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Repository Details

👷 Redis-backed library for creating background jobs in Go. Placing jobs in multiple queues, and process them later asynchronously.

Gores Build Status Go Report Card

An asynchronous job execution system based on Redis


Get the package

$ go get github.com/wang502/gores/gores

Import the package

import "github.com/wang502/gores/gores"


Start local Redis server

$ git clone [email protected]:antirez/redis.git
$ cd redis
$ ./src/redis-server


Add a config.json in your project folder

  "RedisURL": "",
  "RedisPassword": "mypassword",
  "BlpopMaxBlockTime" : 1,
  "MaxWorkers": 2,
  "Queues": ["queue1", "queue2"],
  "DispatcherTimeout": 5,
  "WorkerTimeout": 5
  • RedisURL: Redis server address. If you run in a local Redis, the dafault host is
  • RedisPassword: Redis password. If the password is not set, then password can be any string.
  • BlpopMaxBlockTime: Blocking time when calling BLPOP command in Redis.
  • MaxWorkers: Maximum number of concurrent workers, each worker is a separate goroutine that execute specific task on the fetched item.
  • Queues: Array of queue names on Redis message broker.
  • DispatcherTimeout: Duration dispatcher will wait to dispatch new job before quitting.
  • WorkerTimeout: Duration worker will wait to process new job before quitting.

Initialize config

configPath := flag.String("c", "config.json", "path to configuration file")
config, err := gores.InitConfig(*configPath)

Enqueue job to Redis queue

A job is a Go map. It is required to have several keys:

  • Name: name of the item to enqueue, items with different names are mapped to different tasks.
  • Queue: name of the queue you want to put the item in.
  • Args: the required arguments that you need in order for the workers to execute those tasks.
  • Enqueue_timestamp: the Unix timestamp of when the item is enqueued.
gores := gores.NewGores(config)
job := map[string]interface{}{
  "Name": "Rectangle",
  "Queue": "TestJob",
  "Args": map[string]interface{}{
                "Length": 10,
                "Width": 10,
  "Enqueue_timestamp": time.Now().Unix(),

err = gores.Enqueue(job)
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("ERROR Enqueue item to Gores")
$ go run main.go -c ./config.json -o produce

Define tasks

package tasks

// task for item with 'Name' = 'Rectangle'
// calculating the area of an rectangle by multiplying Length with Width
func CalculateArea(args map[string]interface{}) error {
    var err error

    length := args["Length"]
    width := args["Width"]
    if length == nil || width == nil {
        err = errors.New("Map has no required attributes")
        return err
    fmt.Printf("The area is %d\n", int(length.(float64)) * int(width.(float64)))
    return err

Launch workers to consume items and execute tasks

tasks := map[string]interface{}{
              "Item": tasks.PrintItem,
              "Rectangle": tasks.CalculateArea,
gores.Launch(config, &tasks)
$ go run main.go -c ./config.json -o consume

The output will be:

The rectangle area is 100

Info about processed/failed job

gores := gores.NewGores(config)
if gores == nil {
    log.Fatalf("gores is nil")

info, err := gores.Info()
if err != nil {

for k, v := range info {
    switch v.(type) {
    case string:
      fmt.Printf("%s : %s\n", k, v)
    case int:
      fmt.Printf("%s : %d\n", k, v)
    case int64:
      fmt.Printf("%s : %d\n", k, v)

The output will be:

Gores Info:
queues : 2
workers : 0
failed : 0
host :
pending : 0
processed : 1


Please feel free to suggest new features. Also open to pull request!