As of November 2019, Stripe has launched an official CLI. Check out the guide to learn about the features and how to get started.
stripe-cli is the command line interface to Stripe.
Offering a friendly, intuitive interface to the entire API via a git-style command suite.
With an emphasis on convenience and productivity and a commitment to pretty, colorful, but most of all READABLE output.
Uses AwesomePrint to provide very readable output on your command line.
$ gem install stripe-cli
For authentication, pass your secret key using the -k
or --key
$ stripe events list -k sk_test_abcdef123456
To use a specific api version, pass in the -v
or --version
$ stripe balance_transactions list -v "2014-08-04"
Explicitly passing in configuration every time is tedious. Avoid it by creating a configuration file that contains this data.
Stripe-CLI will check your home folder (~/) for the existance of a .stripecli
file that conforms to the following example
If this file exists, the specified default configuration is picked up and used automatically.
The current directory is now also checked for the existance of a .stripecli
file. In which case, that file is used instead.
As shown in the above example, you may set multiple configuration environments in a single file. Just make sure to specify a default.
The default environment may be overridden by passing in the -e
or --env
option to any command
$ stripe customers find cust_123 --env=live
If you manage separate Stripe accounts for several projects, I suggest creating a simple .stripecli
at the root of each project declaring the test api key for the appropriate Stripe account.
For example ./.stripecli
key = sk_test_abcdef123456
or, if you'd rather:
default = test
key = sk_test_abcdef123456
key = sk_live_ghijkl789101
If you choose to go this route, make sure to add .stripecli
to your .gitignore
By default, Date/Time stamps are converted automatically to your local machine time. No more Epoch/Unix timestamp garbage!
If you'd prefer to have time Date/Time stamps converted to UTC time, set the config option dates
or -d
to utc
. You can also set it to unix
to see the original Unix timestamp passed from the API. By default, it uses local
Dollars vs. Cents
By default stripe-cli expects currency amounts to be specified in dollars. This behavior maybe unexpected to veteran Stripe users since the raw API expects cents.
To change the expected currency units from dollars to cents, set the config option dollar_amounts
to false
in your .stripecli
dollar_amounts = false
dollar_amounts = false
If not set, this option defaults to true meaning that amounts
should be in dollars
If you need to adjust this setting temporarily, there are global flags which maybe passed to any command
$ stripe charge create --no-dollar-amounts
Amount In Cents: __
$ stripe charge create --dollar-amounts
Amount In Dollars: __
Cleaner Output
It is common to have Stripe objects with many unused attributes. All of these nil-valued attributes can sometimes distract from the output you really care about.
In these cases, you can use the --strip-nils
global option to clean up output significantly.
This option is also congifurable in your .stripecli
file by setting strip_nils = true
General Features & Flexibility
Any parameters accepted by the stripe api are acceptable options to pass into commands, including metadata and the expand
$ stripe charges create --amount=9.98 --description=a\ must\ have --number=4242424242424242 --cvc=123 --exp-month=10 --exp-year=2020
$ stripe charges create --amount=16.72 --token=tok_abc123 --metadata=foo:bar meta:baz --expand=balance_transaction
$ stripe charges create --amount=1 --customer=cus_def456 --no-capture
Interactive Menus
Passing NO (or partial) arguments to any operation, will trigger an interactive menu
$ stripe charge create
Amount In Dollars: __
$ stripe charge create --amount=99
Name on Card: __
$ stripe token create card --card=number:4242424242424242 name:Uther\ Pendragon cvc:911 exp-month:02
Expiration Year: __
cursor-based pagination
for all list
[--starting-after=OBJECT_ID] # The ID of the last object in the previous paged result set.
[--ending-before=OBJECT_ID] # The ID of the first object in the previous paged result set, when paging backwards through the list.
