The HaskellR project
- Website:
- Mailing list: Google Groups
The HaskellR project provides an environment for efficiently processing data using Haskell or R code, interchangeably. HaskellR allows Haskell functions to seamlessly call R functions and vice versa. It provides the Haskell programmer with the full breadth of existing R libraries and extensions for numerical computation, statistical analysis and machine learning.
Getting Started & Documentation
All documentation is available on the HaskellR website.
Developing HaskellR
This project uses Stack. See the stack documentation for further information on how to build, run tests and benchmarks, or build the API documentation. You can do all of that at once with
$ stack build --test --haddock --bench
Optionally, pass in the --nix
flag to all commands if you have the
Nix package manager installed. Nix can populate a local build
environment including all necessary system dependencies without
touching your global filesystem. Use it as a cross-platform
alternative to Docker.
Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Amgen, Inc. Copyright (c) 2015-2022 Tweag I/O Limited.
All rights reserved.
HaskellR is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.