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2.5.0 Released
This version add Support for matte layer and dynamic matte bitmap.
Head on over to Dynamic · Matte Layer
This version add Support for audio step to frame & percentage.
2.3.5 Released
This version fixed SVGAPlayer clearsAfterStop defaults too YES
, Please check your player when it doesn't need to be cleared.
This version fixed SVGAPlayer render issue on iOS 13.1, upgrade to this version ASAP.
SVGAPlayer is a light-weight animation renderer. You use tools to export svga
file from Adobe Animate CC
or Adobe After Effects
, and then use SVGAPlayer to render animation on mobile application.
render animation natively via iOS CoreAnimation Framework, brings you a high-performance, low-cost animation experience.
If wonder more information, go to this website.
Here introduce SVGAPlayer-iOS
usage. Wonder exporting usage? Click here.
Install Via CocoaPods
You want to add pod 'SVGAPlayer', '~> 2.3' similar to the following to your Podfile:
target 'MyApp' do pod 'SVGAPlayer', '~> 2.3' end
Then run a pod install
inside your terminal, or from
Locate files
SVGAPlayer could load svga file from application bundle or remote server.
Using code
Create a SVGAPlayer *player = [[SVGAPlayer alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 200)];
[self.view addSubview:player]; // Add subview by yourself.
instance, parse from bundle like this.
Create a SVGAParser *parser = [[SVGAParser alloc] init];
[parser parseWithNamed:@"posche" inBundle:nil completionBlock:^(SVGAVideoEntity * _Nonnull videoItem) {
} failureBlock:nil];
instance, parse from remote server like this.
Create a SVGAParser *parser = [[SVGAParser alloc] init];
[parser parseWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] completionBlock:^(SVGAVideoEntity * _Nullable videoItem) {
} failureBlock:nil];
, play it as you want.
Set videoItem to [parser parseWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] completionBlock:^(SVGAVideoEntity * _Nullable videoItem) {
if (videoItem != nil) {
player.videoItem = videoItem;
[player startAnimation];
} failureBlock:nil];
use NSURLSession
request remote data via network. You may use following ways to control cache.
Response Header
Server response SVGA files in Body, and response header either. response header has cache-control / etag / expired keys, all these keys telling NSURLSession how to handle cache.
Request NSData By Yourself
If you couldn't fix Server Response Header, You should build NSURLRequest with CachePolicy by yourself, and fetch NSData.
Deliver NSData to SVGAParser, as usual.
Here are many feature samples.
- Replace an element with Bitmap.
- Add text above an element.
- Hides an element dynamicaly.
- Use a custom drawer for element.
Head on over to
Head on over to CHANGELOG