A LaTeX template for academic CVsml-intro
A very brief introduction to machine learningnene
Nēnē: A no-frills static site generatorpeer-review
A template for peer review of scientific publicationstesseroids
Forward modeling of gravity fields in spherical coordinatesremote-sensing
Introduction to optical remote sensing using Pythondotfiles
My configuration files, bash utilities, etcpython-hawaii-2017
Introduction to Python workshop in the Department of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Hawaii at Manoatalk-template
Template for my reveal.js based slidesgravity-processing
Lesson on processing ground survey gravimetry data for geophysicslandsat-wallpapers
Beautiful wallpapers made with Landsat remote-sensing datawebsite
This is the source code for my personal site, built with Nēnēlithosphere
Lectures and Jupyter notebooks for an introduction to lithosphere dynamicsgeofisica2
Disciplina Geofísica 2 do curso de Geologia da UERJ. Sismologia, sísmica, métodos elétricos e eletromagnéticos.memorial2023
Memorial acadêmico em formato Latex. Usado em concurso para professor doutor na USP em
Download and create a subset of global country-average temperature data from Berkeley Earthphd-thesis
Latex source and figures for my PhD thesis. Slides for the thesis
Simple (3 parameter) Love wave group velocity inversion with Ant Colony Optimization. Used in a seismic waves class in 2008.geofisica1
Material para a disciplina Geofísica 1 do curso de Geologia da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiropadeiro
A tool to render sourdough bread recipes expressed as baker's percentages2021-06-22-gfz
Seminar presented at GFZ about Fatiando a
Built HTML for my personal site (see for the source)gravmag
Teaching material for gravity and magnetics. Unorganized and a work in progressagu-cancun2013
Code, text, notebooks, and slides for the talk "3D magnetic inversion by planting anomalous densities" given at the AGU 2013 Meeting of the Americas in Cancun, Mexicoeage2011
Code, expanded abstract and poster "3D gravity gradient inversion by planting density anomalies" presented at the 2011 EAGE meeting in Viena, Austriascipy2013
Code, proceedings and slides for the talk "Modeling the Earth with Fatiando a Terra" given at the SciPy Conference 2013tgif2018
Seminar given at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Hawaii at Manoadft-in-c
A C implementation of the Discrete Fourier Transform that I made in 2007 for a class in signal processingtremelique
2D elastic wave simulator for education in Pythonubc-lecturer-data-science-application
Application material for the Lecturer position at the UBC Master of Data Science programmemorial2017
Memorial acadêmico em formato Latex. Usado em concurso para professor doutor na USP em 2017.python-geologia-2016
Minicurso de programação em Python para Geólogos - SAGEO - UERJ - 2016marking-rubrics
Marking rubrics for reports, coding assignments, and Jupyter notebooksaogs2018-gmtpython
Poster about GMT/Python at the AOGS 15th Annual Meetingagu2019
Poster about PyGMT presented at AGU2019recipe-sh-wave-layers
Run an SH wave finite differences simulation in layered media using Fatiando a Terragghs2012
Code and slides of the presentation "Rapid 3D inversion of gravity and gravity gradient data to test geologic hypotheses" given at the 2012 GGHS meeting in Venezia, Italyaogs2018-gps
Talk about 3D GPS interpolation at the AOGS 15th Annual Meetingscipy2014
Poster presentation given at the 2014 Scipy Conferenceagu2010
Abstract and slides of "Computation of the gravity gradient tensor due to topographic masses using tesseroids" presented at the 2010 AGU Meeting of the Americastemplates
A collection of assorted templates that I use oftenagu2017
Poster about GMT/Python presented at AGU 2017bread
Recipes for sourdough baking. Try at your own risk.tgif-2017
TGIF Seminar given at the Department of Geology and Geophysics of the University of Hawaii at Manoasumario
A tool for making changelogs for the Fatiando a Terra projectusp-letter-template
Template LaTeX para carta no modelo da USPmercury-topography
Measure the capsule size of Cryptococcus fungiheuristic-methods
Explorations into heuristic optimization methodsegu2014
Talk given at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014liverpool-soes-2020
New hire research sharing seminar at the School of Environmental Science, University of Liverpoolseg2011
Expanded abstract and slides for the talk "Robust 3D gravity gradient inversion by planting anomalous densities" given at the 2011 SEG Annual Meeting in San Antonio, USAseg2012
Code and slides for "Use of the 'shape-of-anomaly' data misfit in 3D inversion by planting anomalous densities" presented at the 2012 SEG Annual Meetingsbgf2011
Expanded abstract and slides for the talk "3D gravity inversion by planting anomalous densities" given at the 2011 Internation Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.deeplook
Python framework for geophysical inverse problemsliverpool2019
Seminar given at the University of Liverpool when interviewing for a Lecturer positioncompgeo
AGG0204 - Computação para Geofísicos | IAG-USPgeothermics
Code and slides for cource on geothermal modelingLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us