Guide For Front-end Developers
This project is based on gitbook service to organize and share front-end knowledges. It is a guide to help front-end freshman to learning front-end knowledges, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js etc. What's more, some advanced topics will also be discussed in this project, such as React, Koa etc. In order to improve the quality of knowledge points, lots of relevant links will be given for you to reference.
The Gitbook Address:
Learning Tips
For freshman, we suggests:
Learn the actual underlying technologies, before learning abstractions. Don't learn jQuery, learn the DOM. Don't learn SASS, learn CSS. Don't learn HAML, learn HTML. Don't learn CoffeeScript, learn JavaScript. Don't learn Handlebars, learn JavaScript ES6 templates. Don't just use Bootstrap, learn UI patterns. When getting your start, you should fear most things that conceal complexity. -- Kyle Simpson
本项目作为一份前端学习的指南,内容主要包括前端学习所包括的主要知识,例如HTML、CSS、JavaScript等基础内容, 还包括一些前端高级技术,例如常用的前端框架等。
本项目已经重构为 Gitbook 免费书籍,后续会对整体内容进行重新整理。
Relevant links
- Quora: What are the best resources for learning JavaScript?
- 知乎中一些值得推荐的前端领域相关问答
- 知乎:有哪些关于前端技术的推荐书籍
- 前端知识体系
- JavaScript之路(包含大量学习资源)
- 一些前端面试题
Useful Online Services
- IDE: Sublime、WebStorm、Visual Studio Code、Atom
- W3C:HTML规范验证服务
- 浏览器兼容性查询:Can I Use
- 图像占位符服务
- Web字体托管服务:FontSquirrel | Google Fonts
- Web颜色生成器
- 跨浏览器测试工具modern.IE
- BootCDN: 稳定、快速、免费的开源项目 CDN 服务