[--limit=LIMIT] # a limit on the number of resources returned, between 1 and 100
Though Stripe advocates using cursor-based pagination, offset-based pagination is still supported.
e.g. fetching a second page
stripe events list --count=10 --offset=10
Exception Recovery
Api errors are rescued and their messages displayed for you to read. No more barfing
to stdout
stripe balance # show currently available & pending balance amounts
stripe cards # find, list, create, & delete cards for both customers & recipients
stripe charges # find, list, create, capture, & refund charges
stripe coupons # find, list, create, & delete coupons
stripe customers # find, list, create, & delete customers
stripe events # find & list events
stripe help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
stripe invoice_items # find, list, create, & delete invoice items
stripe invoices # find, list, pay, & close invoices
stripe plans # find, list, create, & delete plans
stripe recipients # find, list, create, & delete recipients
stripe refunds # find, list, & create refunds
stripe subscriptions # find, list, create, cancel & reactivate multiple subscriptions per customer
stripe tokens # find & create tokens for bank accounts & credit cards
stripe transactions # find & list balance transactions
stripe transfers # find, list, & create transfers
Global Options:
[-k | --key=KEY] # One of your API secret keys, provided by Stripe
[-e | --env=ENV] # expects a `~/.stripecli` file with section headers for any string passed into it
[-v | --version=VERSION] # Stripe API version-date. Looks like `YYYY-MM-DD`
[-d | --dates=DATES] # Date Style. It should be either local, utc, or unix. Defaults to local.
[--dollar-amounts] # configuration flag setting expected currency units to dollars
[--no-dollar-amounts] # configuration flag setting expected currency units to cents
[--strip-nils] # use this flag to strip nil-valued attributes from the output
[--expand=one two three] # one or more ID properties of the response you'd like expanded into full objects
Command Documentation
- Charges
- Tokens
- Cards
- Customers
- Subscriptions
- Invoices
- Invoice Items
- Plans
- Coupons
- Events
- BalanceTransactions
- Recipients
- Refunds
- Transfers
stripe charges capture ID # Capture a charge
stripe charges create # Create a charge
stripe charges find ID # Find a charge
stripe charges help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
stripe charges list # List charges (optionally by customer_id)
stripe charges refund ID # Refund a charge
Charge Capture
stripe charges capture ID
Capture a charge
Charge Create
stripe charges create
[--customer=CUSTOMER] # The ID of an existing customer to charge
[--token | --card=CARD] # credit card Token or ID. May also be created interactively.
[--number | --card-number=CARD_NUMBER] # credit card number. usually 16 digits long
[--exp-month | --card-exp-month=CARD_EXP_MONTH] # Two digit expiration month of card
[--exp-year | --card-exp-year=CARD_EXP_YEAR] # Four digit expiration year of card
[--cvc | --card-cvc=CARD_CVC] # Three or four digit security code located on the back of card
[--name | --card-name=CARD_NAME] # Cardholder's full name as displayed on card
[--amount=N] # Charge amount in dollars (or cents when --no-dollar-amounts)
[--currency=CURRENCY] # 3-letter ISO code for currency
# Default: usd
[--description=DESCRIPTION] # Arbitrary description of charge
[--capture], [--no-capture] # Whether or not to immediately capture the charge. Uncaptured charges expire in 7 days
# Default: true
[--statement-description=STATEMENT_DESCRIPTION] # Displayed alongside your company name on your customer's card statement (15 character max)
[--receipt-email=RECEIPT_EMAIL] # Email address to send receipt to. Overrides default email settings.
[--metadata=key:value] # A key/value store of additional user-defined data
Create a charge
Charge Find
stripe charges find ID
Find a charge
Charges List
stripe charges list
[--starting-after=STARTING_AFTER] # The ID of the last object in the previous paged result set. For cursor-based pagination.
[--ending-before=ENDING_BEFORE] # The ID of the first object in the previous paged result set, when paging backwards through the list.
[--limit=LIMIT] # a limit on the number of resources returned, between 1 and 100
[--offset=OFFSET] # the starting index to be used, relative to the entire list
[--count=COUNT] # deprecated: use limit
[--customer=CUSTOMER] # ID of customer who's charges we want to list
List charges (optionally by customer_id)
Charge Refund
stripe charges refund ID
[--amount=N] # Refund amount in dollars. (or cents when --no-dollar-amounts) defaults to entire charged amount
[--refund-application-fee], # or,
[--no-refund-application-fee] # Whether or not to refund the application fee
[--metadata=key:value] # a key/value store of additional user-defined data
Refund a charge
stripe tokens create TYPE # Create a new token of type TYPE(card or account)
stripe tokens find ID # Find a Token
stripe tokens help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
Token Create
stripe token create TYPE
[--card=key:value] # hash of card params. params may also be provided individually or added interactively.
