Note that everything is experimental and may change significantly at any time.
This repository collects Kubernetes manifests combined with documentation and scripts to provide easy to deploy experience for Thanos on Kubernetes.
The content of this project is written in jsonnet. This project could both be described as a package as well as a library.
In order to just try out this stack, start kind with the following command:
$ kind create cluster
This project is intended to be used as a library (i.e. the intent is not for you to create your own modified copy of this repository).
Though for a quickstart a compiled version of the Kubernetes manifests generated with this library (specifically with example.jsonnet
) is checked into this repository in order to try the content out quickly. To try out the stack un-customized run:
- Simply create the stack:
$ kubectl create ns thanos
$ kubectl create -f manifests/
- And to teardown the stack:
$ kubectl delete -f manifests/
Customizing kube-thanos
This section:
- describes how to customize the kube-thanos library via compiling the kube-thanos manifests yourself (as an alternative to the Quickstart section).
- still doesn't require you to make a copy of this entire repository, but rather only a copy of a few select files.
The content of this project consists of a set of jsonnet files making up a library to be consumed.
Install this library in your own project with jsonnet-bundler (the jsonnet package manager):
$ mkdir my-kube-thanos; cd my-kube-thanos
$ jb init # Creates the initial/empty `jsonnetfile.json`
# Install the kube-thanos dependency
$ jb install github.com/thanos-io/kube-thanos/jsonnet/kube-thanos@main # Creates `vendor/` & `jsonnetfile.lock.json`, and fills in `jsonnetfile.json`
can be installed withgo get github.com/jsonnet-bundler/jsonnet-bundler/cmd/jb
An e.g. of how to install a given version of this library:
jb install github.com/thanos-io/kube-thanos/jsonnet/kube-thanos@main
In order to update the kube-thanos dependency, simply use the jsonnet-bundler update functionality:
$ jb update
e.g. of how to compile the manifests: ./build.sh example.jsonnet
before compiling, install
tool withgo get github.com/brancz/gojsontoyaml
Here's example.jsonnet:
local t = import 'kube-thanos/thanos.libsonnet';
// For an example with every option and component, please check all.jsonnet
local commonConfig = {
config+:: {
local cfg = self,
namespace: 'thanos',
version: 'v0.29.0',
image: 'quay.io/thanos/thanos:' + cfg.version,
imagePullPolicy: 'IfNotPresent',
objectStorageConfig: {
name: 'thanos-objectstorage',
key: 'thanos.yaml',
hashringConfigMapName: 'hashring-config',
volumeClaimTemplate: {
spec: {
accessModes: ['ReadWriteOnce'],
resources: {
requests: {
storage: '10Gi',
local i = t.receiveIngestor(commonConfig.config {
replicas: 1,
replicaLabels: ['receive_replica'],
replicationFactor: 1,
// Disable shipping to object storage for the purposes of this example
objectStorageConfig: null,
serviceMonitor: true,
local r = t.receiveRouter(commonConfig.config {
replicas: 1,
replicaLabels: ['receive_replica'],
replicationFactor: 1,
// Disable shipping to object storage for the purposes of this example
objectStorageConfig: null,
endpoints: i.endpoints,
local s = t.store(commonConfig.config {
replicas: 1,
serviceMonitor: true,
local q = t.query(commonConfig.config {
replicas: 1,
replicaLabels: ['prometheus_replica', 'rule_replica'],
serviceMonitor: true,
stores: [s.storeEndpoint] + i.storeEndpoints,
{ ['thanos-store-' + name]: s[name] for name in std.objectFields(s) } +
{ ['thanos-query-' + name]: q[name] for name in std.objectFields(q) } +
{ ['thanos-receive-router-' + resource]: r[resource] for resource in std.objectFields(r) } +
{ ['thanos-receive-ingestor-' + resource]: i[resource] for resource in std.objectFields(i) if resource != 'ingestors' } +
['thanos-receive-ingestor-' + hashring + '-' + resource]: i.ingestors[hashring][resource]
for hashring in std.objectFields(i.ingestors)
for resource in std.objectFields(i.ingestors[hashring])
if i.ingestors[hashring][resource] != null
And here's the build.sh script (which uses vendor/
to render all manifests in a json structure of {filename: manifest-content}
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script uses arg $1 (name of *.jsonnet file to use) to generate the manifests/*.yaml files.
set -e
set -x
# only exit with zero if all commands of the pipeline exit successfully
set -o pipefail
# Make sure to start with a clean 'manifests' dir
rm -rf manifests
mkdir manifests
# optional, but we would like to generate yaml, not json
${JSONNET} -J vendor -m manifests "${1-example.jsonnet}" | xargs -I{} sh -c "cat {} | ${GOJSONTOYAML} > {}.yaml; rm -f {}" -- {}
find manifests -type f ! -name '*.yaml' -delete
# The following script generates all components, mostly used for testing
rm -rf examples/all/manifests
mkdir examples/all/manifests
${JSONNET} -J vendor -m examples/all/manifests "${1-all.jsonnet}" | xargs -I{} sh -c "cat {} | ${GOJSONTOYAML} > {}.yaml; rm -f {}" -- {}
find examples/all/manifests -type f ! -name '*.yaml' -delete
Note you need
(go get github.com/google/go-jsonnet/cmd/jsonnet
) andgojsontoyaml
(go get github.com/brancz/gojsontoyaml
) installed to runbuild.sh
. If you just want json output, not yaml, then you can skip the pipe and everything afterwards.
This script runs the jsonnet code, then reads each key of the generated json and uses that as the file name, and writes the value of that key to that file, and converts each json manifest to yaml.
Apply the kube-thanos stack
The previous steps (compilation) has created a bunch of manifest files in the manifest/ folder.
Now simply use kubectl
to install Thanos as per your configuration:
$ kubectl apply -f manifests/
Check the monitoring namespace (or the namespace you have specific in namespace:
) and make sure the pods are running.