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  • Created about 13 years ago
  • Updated over 12 years ago


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Repository Details

I write this while I dig into sinatra source code myself. Please correct me if you find any mistakes or unclarity. Since Sinatra is short and concise, I hope the tutorial makes sense and it can keep pace with sinatra development with contributions from the community. The tutorial is prepared based on Sinatra 1.3.0c.

Sinatra is added as a git submodule in the sinatra folder. As this tutorial is for sinatra, I don't include the full rack source. I only list some relevant code based on rack 1.2.2 (https://github.com/rack/rack/tree/1.2.2). If you need I recommend to use tux to play with sinatra https://github.com/cldwalker/tux

It's assumed that you have read the sinatra README. Sinatra is well documented so that's the only thing you need for this tutorial.