[--number | --card-number=CARD_NUMBER] # credit card number. usually 16 digits long
[--exp-month | --card-exp-month=CARD_EXP_MONTH] # Two digit expiration month of card
[--exp-year | --card-exp-year=CARD_EXP_YEAR] # Four digit expiration year of card
[--cvc | --card-cvc=CARD_CVC] # Three or four digit security code located on the back of card
[--name | --card-name=CARD_NAME] # Cardholder's full name as displayed on card
[--account | --bank-account=key:value] # hash of account params. params may also be provided individually or added interactively.
[--country=COUNTRY] # country of bank account. currently supports 'US' only
[--routing-number=ROUTING_NUMBER] # ACH routing number for bank account
[--account-number=ACCOUNT_NUMBER] #
create a new token of type TYPE(card or account)
Token Find
stripe token find ID
Find a Token
stripe cards create --owner=OWNER # Create a new card for OWNER (customer or recipient)
stripe cards delete ID --owner=OWNER # Delete ID card for OWNER (customer or recipient)
stripe cards find ID --owner=OWNER # Find ID card for OWNER (customer or recipient)
stripe cards help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
stripe cards list --owner=OWNER # List cards for OWNER (customer or recipient)
Card Create
stripe card create --customer, --recipient, --owner=OWNER
[--token | --card=CARD] # credit card Token or ID. May also be created interactively.
[--number | --card-number=CARD_NUMBER]
[--exp-month | --card-exp-month=EXP_MONTH] # Two digit expiration month of card
[--exp-year | --card-exp-year=EXP_YEAR] # Four digit expiration year of card
[--cvc | --card-cvc=CARD_CVC] # Three or four digit security code located on the back of card
[--name | --card-name=CARD_NAME] # Cardholder's full name as displayed on card
--customer, --recipient, --owner=OWNER # id of customer or recipient receiving new card
create a new card for OWNER (customer or recipient)
Card Delete
stripe card delete ID --owner=OWNER
--owner=OWNER # id of customer or recipient to search within
delete ID card for OWNER (customer or recipient)
Card Find
stripe card find ID --owner=OWNER
--owner=OWNER # id of customer or recipient to search within
find ID card for OWNER (customer or recipient)
Cards List
stripe cards list --owner=OWNER
[--starting-after=STARTING_AFTER] # The ID of the last object in the previous paged result set. For cursor-based pagination.
[--ending-before=ENDING_BEFORE] # The ID of the first object in the previous paged result set, when paging backwards through the list.
[--limit=LIMIT] # a limit on the number of resources returned, between 1 and 100
[--offset=OFFSET] # the starting index to be used, relative to the entire list
[--count=COUNT] # deprecated: use limit
--owner=OWNER # id of customer or recipient to search within
List cards for OWNER (customer or recipient)
stripe customers create # Create a new customer
stripe customers delete ID # Delete a customer
stripe customers find ID # Find a customer
stripe customers help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
stripe customers list # List customers
Customer Create
stripe customer create
[--description=DESCRIPTION] # Arbitrary description to be displayed in Stripe Dashboard.
[--email=EMAIL] # Customer's email address. Will be displayed in Stripe Dashboard.
[--plan=PLAN] # The ID of a Plan this customer should be subscribed to. Requires a credit card.
[--coupon=COUPON] # The ID of a Coupon to be applied to all of Customer's recurring charges
[--quantity=QUANTITY] # A multiplier for the plan option. defaults to `1'
[--trial-end=TRIAL_END] # apply a trial period until this date. Override plan's trial period.
[--account-balance=ACCOUNT_BALANCE] # customer's starting account balance in cents. A positive amount will be added to the next invoice while a negitive amount will act as a credit.
[--token | --card=CARD] # credit card Token or ID. May also be created interactively.
[--number | --card-number=CARD_NUMBER] # credit card number. usually 16 digits long
[--exp-month | --card-exp-month=CARD_EXP_MONTH] # Two digit expiration month of card
[--exp-year | --card-exp-year=CARD_EXP_YEAR] # Four digit expiration year of card
[--cvc | --card-cvc=CARD_CVC] # Three or four digit security code located on the back of card
[--name | --card-name=CARD_NAME] # Cardholder's full name as displayed on card
[--metadata=key:value] # a key/value store of additional user-defined data
Create a new customer
Customer Delete
stripe customer delete ID
Delete a customer
Customer Find
stripe customer find ID
Find a customer
Customers List
stripe customers list
[--starting-after=STARTING_AFTER] # The ID of the last object in the previous paged result set. For cursor-based pagination.
