Noman (@nomankhalil)
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GitHub Desktop Overview Release Notes | Help Release Notes for Windows View release notes for Mac 2016/09/22v3.3.3 Chocolate-Covered Yaks UPDATEDGit Shell updated to v2.10.2 2016/09/22v3.3.2 Chocolate-Covered Yaks UPDATEDGit Shell updated to v2.10.1 which updates Curl to 7.50.3 and fixes some issues working with repositories over HTTPS with domains that use self-signed certificates. FIXEDUnable to resize the app to a width of 1024. 2016/09/22v3.3.1 Chocolate-Covered Yaks UPDATEDForce usage of TLS 1.2 when the client supports the protocol. 2016/09/06v3.3.0 Chocolate-Covered Yaks UPDATEDGit Shell updated to v2.10 which includes major performance improvements to interactive rebase among other enhancements. UPDATEDGit LFS updated to v1.3.1. FIXEDDpi scaling on Windows 10 Anniversary Edition caused blurry fonts. 2016/07/26v3.2.0 War on Emus ADDEDNew button to open a repository in Atom or Visual Studio. UPDATEDGit Shell updated to v2.9.0.1. IMPROVEDBetter error message when publishing a repository that already exists on the server. FIXEDCrash due to an unhandled COMException thrown by the default text input spellchecker 2016/05/06v3.1.1 Oh Darth, Where Art Thou? FIXEDCrash when using a Windows theme with drop shadows enabled. 2016/05/04v3.1.0 Oh Darth, Where Art Thou? NEWDark theme now available from Options menu. ADDEDIcons indicating whether a file was added, removed or modified. FIXEDUnable to add repository which exists at drive root. FIXEDCrash due to incorrect handling of input arguments on launch. FIXEDCrash due to COM exception when interacting with Taskbar. FIXEDCrash when scanning filesystem for local repositories. FIXEDCreated SSH keys not added to ssh-agent on first launch. FIXEDCrash due to decoding malformed parameters on restart. UPDATEDPosh-Git now includes new icons in prompt. UPDATEDGit Shell updated to v2.8.1. UPDATEDGit LFS updated to v1.2.0. UPDATEDGit Shell adds Visual Studio 2015 developer tools and other common tools to $PATH. 2016/03/31v3.0.17 Proctional Fungramming FIXEDCrash when updating the Windows taskbar with information but the taskbar is not ready or not found. 2016/03/24v3.0.16 Proctional Fungramming FIXEDExcessive memory allocations in large repositories that caused out of memory errors. FIXEDCommit selection would stop working if one commit failed to load. FIXEDVarious memory and performance improvements. UPDATEDGit Shell updated to v2.7.4. 2016/03/15v3.0.15 Proctional Fungramming IMPROVEDReduced memory consumption when pruning merged branches. IMPROVEDReduced memory consumption by requesting smaller avatars. 2016/03/03v3.0.14 Proctional Fungramming FIXEDPosh-Git update does not work for users running Powershell v2. 2016/03/02v3.0.13 Proctional Fungramming ADDEDIssue suggestions when creating commit messages by pressing the # key. UPDATEDGit Shell updated to v2.7.1. UPDATEDPosh-Git now includes new icons in prompt FIXEDCrash when trying to rapidly load diffs for multiple Git-LFS files. IMPROVEDLocal branches that have been merged into the default branch are automatically pruned. IMPROVEDArrow keys and Page Up/Down can can be used to scroll through diffs. 2016/01/22v3.0.12 Only You Can Shave Yakkind FIXEDUpdated Authenticode certificate to replace obsolete SHA1 certificate. FIXEDRare crash when hovering over commit graph. 2015/12/17v3.0.11 No Type Remains FIXEDUnable to view diffs in LFS-enabled repositories 2015/12/16v3.0.10 One Type Remains IMPROVEDCTRL + ~ opens Git Shell in addition to ~. IMPROVEDCTRL + Enter creates a PR when used within the pull request panel. IMPROVEDUpdated Git LFS to v1.1.0. FIXEDCloning large Git LFS-enabled repositories would fail when exceeding one hour. FIXEDRare crash when saving git attributes in repository settings. FIXEDExtracting Git shell components could fail when using certain anti-virus programs. FIXEDGit LFS accessible when launching using shell.ps1 2015/11/25v3.0.9 Totally Texas FIXEDGit Shell would load incorrect assembly, impacting git-remote-https operations. 