Headless Android Heap Analyzer
โHa Ha!โ - Nelson
This repository is DEPRECATED
- This project was created to provide a heap dump parser for LeakCanary by repackaging heap dump parsers from other repositories.
- LeakCanary now has its own heap dump parser.
- That parser is available on Maven Central as
HAHA is a Java library to automate the analysis of Android heap dumps.
This project is essentially a repackaging of the work of others to make it available as a small footprint Maven dependency.
To learn how to dump the heap, read the Android documentation. Here's an example:
File heapDumpFile = ...
After dumping the heap, use HAHA to parse and analyze it.
DataBuffer buffer = new MemoryMappedFileBuffer(heapDumpFile);
Snapshot snapshot = Snapshot.createSnapshot(buffer);
// The rest is up to you.
ClassObj someClass = snapshot.findClass("com.example.SomeClass");
Gradle config
dependencies {
compile 'com.squareup.haha:haha:2.1'
HAHA 2.1
- This release updates perflib to the
SHA of the android_platform_tool_base repo. - It also overlays a patched version of
to fix https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/122713143.
HAHA 2.0.4
This release separates out Trove4j from HAHA since Trove4j is available under LGPL 2.1 and HAHA is available under Apache 2.
- This library contains parts of perflib and is available under the same license, Apache v2.
- It contains a repackaged version of Guava
- It has an artifact dependency on a fork of Trove4j ("1.1 with patches from JetBrains") which is available in jcenter under the LGPL 2.1 license.
- The result is merged in an uber-jar (perflib + guava) proguarded to remove unused code and reduce the footprint.
HAHA 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3
- This library contains parts of perflib and is available under the same license, Apache v2.
- It contains a repackaged version of Guava and Trove4j "1.1 with patches from JetBrains"
- Trove4j is available under the LGPL 2.1 license.
- The result is merged in an uber-jar proguarded to remove unused code and reduce the footprint.
HAHA 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3
- The first versions of HAHA were the result of a series of forks:
- Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT) is a Java heap analyzer. It's a standalone GUI built with Eclipse RCP that embeds an engine to parse and analyze heap dumps.
- vshor/mat is a fork of Eclipse Memory Analyzer. It removed a lot of code and changed some of it to make a headless version (no GUI), as well as ignore weak references when finding paths to GC Roots.
- AndroMAT is a fork of vshor/mat and changed the heap dump parsing to support Android specific heap dump format.
- HAHA was originally a fork of AndroMAT. We recreated the lost Git history, kept the bare minimum needed code and packaged it to be releasable on Maven Central.
- MAT is available under the Eclipse Public License v1.0 so HAHA was initially released under that same license.
mvn release:prepare && mvn release:perform