[--ending-before=ENDING_BEFORE] # The ID of the first object in the previous paged result set, when paging backwards through the list.
[--limit=LIMIT] # a limit on the number of resources returned, between 1 and 100
[--offset=OFFSET] # the starting index to be used, relative to the entire list
[--count=COUNT] # deprecated: use limit
List customers
stripe subscriptions cancel ID --customer=CUSTOMER # cancel ID subscription for CUSTOMER customer
stripe subscriptions create --customer=CUSTOMER # create a subscription for CUSTOMER customer
stripe subscriptions find ID --customer=CUSTOMER # find ID subscription for CUSTOMER customer
stripe subscriptions help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
stripe subscriptions list --customer=CUSTOMER # List subscriptions for CUSTOMER customer
stripe subscriptions reactivate ID --customer=CUSTOMER # reactivate auto-renewal if `cancel-at-period-end` was set to true
Subscription Cancel
stripe subscription cancel ID c, --customer=CUSTOMER
[--at-period-end], [--no-at-period-end] # delay cancellation until end of current period, default: false
c, --customer=CUSTOMER # ID of customer who's subscription we want to cancel
cancel ID subscription for CUSTOMER customer
Subscription Create
stripe subscription create c, --customer=CUSTOMER
[--plan=PLAN] # the plan to assign to CUSTOMER customer
[--coupon=COUPON] # id of a coupon to apply
[--trial-end=TRIAL_END] # apply a trial period until this date. Override plan's trial period.
[--token | --card=CARD] # credit card Token or ID. May also be created interactively.
[--number | --card-number=CARD_NUMBER] # credit card number. usually 16 digits long
[--exp-month | --card-exp-month=CARD_EXP_MONTH] # Two digit expiration month of card
[--exp-year | --card-exp-year=CARD_EXP_YEAR] # Four digit expiration year of card
[--cvc | --card-cvc=CARD_CVC] # Three or four digit security code located on the back of card
[--name | --card-name=CARD_NAME] # Cardholder's full name as displayed on card
[--metadata=key:value] # a key/value store of additional user-defined data
-c, --customer=CUSTOMER # ID of customer receiving the new subscription
create a subscription for CUSTOMER customer
Subscription Find
stripe subscription find ID -c, --customer=CUSTOMER
-c, --customer=CUSTOMER # ID of customer to search within
find ID subscription for CUSTOMER customer
Subscriptions List
stripe subscriptions list -c, --customer=CUSTOMER
[--starting-after=STARTING_AFTER] # The ID of the last object in the previous paged result set. For cursor-based pagination.
[--ending-before=ENDING_BEFORE] # The ID of the first object in the previous paged result set, when paging backwards through the list.
[--limit=LIMIT] # a limit on the number of resources returned, between 1 and 100
[--offset=OFFSET] # the starting index to be used, relative to the entire list
[--count=COUNT] # deprecated: use limit
-c, --customer=CUSTOMER # ID of customer who's subscriptions we want to list
List subscriptions for CUSTOMER customer
Subscription Reactivate
stripe subscription reactivate ID -c, --customer=CUSTOMER
-c, --customer=CUSTOMER # ID of customer who's subscription we want to reactivate
reactivate auto-renewal if `cancel-at-period-end` was set to true
stripe invoices close ID # Close an unpaid invoice
stripe invoices find ID # Find an invoice
stripe invoices help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
stripe invoices list # List invoices (optionally by customer_id)
stripe invoices pay ID # trigger an open invoice to be paid immediately
stripe invoices upcoming CUSTOMER # find the upcoming invoice for CUSTOMER
Invoice Close
stripe invoice close ID
close an unpaid invoice
Invoice Find
stripe invoice find ID
Find an invoice
Invoices List
stripe invoice list
[--starting-after=STARTING_AFTER] # The ID of the last object in the previous paged result set. For cursor-based pagination.
[--ending-before=ENDING_BEFORE] # The ID of the first object in the previous paged result set, when paging backwards through the list.
