This project ended a long time ago, in 2015.
At the time of writing, March 2018, I do not even own resrc.io
Indexing and gathering all freely available learning resources.
Installing and running the project
- Git
- Python >=2.6
- pip
- virtualenv
- compass
- bower (requires npm)
- Elasticsearch
- foundation (
gem install foundation
1. Installation
Run the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/vhf/resrc.git
cd resrc
virtualenv2 -p /usr/bin/python2 venv --distribute
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python2 manage.py syncdb
python2 manage.py migrate
2. Compiling the CSS
cd assets
foundation update
compass compile
3. Installing the JS assets
cd assets
bower install
4. Launch the server
python2 manage.py runserver
Then browse to http://localhost:8000
Fork and work on your own branch, submit pull-requests.
Main work branch is resrc/master. Production branch is resrc/prod.
Running the tests
First, install the requirements_dev : pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
Then, to run the tests, simply run fab test
. Alternatively, if you want the tests to run
everytime you modify a file, run ./watchmedo.sh
- 0.8.4 - Removes Disqus. No more comments
- 0.8.3 - Implements a full-text search engine with ElasticSearch
- 0.8.2 - Upgrade to Zurb Foundation 5
- 0.8.1 - Less dead code, more tests
- 0.8.0 - Display version in footer