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  • Created about 8 years ago
  • Updated over 7 years ago


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🎉 Bring SQL console to Slack

#Slack-SQL screenshot

Install PyGreSQL using pip

The query execution is based on PostgreSQL's python library -- PyGreSQL, it needs to be installed on the server first.

  • On terminal, open bash
  $sudo bash
  • Adding system variables
  $export CFLAGS=-Qunused-arguments
  $export CPPFLAGS=-Qunused-arguments
  • Install
  $pip install PyGreSQL

Install PyGreSQL from source

go into PostgreSQL-5.0 folder, type the folowing commands

python setup.py build
python setup.py install

Set up:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Config your database name, host, port, user name, and password in connection.py
db = DB(dbname='',host='',port= ,user='',passwd='')
  1. Deploy this to server(For example, Heroku).
  2. Add this integration to your Slack. Specify your url in the Slack integration URL.
  3. All set!

Deploy to Heroku


Slack example command:

  • create table:
  /sql create table users(id primary key, name varchar, email varchar, age int)
  • Insert data:
  /sql insert into users values(1, 'Seth Wang')
  • selection:
  /sql select users.name from users where id=1
  • deletion
  /sql delete from users where id=2