[--limit=LIMIT] # a limit on the number of resources returned, between 1 and 100
[--offset=OFFSET] # the starting index to be used, relative to the entire list
[--count=COUNT] # deprecated: use limit
[--customer=CUSTOMER] # a customer ID to filter results by
List invoices (optionally by customer_id)
Invoice Pay
stripe invoice pay ID
trigger an open invoice to be paid immediately
Invoice Upcoming
stripe invoice upcoming CUSTOMER
find the upcoming invoice for CUSTOMER
Invoice Items
stripe invoice-items create # Create a new invoice item for customer
stripe invoice-items delete ID # Delete a invoice item
stripe invoice-items find ID # Find an invoice item
stripe invoice-items help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
stripe invoice-items list # List invoice items (optionally by customer_id)
Invoice Item Create
stripe invoice-item create
[--customer=CUSTOMER] # The ID of customer for the invoice item
[--amount=N] # Amount in dollars (or cents when --no-dollar-amounts)
[--currency=CURRENCY] # 3-letter ISO code for currency
# Default: usd
[--description=DESCRIPTION] # Arbitrary description of charge
[--invoice=INVOICE] # The ID of an existing invoice to add this invoice item to
[--subscription=SUBSCRIPTION] # The ID of a subscription to add this invoice item to
[--discountable], [--no-discountable] # Controls whether discounts apply to this invoice item
[--metadata=key:value] # A key/value store of additional user-defined data
Create a new invoice item for customer
Invoice Item Delete
stripe invoice-item delete ID
Delete a invoice item
Invoice Item Find
stripe invoice-item find ID
Find an invoice item
Invoice Item List
stripe invoice-items list
[--starting-after=STARTING_AFTER] # The ID of the last object in the previous paged result set. For cursor-based pagination.
[--ending-before=ENDING_BEFORE] # The ID of the first object in the previous paged result set, when paging backwards through the list.
[--limit=LIMIT] # a limit on the number of resources returned, between 1 and 100
[--offset=OFFSET] # the starting index to be used, relative to the entire list
[--count=COUNT] # deprecated: use limit
[--customer=CUSTOMER] # ID of customer who's invoice items we want to list
List invoice items (optionally by customer_id)
stripe plans create # Create a new plan
stripe plans delete ID # Delete a plan
stripe plans find ID # Find a plan
stripe plans help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
stripe plans list # List plans
Plan Create
stripe plans create
[--name=NAME] # Name displayed on invoices and in the Dashboard
[--id=ID] # Unique name used to identify this plan when subscribing a customer
[--amount=N] # Amount in dollars (or cents when --no-dollar-amounts)
[--interval=INTERVAL] # Billing frequency
# Possible values: day, week, month, year
# Default: month
[--interval-count=N] # The number of intervals between each subscription billing.
# Default: 1
[--currency=CURRENCY] # 3-letter ISO code for currency
# Default: usd
[--trial-period-days=N] # Number of days to delay a customer's initial bill
# Default: 0
[--metadata=key:value] # a key/value store of additional user-defined data
Create a new plan
Plan Delete
stripe plans delete ID
Delete a plan
Plan Find
stripe plans find ID
Find a plan
Plans List
stripe plans list
[--starting-after=STARTING_AFTER] # The ID of the last object in the previous paged result set. For cursor-based pagination.
[--ending-before=ENDING_BEFORE] # The ID of the first object in the previous paged result set, when paging backwards through the list.
[--limit=LIMIT] # a limit on the number of resources returned, between 1 and 100
[--offset=OFFSET] # the starting index to be used, relative to the entire list
[--count=COUNT] # deprecated: use limit
List plans
stripe coupons create # Create a new Coupon
stripe coupons delete ID # Delete a coupon
stripe coupons find ID # Find a coupon
stripe coupons help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
stripe coupons list # List coupons
Coupon Create
stripe coupon create
[--id=ID] # Unique name to identify this coupon
[--percent-off=N] # a discount of this percentage of the subtotal
[--amount-off=N] # a discount of this amount. Regardless of the subtotal
[--duration=DURATION] # describes how long to apply the discount
# Possible values: forever, once, repeating
[--redeem-by=REDEEM_BY] # last acceptable date to redeem coupon.
[--max-redemptions=N] # The maximum number of times this coupon may be redeemed
[--duration-in-months=DURATION_IN_MONTHS] # number of months to apply the discount. *Only if `duration` is `repeating`
[--currency=CURRENCY] # 3-letter ISO code for currency
# Default: usd
[--metadata=key:value] # a key/value store of additional user-defined data
Create a new Coupon
Coupon Delete
stripe coupon delete ID
Delete a coupon
Coupon Find
stripe coupon find ID
Find a coupon
Coupons List
stripe coupons list
[--starting-after=STARTING_AFTER] # The ID of the last object in the previous paged result set. For cursor-based pagination.