2015/11/24v3.0.8 Totally Texas UPDATEDGit command line updated to v2.5. FIXEDDiff generation failed for specific scenarios. FIXEDAvatars disappearing when switching repositories. FIXEDTutorial would get automatically selected on start up until completed or removed. FIXEDRepository list lost focus while using keyboard navigation due to automatic focusing of commit title. FIXEDRare crash when hovering over a commit in the graph. FIXEDGit LFS attributes created in repository settings now match those creating using the CLI. 2015/10/29v3.0.7 Never Gonna Git You Up IMPROVEDAuto focus commit summary when switching to changes tab. FIXEDError rendering diffs for modified renamed files. FIXEDWrong changelog showing for users on the beta program. FIXEDCrash when attempting to show diff for large file storage assets. FIXEDCloning GitHub wikis using the 'Clone in Desktop' button. UPDATEDGit LFS updated to v1.0.2 2015/10/09v3.0.6 Berge Mase ADDEDFrom the Git Shell, you can now open the GitHub Desktop application to a specific repository from the command line by passing the path to the repository to github.exe. FIXEDLogging in on multiple machines could cause other sessions to be revoked. FIXEDComparison graph sometimes showed the wrong current branch. FIXEDFailing to load the correct commits when scrolling in the history tab. FIXEDRare crash when account transitioned between authenticated and unauthenticated. FIXEDTutorial repository showing after opening settings, about or option view. IMPROVEDNew tab header styles. IMPROVEDQuick sign in from clone dialog when not authenticated. IMPROVEDHelpful messaging when failing to push to, or delete, a protected branch. IMPROVEDMore detailed messaging when failing to render a diff. IMPROVEDLong branch names are now truncated in repository view and menus. IMPROVEDDisabled buttons in comparison graph no longer have hover states. 2015/09/08v3.0.5 Realtime Baking ADDEDEasily switch between Changes and History using the tabs. ADDEDDelete the current branch from the gear menu. IMPROVED@mentions list is refreshed more frequently. IMPROVEDReduced memory usage when browsing history. FIXEDA rare crash when accessing a repository's config file. 2015/08/24v3.0.4 The Last Free Monad IMPROVEDscrolling animations inside comparison graph. FIXEDCloning forked repository not displaying correct graph initially. FIXED'Update from {branch}' uses tracked branch if defined. FIXEDA potential crash when appending commits in history view. FIXEDPull Request tooltip showing incorrect message. FIXEDA potential crash when extracting tutorial repository. 2015/08/14v3.0.3 The Last Free Monad IMPROVEDScrolling commits is now way faster! FIXEDNew commits weren't reflected in the history. FIXEDUndoing commits weren't reflected in the history. FIXEDRemote commits were inserted at the end of the history when syncing. 2015/08/12v3.0.2 The Last Free Monad FIXEDA crash when fetching commits in rare cases. FIXEDA crash when opening the base branch popover. FIXEDA crash when failing to load files in commits. FIXEDA crash when restarting the tutorial. FIXEDChanged files appearing under the commit form. 2015/08/12v3.0.1 The Last Free Monad FIXEDA potential crash while generating the comparison graph. 2015/07/06v3.0.0 The Last Free Monad NEW'Use the comparison graph to compare two branches and keep them in sync.' Overview Release Notes | Help © 2016 GitHub, Inc. All rights reserved.