This project entails building a responsive portfolio website that showcases my bio, projects I have worked on, and how to contact me. It was built with SASS and JavaScript.covid-19-tracking-project
The Covid-19 Tracking Project collects information from different data sources to provide comprehensive data for the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2.HTML-Capstone-Project
This is a capstone project for HTML & CSS module in Microverse. It's about a web development bootcamp which takes place every year at different locations and cities. Users can sign up to attend the event.Blog-app
Blog app is a fully functional website that shows the list of posts and empower readers to interact with them by adding comments and liking posts.js-capstone-netflex
NETFLEX is a web application that fetches TV Shows from an external API - TV Maze API. Users can like and comment on a TV Show. The likes and comments features are all handled by API. Built with Javascript.bookstore-react
This project is about a bookstore where user can store the title and choose category of thier favourite books, and can also remove books,portfolio
This project is a portfolio website using a design from Figma. This project displays most of the projects I completed using technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is responsive to mobile devices, tablets, and laptops/desktops and it has a great UI.Portfolio
This project is a portfolio website using a design from Figma. This project displays most of the projects I completed using technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is responsive to mobile devices, tablets, and laptops/desktops and it has a great UI.OOP-School-Library-Ruby
Creating a rails backend app that uses API onlyBook-API
This is a Ruby on Rails API backend project for my bookstore react project.JXpense
JXpense is a dynamic full-stack Ruby on Rails mobile web-based application designed to effortlessly manage your expenses and income. Note, its on a free instance cloud sever and spins down with inactivity so it takes about 50 seconds to boot.hello-rails-react
"Math magicians" is a website for all fans of mathematics. It is a Single Page App (SPA) that allows users to make simple calculations and Read a random math-related quote.ToDo-List-App
This project entails building a user-friendly and responsive to-do app in which a user can add new tasks, check completed tasks, delete tasks, and remove completed tasks. This project saves users task in local Storage so that user can see all his tasks when he leaves the app and comes back. This project was built with JavaScript.math-magicians
"Math magicians" is a website for all fans of mathematics. It is a Single Page App (SPA) that allows users to make simple calculations and Read a random math-related
This web app keeps track of all your recipes and ingredients. It allows you to save ingredients, keep track of what you have, create recipes, and generate a shopping list based on what you have and what you are missing from a recipe. Also, allows you to share recipes .Calculator-App
This is a tip calculator app. Users can view the optimal layout for the app depending on their device's screen size. Users can calculate the correct tip and total cost of the bill per person.JEI-Crypto-Tracker
Learning using react as a front end frame work in a rails back end applicationPalindrome
This project entails building a bookstore app that users get to add and remove a book by book's name and the author. The information is stored and rendered from Local Storage. Built with JavaScript.vet_clinic-database
Tic-tac-toe, noughts and crosses, or Xs and Os, is a game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3Γ3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a diagonal, horizontal, or vertical row is the winnerContact-Form
A modern todo list application to track work loadgitflow-demo
This project entails building a user-friendly and responsive to-do app in which a user can add new tasks, check completed tasks, delete tasks, and remove completed tasks. This project saves users task in local Storage so that user can see all his tasks when he leaves the app and comes back. This project was built with React.js.Bootstrap-Portfolio
SoundSavvyShop is a dynamic e-commerce platform that revolutionizes the online shopping experience. Seamlessly crafted to empower users, it offers an intuitive interface enabling hassle-free product selection and cart management. Integrated with Stripe for secure paymentsnoterailsbackend
This is a Ruby on Rails API backend project for my note react project. You can test all endpoints using any API testing software like Postman.notesfrontend
A beautifully animated and colourful Ruby on Rails backend and React frontend responsive web application for taking notes. This application allows authenticated users to create, read, update, and delete notes with ease.Google-homepage-clone
Google official homepage clone using HTML5 and CSS gridjuliefy
E-commerce store where customers can select an item from a list of items with their price tags and add the selected item/items to cart, remove items from cart or make a secure payment for the items selected. Customers must register to make payment for any selected item/items.My-Portfolio
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