[--ending-before=ENDING_BEFORE] # The ID of the first object in the previous paged result set, when paging backwards through the list.
[--limit=LIMIT] # a limit on the number of resources returned, between 1 and 100
[--offset=OFFSET] # the starting index to be used, relative to the entire list
[--count=COUNT] # deprecated: use limit
List coupons
stripe events find ID # Find a event
stripe events help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
stripe events list # List events
Event Find
stripe event find ID
Find a event
Events List
stripe events list
[--starting-after=STARTING_AFTER] # The ID of the last object in the previous paged result set. For cursor-based pagination.
[--ending-before=ENDING_BEFORE] # The ID of the first object in the previous paged result set, when paging backwards through the list.
[--limit=LIMIT] # a limit on the number of resources returned, between 1 and 100
[--offset=OFFSET] # the starting index to be used, relative to the entire list
[--count=COUNT] # deprecated: use limit
[--object-id=OBJECT_ID] # only list events pertaining to the object with this ID
[--type=TYPE] # only list events of type TYPE
List events
stripe transactions find ID # Find a transaction
stripe transactions help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
stripe transactions list [TYPE] # List transactions, optionaly filter by type:(charge refund adjustment application_fee application_fee_refund transfer transfer_failure)
Transaction Find
stripe transaction find ID
Find a transaction
Transactions List
stripe transactions list [TYPE]
[--starting-after=STARTING_AFTER] # The ID of the last object in the previous paged result set. For cursor-based pagination.
[--ending-before=ENDING_BEFORE] # The ID of the first object in the previous paged result set, when paging backwards through the list.
[--limit=LIMIT] # a limit on the number of resources returned, between 1 and 100
[--offset=OFFSET] # the starting index to be used, relative to the entire list
[--count=COUNT] # deprecated: use limit
[--type=TYPE] # Possible values: charge, refund, adjustment, application_fee,
[--source=SOURCE] # ...application_fee_refund, transfer, transfer_failure, or all(by default)
List transactions, optionaly filter by TYPE or SOURCE
stripe recipients create # Create a new recipient
stripe recipients delete ID # Delete a recipient
stripe recipients find ID # Find a recipient
stripe recipients help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
stripe recipients list # List recipients
Recipient Create
stripe recipients create
[--name=NAME] # Full legal name of Individual or Corporation
[--type=TYPE] # recipient type, Possible values: individual, corporation
-i, [--individual], [--no-individual] # flag specifying recipient should be of type Individual
-c, [--corporation], [--no-corporation] # flag specifying recipient should be of type Corporation
[--tax-id=N] # Full SSN for individuals or full EIN for corporations
[--email=EMAIL] # Recipient's email address
[--description=DESCRIPTION] # Arbitrary description of recipient
[--account | --bank-account=BANK_ACCOUNT] # dictionary of bank account attributes as 'key':'value' pairs
[--country=COUNTRY] # country of bank account. currently supports 'US' only
[--account-number=ACCOUNT_NUMBER] # account number of bank account. Must be a checking account
[--routing-number=ROUTING_NUMBER] # ACH routing number for bank account
[--token | --card=CARD] # credit card Token or ID. May also be created interactively.
[--number | --card-number=CARD_NUMBER] # credit card number. usually 16 digits long
[--exp-month | --card-exp-month=CARD_EXP_MONTH] # Two digit expiration month of card
[--exp-year | --card-exp-year=CARD_EXP_YEAR] # Four digit expiration year of card
[--cvc | --card-cvc=CARD_CVC] # Three or four digit security code located on the back of card
[--card-name=CARD_NAME] # Cardholder's full name as displayed on card
[--metadata=key:value] # a key/value store of additional user-defined data
create a new recipient. Either an Individual or a Corporation.
Recipient Delete
stripe recipients delete ID
delete a recipient
Recipient Find
stripe recipients find ID
Find a recipient
Recipients List
stripe recipients list
[--starting-after=STARTING_AFTER] # The ID of the last object in the previous paged result set. For cursor-based pagination.
[--ending-before=ENDING_BEFORE] # The ID of the first object in the previous paged result set, when paging backwards through the list.
