πͺπ Artificial Intelligence that detects peoples' faces\eyes and objects' motions. Try it out! I am sure that you will think: 'Yowzaaa!!!' πͺπ (π KeyWords: python, jupyter notebook, pandas, opencv, AI, Artificial Intelligence, webcam, detection, face detection, eye detection, motion detection π)PYTHON-MOVIEPY-EXTRACT-AUDIO-FROM-VIDEO
π Did you ever want to extract audio of a music to listen it in your cellphone later? Well, I was, and this repo is the result!! π (π KeyWords: python, audio, video, moviepy, audio-extractor π)PYTHON-PILLOW-PYQRCODE-QR-CODE-GENERATOR
π Python is really amazing!!! In this repo you gonna discover how to create QR Codes with logos in the center!!! π (π KeyWords: python, pillow, pyqrcode, qr-code-generator π)CSFelix
π Use this repository to know how to send message to your whatsapp contacts automatically. Oh, remember: With great power comes great responsibility!! π (π KeyWords: python, selenium, whatsapp-message, web-automation π)WhatsApp-Bot-Venom
π A bot to your WhatsApp!! π (π KeyWords: html, css, javascript, nodejs, venom-bot, whatsapp-bot π)PYTHON-MANGA-DOWNLOADER
π If you wanna download Mangas for free, you are at the perfect repository!! π (π KeyWords: python, google colab, manga-panda, manga downloaderπ)
π Simulate how Color Blindness People see and choice the correct colors for your projects!!! π (π KeyWords: html, css, javascript, nodejs, color, blindness, simulator, color-blindness-simulator π)JAVA-JSP-SQL-MONGODB-HTML-CSS-JS-DATAME
βπ Read and Learn... DataMe!!! π β(π KeyWords: java, jsp, html, css, javascript, jquery, sql, mysql, mongodb π)PYTHON-FOLIUM-INTERACTIVE-MAPS
π Make and Save interactive maps to include in web pages or use in dashboards!! π (π KeyWords: python, folium, map, maps, interactive, interactive-map, interactive-maps π)PYTHON-BARCODE-GENERATOR
π In this repo, you gonna dicover out how to create barcodes with Python!! π (π KeyWords: python, python-barcode, barcode, barcode-generator π)HTML-CSS-JAVASCRIPT-STYLES
π IMO, HTML and CSS is the #1 GUI designer; here, you can do the impossible turn possible. Dole out your talent in the world, turn the webpages more fun!! π (π KeyWords: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web Styles and Design π)JAVA-JSP-CS-JAVASCRIPT-SHAREME
βπ "I have a lotta files!", "We have a ShareMe!". Refferences...π β(π KeyWords: java, jsp, html, css, javascript, transfer-files, transfer-fileπ)HTML-CSS-BOOTSTRAP-JAVASCRIPT-JQUERY-ANGULAR-MANGAS-WORLD
π I love animes and mangas, so, I think: "What if I make a website about it?". Tcharam! Here is the result!!! π (π KeyWords: HTML, CSS, BootStrap, JavaScript, JQuery, WebSite, Mangas π)HTML-CSS-JAVASCRIPT-NODEJS-TUBEME
π Do you wanna download Youtube Videos or Musics? So you are in the correct repository!!!!! TubeMe arrived, arrived nailing it!! π (π KeyWords: html, css, javascript, nodejs, youtube downloader π)PYTHON-HANGMAN-GAME
π Let's play Hangman Game, shall we? Hangman is a terminal game developed with Python and you needa try out it!! π (π KeyWords: python, hangman gameπ)Sales-Prediction
π± Predicting Number of Sales per Product π±PYTHON-CALCULATOR
π A terminal calculator developed with Python to you do any calcs you need π (π KeyWords: python, calculator π)python-stenography
π Simple Python script to make Stenography in Images πPYTHON-NEWBIE-DATASCIENCE
πͺπ My first Data Science analysis, withou Machine and Deep Learning, just the analysis even. See, check and tell me how to upgrade my skills about this area, please!! πͺπ (π KeyWords: python, jupyter notebook, data science π)HTML-CSS-JAVASCRIPT-ANNOTEME
π Do you have a lotta tasks to do everyday and needa remember each of them? Don't worry, AnnoteMe arrived, arrived nailing it like TubeMe!! π (π KeyWords: html, css, javascript, tasksπ)UML
π There are just some UML I made with To save it in GitHub, I needed create a new Public Repo and, shazam! It's here. π (π KeyWords:, uml, diagram π)HTML-CSS-JAVASCRIPT-PHP-NATURE-CONSCIOUSNESS
