Application to organize daily tasks. Tasks from previous days can be saved and routines created for daily complianceacademic-system
Academic management system, courses and students can be created. ExpressJS is used to modify the data in the JSON files.IVAO-ECUADOR
IVAO ECUADOR project. It is a virtual platform that provides information services to those amateurs and professionals in the world of virtual aviation in Ecuador and the world.oop-university
Repository where all the exercises of the object-oriented programming class are stored.Portafolio
On this website you will find my portfolio with my contact details and my projects. Also, you can see my posts that show the process of the projects.Alquiler-de-vehiculos
Tool to manage the rental of vehicles through Java and a user interfacePassword-Generator
It's a tool that allows you generate a new password with different possibilities such as changing the characters, numbers and symbols.time-tracker
Application used to display time information of a user. Firebase is used as the database.oasis-webcore
Entrepreneurship project for the creation of digital content (Web pages, design, musical themes) is designed to come into direct contact with potential clients who need technological solutions.NodeCalculator
Calculator in node that has 6 main functions (Add, subtract, multiply, divide, factorial of a number, relative primes)mars-api
Project that integrates the NASA API to search for images of Mars through the different rovers (Only works with Curiosity and Perseverance)training-request-system
The Training Request System is a website derived from Ivao Ecuador that provides a tool to schedule new training for pilots or air traffic controllers.AEROLINEA-VIRTUAL-DEL-ECUADOR
Project of the Virtual Airline of Ecuador. Website created so that virtual pilots can simulate real air operations in a virtual way, that integrates third-party services to provide users with a training and simulation system, offering reservation, tracking, telemetry and statistics tools. PHPVMS is used.Calculadora
Calculator made with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript Vanilla. This project consisted of making a calculator that was capable of performing 4 different calculations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division) and that the result was displayed on the screen.Calculadora-IMC-Javascript
BMI calculator that asks for weight and height parameters to then apply formula and get the Body Mass Index (BMI) as a resultPomodoro-Countdown
The Pomodoro timer is a tool for measuring time. In this app the time can be paused or reloaded.Conversor-de-divisas-Javascript
Currency converter for USD, EUR and COP using the "Currencylayer" API. This project has the problem that in order to access more information from the API, you had to pay. For this reason, the conversion from Euros to Colombian pesos is carried out with static values.directorioContactosApp
The application allows to save, filter and delete contacts that a user adds.Programation-advance
Repository of works of the subject of advanced programming of the universityNickname-Generator
The nickname generator is a tool designed to display random names following the parameters given by the user as the gender of the name.java-chat
Chat in Java with Sockets between a client and a serverpokemonAPI
This project is an assignment for the JavaScript (Giweb JS) course. It consists of creating a web page that receives the name or id of a pokemon and shows the information if it exists on the screen.react-course
In this repository you will find what was done in the React course. Each section is numbered in order.bolsaEmpleoApp
Employment Exchange App allows companies organize the recruiting process. 3 different panels (Menu, Add CV's and Show profiles) allows to human resources simplify their job.Buscador-de-Usuario-GitHub
Project that integrates the GitHub API to search for users, delivering as a result the user's information consulted such as: name, description, email, repositories, followers, etc.santiagobaronz
README used to display relevant information when entering the profile.Motzzarella-DiscordJS
Mozzarella is a bot designed to put music on a discord channel. It complies with all the reproduction functions and is cutee-commerce
E-commerce project for the sale of clothing with the brand of the Francisco Jose de Caldas District Universityjavascript-projects
Repository where several projects related to modules are stored that can be reused in other projects.changeWallpaper_NasaAPI
Project in Android Studio to change the wallpaper of the device when nasa pulls a new image from space in its API.ERP
Este proyecto es la construcción de un sistema ERP para la gestión de ventas, compras, inventarios y empleados. Se usa React como librerÃa principal para el desarrollo.GoBike
In this repository you can find all the activities carried out for the class of programming models. There will be many projects with different models applied.Espectrosoft
This project is a Java-based application that provides a user-friendly interface for converting numbers from one base to another and performing simple arithmetic functions.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us