[--limit=LIMIT] # a limit on the number of resources returned, between 1 and 100
[--offset=OFFSET] # the starting index to be used, relative to the entire list
[--count=COUNT] # deprecated: use limit
[--verified], [--no-verified] # Only return recipients that are verified or unverified
List recipients
Though refund
is still a supported operation of the charges
command. The refunds
command offers additional functionality.
stripe refunds create --charge=CHARGE # apply a new refund to CHARGE charge
stripe refunds find ID --charge=CHARGE # Find ID refund of CHARGE charge
stripe refunds help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
stripe refunds list --charge=CHARGE # List refunds for CHARGE charge
Refund Create
stripe refunds create -c, --charge=CHARGE
[--amount=N] # Refund amount in dollars. (or cents when --no-dollar-amounts) defaults to entire charged amount
[--refund-application-fee], # or,
[--no-refund-application-fee] # Whether or not to refund the application fee
[--metadata=key:value] # a key/value store of additional user-defined data
-c, --charge=CHARGE # Id of charge to apply refund
apply a new refund to CHARGE charge
Refund Find
stripe refunds find ID -c, --charge=CHARGE
-c, --charge=CHARGE # Id of charge to search
Find ID refund of CHARGE charge
Refunds List
stripe refunds list -c, --charge=CHARGE
[--starting-after=STARTING_AFTER] # The ID of the last object in the previous paged result set. For cursor-based pagination.
[--ending-before=ENDING_BEFORE] # The ID of the first object in the previous paged result set, when paging backwards through the list.
[--limit=LIMIT] # a limit on the number of resources returned, between 1 and 100
[--offset=OFFSET] # the starting index to be used, relative to the entire list
[--count=COUNT] # deprecated: use limit
-c, --charge=CHARGE # Id of charge to search within
List refunds for CHARGE charge
stripe transfers create # Create a new outgoing money transfer
stripe transfers find ID # Find a transfer
stripe transfers help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
stripe transfers list # List transfers, optionaly filter by recipient or transfer status: ( pending paid failed )
Transfer Create
stripe transfers create
[--amount=AMOUNT] # transfer amount in dollars (or cents when --no-dollar-amounts)
[--recipient=RECIPIENT] # ID of transfer recipient. May also be created interactively.
[--currency=CURRENCY] # Default: usd
[--description=DESCRIPTION] # Arbitrary description of transfer
[--statement_description=STATEMENT_DESCRIPTION] # Displayed alongside your company name on your customer's card statement (15 character max)
[--balance], [--no-balance] # Sugar for specifying that amount should be equal to current balance
[--self], [--no-self] # Sugar for specifying a transfer into your own account
[--metadata=key:value] # A key/value store of additional user-defined data
create a new outgoing money transfer
Transfer Find
stripe transfers find ID
Find a transfer
Transfers List
stripe transfers list
[--starting-after=STARTING_AFTER] # The ID of the last object in the previous paged result set. For cursor-based pagination.
[--ending-before=ENDING_BEFORE] # The ID of the first object in the previous paged result set, when paging backwards through the list.
[--limit=LIMIT] # a limit on the number of resources returned, between 1 and 100
[--offset=OFFSET] # the starting index to be used, relative to the entire list
[--count=COUNT] # deprecated: use limit
[--recipient=RECIPIENT] # limit result set to RECIPIENT's transfers
[--status=STATUS] # filter by transfer status. Possible values: pending, paid, failed
List transfers, optionaly filter by recipient or transfer status: ( pending paid failed )
Transfer Tip:
You can pass the --balance
flag into transfer create
to automatically set transfer amount
equal to your currently available balance.
$ stripe transfer create --balance --recipient=self
Workflow Tip:
Stripe-CLI now tweeks the user-agent header sent with every request.
This adds context to request data as its viewed using the Stripe Dashboard.
It helps in differentiating requests made by application code from those made using the Stripe-CLI gem, which can be helpful, for example when trying to find the source of a phantom API request.
Here is an example of what this looks like in the Stripe Dashboard...
Road Map
command operations- support for
& dispute handling - support creating/updating config file through cli
- plug-able output formating for use in scripts and such
- request a feature you would like via the issue tracker
Pull requests are always welcome and appriciated.
Please report issues, offer suggestions, and voice concerns in the issues tracker.