π The Nature is calling... The nature is calling out for us! Let's preserve the nature and catch the future!! π (π KeyWords: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, WebSite, Nature π)HOW-TO-DO-INSTAGRAM-PORTFOLIO
π Public Codes and Projects shared in my Instagram's Account (C0dePlus) and Portfolio π (π KeyWords: html, css, js, python, java, c#, cypher, sql π)JAVA-JSP-HTML-CSS-JAVASCRIPT-JQUERY-SORT-GENERATOR
βπ Have you a lotta unsorted datas? Use Sort Generator, turn you life easy!! πβ (π KeyWords: Java, JSP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery π)NodeJS-WhatsApp-Telegram-Bot
π€ Hello WhatsApp, Hello Telegram, I'm alive!! π€ (π KeyWords: telegram-bot, whatsapp-bot, telegram-api, venom-bot, bot, nodejs, neo4j, javascript π)vs-code-user-settings
π± My Personal VS Code Settings π±be-the-hero
π± Project created in Omnistack 2020 Event π±vs-code-setting-files
π± Explanation about the Settings Files on Visual Studio Code to work with NodeJS in back-end!! π±easy-barber
π± Application to Schedule Haircuts π±DataScience-Exercises
π Just some DataScience exercises, nothing more... π (π KeyWords: python, data science, data analysis, pandas π)react-guide
π± A Simple React Guide for Myself π±Housing-Price-Competition
π± Predicting Ames House Prices π±CSHARP-RSA-ALGORITHM
π₯ Your message is saved, Your message is secure, Your message is encripted!! π₯ (π KeyWords: C#, C Sharp, RSA Algorithm π)Data-Science-Mental-Maps
π Mental Maps Related to Contents in Data Science πTHE-LAST-APS
π There are just some UML I made with To save it in GitHub, I needed create a new Public Repo and, shazam! It's here. π (π KeyWords:, uml, diagram π)JAVA-SQL-TRASH-COLLECTOR
β Catch the trashes and let's recycle!! β (π KeyWords: Java, SQL, Recycle π)kick-shoes
π± React application to sell shoes π±PWA-Template
π Simple template to transform your web projects int PWAs. π (π KeyWords: PWA, template, progressive web application π)dashboard-us-stores-sales
π₯ Just to education goals, please, doesn't use it to bad purposes!! π₯ (π KeyWords: C#, C Sharp, RSA Algorithm, Fermat's Method π)spaceship-titanic-competition
π Predicting whether Passenger has been Transported to Another Dimension πreact-native-guide
π± A Simple React-Native Guide for Myself π±Employees-Annual-Salary-in-Chicago
π₯ Tony Stark has Jarvis and Friday, I have CUMI!! You don't need more my words to describe this project, no? π₯ (π KeyWords: C#, C Sharp, Virtual Assistant π)PYTHON-DATASCIENCE-ACADEMY-CHALLENGES
πͺπ Easy challenges about Data Science. I dare you try to solve too!! πͺπ (π KeyWords: python, jupyter notebook, data science π)PYTHON-WEBSITE-BLOCKER
π If you wanna block any website without pay a software or configure your internet network, you are in the right repo!! π (π KeyWords: python, website-blocker π)ml-algorithms
π± Machine and Deep Learning Algorithms Info π±more-than-blog
π Extract Texts from Images πsimple-chat-bot
π¬ Simple Chat Bot made in Python π¬webcam-picture
π· Take Pictures with your Webcam πΈquantum-studies
π§ͺ Quantum and Physics Particles Studies π§ͺdata-science-studies
π Data Science Studies that I update once in a blue moon πsympy-tutorial
π Sympy Tutorial πprime-numbers-statistical-analysis
π’ Just a Prime Numbers Analysis π’audio-to-text
π Extract Text from Audios πfaker-dataset
π Fake Dataset generated via Faker Python Library πsimple-projects-skeleton
π Skeleton for Simple Web Projects πfast-feet
π± Application to Manage Products Delivery π±licenses
βοΈ Quick reminder to when to use some Linceses βοΈgithub-notes
π± Repo to check how to make Notes in Markdownanime-data-scrapper
βοΈ Web Scrapper of MyAnimeList data using Jikan API βοΈjulia-basics
π‘ Basic Concepts in Julia Language π‘i-am-sorry
π₯Ή Simple code to ask for forgiveness to your friendsscan-me
β E-Commerce and Bots (Whatsapp and Telegram) done with Java and NodeJS βsolidity-course
π₯¬ Solidity Course Contents π₯¬stocks-dataset-merger
π Stocks Prices Datasets Merger πLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us