboardTextJoiner
Monitoring system clipboard change and joining multi-line text. It's very useful when copying multi-line text from PDF files.go4bio
Golang for Bioinformaticsgtdb-taxdump
GTDB taxonomy taxdump files with trackable TaxIdseasy_qsub
Easily submitting multiple PBS jobs or running local jobs in parallel. Multiple input files supported.countminsketch
An implementation of Count-Min Sketch in Golangtaxid-changelog
NCBI taxonomic identifier (taxid) changelog, including taxids deletion, new adding, merge, reuse, and rank/name changes.bwt
Burrows-Wheeler Transform and FM-index in golangcnote
A platform independent command line note appgtaxon
gTaxon - a fast cross-platform NCBI taxonomy data querying (gi2taxid, taxid2taxon, name2taxid, LCA) tool, with cmd client and REST API server for both local and remote server.easy_sbatch
easy_sbatch - Batch submitting Slurm jobs with script templatesncbi_acc2gtdb_acc
Mapping NCBI Genbank accession to GTDB accessionstrobemers
A Go implementation of the strobemers (
NCBI-style taxdump files for International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV)crun
Run workflow mixed with concurrent and sequential jobs. Please use
breader (Buffered File Reader), asynchronous parsing and pre-processing while reading file. Safe cancellation is also supported.pinyin
LexicHash in Golangpand
Bitwise AND on two byte-slices using SIMD instructionsunik
A k-mer serialization package for Golangkmers
bit-packed k-mers methods for Golanginstall-windows
Windows็ณป็ปๅฎ่ฃ ็ป้ชperfect-bioinformatic-tools
What should perfect bioinformatic tools be like?breseq-rm-bg
Removing control/background mutations from breseq output index.htmlbbuffer
An alternative of standard library bytes.Bufferdirsize
Summarize size of directories and files in directoriesdatakit
CSV/TSV file manipulation and more. Please use my another tool: csvtk,
Golang utility packagesuint64-hash-bench
Benchmark of three uint64 hash functionssimhash-eval
Ground truth metagenomic profiles in CAMI format for the 25 metagenomic reads in Sun et al.go-hashing-kmer-bench
Benchmark of hashing k-mers in Golangshenwei356
Draw hairpin-like text figure from RNA sequence and its secondary structure in dot-bracket notation.BioUtil
Bioinformatics Perl modulesrust-practice
Some tools in Rust for learningtodo
A very simple online todo list applicationblast-nf
A nextflow-based BLAST command-line helper tooleasy_run
Run command with default options in configuration fileswr
Wei Shen' R
Fast uint64 Set in golangprocess_queue
Process queue for high CPU/RAM/time usage processesroux2016-mock-virome-cami-profile
Ground truth metagenomic profiles in CAMI format for the mock virome communities in Roux et al.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us