Basic e-commerce applicationMovieStoreMvc
Learn to build a project in dot net mvc (6/7/8) from scratch with authentication,file handling, searching,pagination and so onDotNet6-jwt-refresh-tokens
Source code for youtube video on "JWT tokens, Refresh tokens and role management in dot net 6 API | Signup & login in dot net 6 api"Dotnet6-Mvc-Login
It is a source code of youtube video on role base authorization in dot net 6 mvc.. it is the link of that video
It is a source code of Book store app in dot net 6 mvc video of youtubeBlazor-Server-CRUD
Source code of Blazor crud operation youtube videoBlazorWasm-JwtAuth
Sour code of blazor webassembly jwt authenticationMovieStoreHtml
It is a raw html,css files of movie store project...dotnet-jwt-medium
.net 7 jwt authentication and role based authorization. Source code of article of mine.WebChatServer
Chat room server with signal rBookHundred
Simple crud app with .net core apis with sort+filter+pagination, dapper , sql server, stored proceduresWebChat-Client
Signal R chat room app javascript clientBlazorFile
Learn how to upload files in blazor serverAspnetCoreJwt
JWT authentication and role based authorization in .net 8 apisWebApiFSP
Node api crud app with mssql (sequelize)SerilogDemo
Source code of yt video on serilog with .net 7AspnetIdentityRoleBasedTutorial
Aspnetcore Identity+Role based auth with .net 7/8, Source code of
Inventory and stock management apis (Very basic) with dapper, not using authentication hereangular-23
Angular project defining some common stuff line ngx-infinite-scrollMongoDotnetDemo
.net 7 rest apis with mongo dbpMiniApi
pMini project apis in dotnet core 7BlazorWasm-Crud-Filter-Pagination
Project containing blazor wasm curd , filter and paginationImageManipulation_APIs_DotNetCore
Create,read,update and delete image APIs in .NET Core 8AngularSamples
Just a practice project. .net core rest apis for book section
Dotnet core apis with mysql and ef coreAngularPbDemo
Source code of Pocketbase and angular 16 crud with standalone componentsFluentValidationDemo
Fluent validation in .net apisProductivityTracker_WinForm
Basic productivity tracker app with winforms and dapper (dotnet 7)DotnetApiDemo
Source code for my .net core Api coursep-mini-angular
Fullstack project created with angular and dotnet coreGoogleAuthDemo core external authenticationdemo-ng17
for practicing ng17, ngrx etc etcDotnetMysqlDapper
Dotnet core web api crud with my sql and dapperMvcCoreTutorial
Roller coaster ride of dot net core mvc 7.0/8.0 with CRUD operationsngrx-demo-yt
Application to understand ngrx store, entity and effectsCachingAspNetCore
Demonstrating various caching stratagies in .net coreInventoryMgtAngular
Basic inventory management project with angular and .net core apis.CsvReaderDemo
.net core mvc crud with dapper and mssql stored proceduresTodoListAspnetCore
TodoList api , TodoList mvcBlogginApp
angular app with angular and angular materialnet9demo
For experiments with .net 8nest-demo
Scalable rest app with nest nest js and mongo db. CRUD|Signup|Login|role base authBlazorActivityTracker
Activity Tracker: Small scale blazor-server project for beginnersCsharpTutorial
Full cource of c# avaialble on my youtube channel..ngx-rlibs
library for my personal angular projectsAutomapperDemo
Aspnet core and automapper integrationYt-Student-RestApi-NodeJs
Rest api tutorial with node js, express js and mongoose. Its a source code of youtube videobook-store
Book store project made with angular 16 with Nx, state management with rxjs, local json file as db.DotNetCoreMvcCrud
DotNet Core MVC (8.0) CRUD with EF CoreImageUploadRazorPages
Working with images in core razor pagesDotnetAuth0
Authentication and Role Based Authorization with Auth0 and .net core mvcjavarest
Todo REST APIs with Java, spring boot, JPA and H2ImageUploadMvc
Working with images in .net core mvcDotnetDockerDemo
source code for my blog postDotnetApiPostgres
Source code for my medium blog post on .net core api crud with postgresAngularAuthentication
In this project you will find complete solution for authentication in angular. You will learn role based authentication, how to use refresh tokens for longer sessions. You will learn concepts like route guard and http interceptor. It is a source code of a video in my youtube channel, you can check out that also.Love Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us