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Virginia Tech Vision and Learning Reading Group

Virginia Tech Vision and Learning Reading Group


  • Reading Group: Thursday 12PM - 1PM, On Zoom (link sent in weekly email)

Table of Contents

Current Schedule

Reading Group: Thursday 12PM - 1PM, On Zoom (link sent in weekly email)

Please let Lowell know what paper you are going to present and provide your summary by the end of the day on the Tuesday before your presentation.

This semester we will have one presenter each week. Presentation duration is left up to the presenter (as long as it spans no more than one hour).

Date Presenters Topic
02/11 Badour AlBahar Pose-Guided Human Animation from a Single Image in the Wild [Yoon et al.]
02/18 - Meeting Canceled (Inclement Weather)
02/25 - No Meeting (Spring Break Day)
03/04 Xuan Luo Computational Time Machine (Invited Talk)
03/11 - No Meeting (ICCV)
03/18 - No Meeting (ICCV)
03/25 Yuliang Zou
Yue Feng
Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision [Radford et al.]
Learning Continuous Image Representation with Local Implicit Image Function [Chen et al.]
04/01 Qitong Wang UniT: Multimodal Multitask Learning with a Unified Transformer [Hu and Singh]
04/08 Yiran Xu Labels4Free: Unsupervised Segmentation using StyleGAN
04/15 Eric Bianchi
Lowell Weissman
StyleSpace Analysis: Disentangled Controls for StyleGAN Image Generation [Wu et al.]
CURL: Contrastive Unsupervised Representations for Reinforcement Learning [Srinivas et al.]
04/22 Cong Chen Point Transformer [Zhao et al.]
04/29 Chen Gao
Xiaolong Li
Hierarchical Motion Understanding via Motion Programs [Kulal et al.]
Do 2D GANs Know 3D Shape? Unsupervised 3D Shape Reconstruction from 2D Image GANs [Pan et al.]
05/06 Erika Lu Omnimatte: Associating Objects and Their Effects in Video [Lu et al.] (Invited Author)

Previous Meetings

Mailing List

We use Google Groups to manage the mailing list: (link). You can click "Join Group" when you sign in with your Virginia Tech account.


Please let Lowell know what paper you are going to present and provide your summary by the end of the day on the Tuesday before your presentation. Also, please send your slides or a link to them once you finish preparing them.

Please contact Lowell (lowell6 -at- vt.edu) if you want to be a presenter this semester!

Related Links


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Advanced CV courses


How is the presenters' order generated?

The presenters' order is generated from the presenters' list in a FIFO manner (but the list is initially generated randomly).

Who is responsible if I can not present at the scheduled time?


What should I do if I can not present at the scheduled time?

As early as possible, let the group organizer (lowell6 -at- vt.edu) know about your situation. Also contact other presenters to see if they are willing to swap dates with you.

I have a question not listed here...

Then ask by sending an e-mail to the mailing list (vt-vision-and-learning-reading-group-g -at- vt.edu).

About Us

How it works?

We are a group that meets about once a week to discuss one to three relevant papers. For every meeting, one person will be in charge of selecting the paper(s) for that meeting, thoroughly understanding the work, and leading the discussion (either informally or via a presentation, whatever the leader thinks is best). The rest of the members will read over the paper(s) beforehand to gain a basic idea of the work. Then, on the day of the meeting, we will discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and techniques of the paper(s).

NOTE: Please tell the group organizer (lowell6 -at- vt.edu) which paper(s) you are going to present, and summarize the paper/talk in several sentences, before the Tuesday of that week.

What we read?

We will be reading papers appearing in the leading computer vision conferences (e.g., CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia) and machine learning conferences (e.g., NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, UAI, AAAI, IJCAI, AISTATS). Members are free to choose which paper(s) they will present (we can also provide suggestions), thus the specific topics will vary based on the members' interests.

Who can join?

We are open to everyone who is interested, whether you are an undergrad, a grad student, or VT staff, regardless of department. Anyone else in the Blacksburg area is also welcome. As long as you are interested in learning more about the fields (by reading cutting-edge research papers), you are welcome to join.

Suggested Papers

We maintain a pool of suggested papers here.

Credits: The contents and formats were modified from VT CVMLP Reading Group.