In this Project, we have cloned the Newsweek webpage in order to practice Bootstrap.Events-Directory
This is a website for an online events directory consisting of 3 interlinked web pages.Clock
In this project I have created an Analog Clock, which displays the real time. For this creation, I have used Vanilla Javascript.Webpack-Setup
Setting up the Web-pack for the future ProjectsCompiler-Breakout
A “deletable prime” is a prime number where you can delete digits one at a time and still have a prime number.Array-Cardio
In this Project, I am dealing with some array methods in order to get a strong grasp on Javascript fundamentals.Drum-Kit
In this project, I am creating a Drum-kit that will be playing the sounds associated with the individual keys. I have built this using Vanilla Javascript.Fractals
This game involves the generation of Koch snowflakes using Javascript.Tic-Tac-Toe
In this project, we build a Tic Tac Toe game. The main goal is to put into practice the main concepts of Object Oriented Programming using Ruby.City-Mapper
In this project, I am creating a web application that will allow users to find the cities by searching through keywords. Here, I have used an external API to fetch the cities information.Microverse_Abdulfatai
In this project, I am building a TO-DO-LIST in order to Practice Webpack and ES6.Exercise-Set-up-a-GitHub-repository-with-correct-tools
It is a website for Vacation-Rentals consisting of 3 interlinked web-pages.Counting-Cards
I have created a card counting function. It will receive a card parameter, which can be a number or a string, and increment or decrement the global count variable, according to the card's value. The function will then return a string with the current count and the string `BET` if the count is positive, or `HOLD` if the count is zero or negative.Title-Case
In this Project, I have created a function to return the provided string with the first letter of each word capitalized and made sure that the rest of the word is in lower case.Exercise-1
In this Project, I am creating a picture gallery using CSS Flexbox.Recursive-Function
In this project I am practicing Recursive-Function using Javascript.Awesome-Books
It is website containing a list of books been created using plain JavaScript with objects.Palindrome-Checker
In this Project, I will be checking if a string is Palindrome or not. I will create function using Javascript.Mountains
In this Project, I am adjusting the spacing, blur effect, and color of a certain image using CSS variables and Vanilla Javascript.Hangman
In this Project, I have created the hangman game for practicing Ruby basics.Cuisine-variant
In this project, we are creating a website consisting of Recipes from around the world. We are using a Kanban board for practice purposes and we have used an external API.Javascript-Template
In this Project, I am defining a function that will return the correct NICKNAME for a golfer based on their PAR and STROKES. I have used JavaScript for this Project.Record-Collection
In this project, I have started with an updateRecords function that takes an object literal, records, containing the musical album collection, an id, a prop (like artist or tracks), and a value. The function has been created using the rules below to modify the object passed to the function.Where-do-I-Belong
In this project, I have created a function that will return the lowest index at which a value (second argument) should be inserted into an array (first argument) once it has been sorted. The returned value should be a number.Arrow-Function
In this project, I will be defining the enumerable methods mostly used in Ruby applications.JS-Practice
Practicing RspecMethods
Created this repo for understanding DOM better.My-Rubocop
This is my Ruby Capstone Project in which I have developed my own version of rubocop.Ruby-Exercises
Creating this repo for learning purposeFizzBuzz
This project gives a solution to fizzbuzz.Bubble-sort
Resolve bubble sort using RubyFigure
In this project, I am drawing a figure using Ruby in order to practice the colorize gem.Basic-List
Practicing Add, edit, Remove on an ArrayJS-Best-Practice
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